
Ontario Fishing Forums

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very nice guys...im actually picking up a vice today so i can start this adventure, i have a ton of feathers coming my way with goose season opening
Nice stuff CC! Here's a couple of mine.

Nice stuff there Chris...the sparse pattern below is hitting the mark.

As far as heads are concerned...either...some guys don't while others do. Mainly adds weight which is why some guys add lead wrap or wire.
Sometimes a few wraps of polar chenille will build the head nicely.

Been trying to locate for years an old recording of JLH teaching some young upstart about the blues...it includes of course where he says to the kid "it's just a big beat"
Still haven't located it...if you're an audiophile and you have a resource...svp and thanks

ChaseChrome said:
Been trying to locate for years an old recording of JLH teaching some young upstart about the blues...it includes of course where he says to the kid "it's just a big beat"
Still haven't located it...if you're an audiophile and you have a resource...svp and thanks

I'll have a look. Do you have any idea of the date of this recording?