A poll on bowfishing

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Should bow fishing have it's own section

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
Because bow fishing is so different from other forms of recreational fishing should it have it's own section? In light of todays growing C&R ethic does harvesting fish with a bow and arrow belong in a separate section where those that object to it can ignore it? Will a bowfishing section serve to help make OFF a better forum for all?
And next thing we do, we will make sections so that every race of fisherman can be segregated away too?

Bow Fishing is legal, don't like it well too bad. On top of that, instead of having a bow fishing section, since the purpose of fishing is to well catch fish, and the vast majority of fishermen EAT their catch regardless of what kind of "C&R ethics" a vocal minority claim to have, it belongs in with the rest of fishing.

On top of that, just about every bow fishing thread so far has always had "Bow fishing" in the title so, your complaining about what? The fact you and a small vocal group who cannot skip over the threads? Because regardless of what you think a separate bow fishing section will not solve anything, you'll have the same amount of anti-bow fishing replies to threads.

PS. Yes I put "claim to have" because so far, most people I've met in lakes, rivers and streams who claimed to love C&R always kept their catches, and most of the time they try sneaking away with their catch in their back vest pocket or a back pack trying to make sure no one catches them taking it. And web forum members who claim C&R in their Photobucket accounts tend to show they don't really practice either, but still preach it like the Gospel.

, and the vast majority of fishermen EAT their catch regardless of what kind of "C&R ethics" a vocal minority claim to have...........


No comment about bowfishing, but as for C&R, it is actually the norm, with statistics showing over 60% of the fish caught in Canada is released back. Just thought to clear that based on facts and not personal impressions
I think your reading the wrong statistic, the one your thinking of is a 62% survival rate for fish that are out of the water for 30 seconds for a quick unhooking and picture. After 60 seconds, so you can get that picture perfect shot, your looking at a mere 28% survival rate. At which point there is no point even throwing it back into the water, your wasting 2 out of every 3 fish you release.

So unless you got a link, from a VALID source, I'm going to call BS on your statistic.

I couldn't really care either way if it had it's own section or not. I have been browsing this forum for a long time and have recently joined and started posting. The bowfishing threads do not bother me and I tend to agree with JimCanuck, they usually always have "bowfishing" in the title so if you don't want to read it, skip over it.

However, due to the fact that there is a separate section for ice fishing as well as fly fishing, I voted 'Yes' simply because it is a different method of fishing with a different instrument. Hey, at least if there is a separate forum you know that anyone in there will be there for the purpose of bowfishing and hopefully it should cut down on the amount of flack.
Something tells me the Carp Huggers will find their way to the bow fishing section lol.

Im not really sure what this thread was supposed to accomplish, just another way to bring up the bowfishing talk again?

Alright lets go for it!

Cootes Paradise - Carp Barrier

Royal Botanical Gardens - Carp reduction efforts

Humber River - Efforts made to eradicate carp

But Carp arent invasive.........I dare anyone to send an email to ducks unlimited and tell them that carp dont cause damage, they will laugh in your face.

Who cares about ducks, wetlands and fisheries.....All we need is Carp right?
And next thing we do, we will make sections so that every race of fisherman can be segregated away too?

Bow Fishing is legal, don't like it well too bad. On top of that, instead of having a bow fishing section, since the purpose of fishing is to well catch fish, and the vast majority of fishermen EAT their catch regardless of what kind of "C&R ethics" a vocal minority claim to have, it belongs in with the rest of fishing.

On top of that, just about every bow fishing thread so far has always had "Bow fishing" in the title so, your complaining about what? The fact you and a small vocal group who cannot skip over the threads? Because regardless of what you think a separate bow fishing section will not solve anything, you'll have the same amount of anti-bow fishing replies to threads.

PS. Yes I put "claim to have" because so far, most people I've met in lakes, rivers and streams who claimed to love C&R always kept their catches, and most of the time they try sneaking away with their catch in their back vest pocket or a back pack trying to make sure no one catches them taking it. And web forum members who claim C&R in their Photobucket accounts tend to show they don't really practice either, but still preach it like the Gospel.


I find your opposition to bowfishing having it's own section a little bewildering. As an avid carp angler I can tell you that on two other forums when we were offered our own section we gladly accepted . We were delighted to have a section that we could discuss and share with others who enjoyed the same pursuit. The result of having a carp section produced nothing but good for our sport.
To state that there is no the growing C&R ethic is living in denial and is disingenuous to say the least. Yes sometimes people don't always practice what they may preach but that does not validate PS statement. You are throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Just what the heck does this poll have to do with race?
I think your reading the wrong statistic, the one your thinking of is a 62% survival rate for fish that are out of the water for 30 seconds for a quick unhooking and picture. After 60 seconds, so you can get that picture perfect shot, your looking at a mere 28% survival rate. At which point there is no point even throwing it back into the water, your wasting 2 out of every 3 fish you release.

So unless you got a link, from a VALID source, I'm going to call BS on your statistic.


Seems you tend to call whatever that does not suit your liking BS. This was posted a while ago and shows that except Newfoundland and Quebec, in all other provinces the release rate is over 60%,. Overall, considering the total number of fish caught, the norm in Canada is over 60% release (See an article in Ontario Out of Doors, last issue). More credible info?

Just what the heck does this poll have to do with race?
Its the segregating of the section based on you not liking bowfishing that he is referring to, not the use of a poll lol. Just try reading his post a little slower.
Having separate sections for different angling methods seems perfectly fine; if it were applied across the board. But no, there shouldn't be a bowfishing section at least for the reasons argued. But if there was to be a new section I believe it should be something on the lines of "Non-angling fishing methods" (for bow & arrow, spears, dip & seine nets). Or how about a section for Euro-style Carp fishing? :razz:

However, basing it off of C&R makes absolutely no sense, because it can apply to all fishing. Harvesting fish is harvesting fish, doesn't matter what method is used. And then for the other reasoning, if something bothers someone they simply shouldn't partake in it. As Jim said, when a thread is already labelled as something someone doesn't like and they still go out of their way to troll, hijack, embarrass themselves, and more they'll do so regardless in a specified section. How does trying to shelter someone from reality help anything?
PS. Yes I put "claim to have" because so far, most people I've met in lakes, rivers and streams who claimed to love C&R always kept their catches, and most of the time they try sneaking away with their catch in their back vest pocket or a back pack trying to make sure no one catches them taking it. And web forum members who claim C&R in their Photobucket accounts tend to show they don't really practice either, but still preach it like the Gospel.



Man ... I'm starting to think that you have some SERIOUS PROBLEMS (Mental).

You apparently dont know how to follow a time line (Chronological order) or read to well (maybe your just stupid?)

1. I originally SUPPORTED the thread posted on bowfishing (not the practice, but the fact it was legal and people are entiltled to their personal freedoms)

2. Then I stated without any Flaming or Rudeness - that I was not surprised that alot of board members would object.


So... what do you do? Decalared me "Enemy of bowfishing #1" .... began talking about how English is your 3rd Language (but you know it better than me) and started Quoting Dictionary references.

Now you seem to take great efforts in referring to my Photobucket Account and claiming absolutely nonsense.

* Did you see the Target Circles I painted on all my fish?

Seems like you have some ANGER ISSUES.

Envious? Frustrated? ....there is HELP available

Seems like you have some ANGER ISSUES.

Since I have no anger issues, I'm only stating the obvious based on the information available, this appears to be a case of Freudian Projection. Perhaps you have some irrational fear deep down somewhere inside of you? It would explain your posts and writing style rather well actually.

I agree with Yanni on this. I believe having a section on bow fishing is just as fine as there is having a section on fly fishing. However, that decision cannot nor should not be based on the ethics of catch and release!!!! You will never be rid of the haters, so that is something that the people who post in the bow fishing section will need to get over. Just my two cents. Cheers!!!
Having separate sections for different angling methods seems perfectly fine; if it were applied across the board. But no, there shouldn't be a bowfishing section at least for the reasons argued. But if there was to be a new section I believe it should be something on the lines of "Non-angling fishing methods" (for bow & arrow, spears, dip & seine nets). Or how about a section for Euro-style Carp fishing? :razz:

However, basing it off of C&R makes absolutely no sense, because it can apply to all fishing. Harvesting fish is harvesting fish, doesn't matter what method is used. And then for the other reasoning, if something bothers someone they simply shouldn't partake in it. As Jim said, when a thread is already labelled as something someone doesn't like and they still go out of their way to troll, hijack, embarrass themselves, and more they'll do so regardless in a specified section. How does trying to shelter someone from reality help anything?

You make some good points especially the one about "non-angling methods" This is in line with the current Summary of Fishing
Regulations. However with both spearing and bowfishing there is no option for C&R. This makes these two methods stand alone.
As for a Euro-style Carp fishing section there is already a Catfish and Carp section. Also I am unfamiliar with all the methods used in Europe to fish for carp . I can tell you that there are a lot of European methods employed to fish for carp that are out of place here ,as well as just plain illegal here in Ontario. So that point is really of no value.
Once agian I'll state that it is very interesting that the guys that bowfish are against having their own section.
Once agian I'll state that it is very interesting that the guys that bowfish are against having their own section.

Never said I was against it as a whole. I was clear that I was against the intentions and argument put forward to create one in this case. But was also for having a new section, simply to be combined with other non-angling fishing methods; instead of solely bowfishing, which wasn't an option.

Which in my opinion would make a lot more sense due to how current seasons for bow, spear, and dip/seine nets are in Ontario (few months here and there for each method depending on zone and specie). While having a few methods bundled up would provide for organizing those as well (non-angling fishing methods).
Once agian I'll state that it is very interesting that the guys that bowfish are against having their own section.

* Yanni is the ONLY person, who has EVER posted a thread (Report with Pictures) on his PERSONAL EXPERIENCE at Bowfishing CARP on this Site.

( Good for him at doing so! The original post was a good report and the only one of it's kind. It has since taken on a "life of it's own")

The SIGNIFICANCE of the MATH (one person) should be looked at for what it really is: A "one off" different thread.

Spearing Pike is Legal in some areas, Killing Snapping Turtles as well.

If someone posted a thread on these "FISHING METHODS" ... I'm sure many would object as well. (I would)

I've had a chance to do some research and found this SITE (Attached) to be the MOST INFORMATIVE on the subject:


They have a GREAT FORUM to participate in.

There seems to be more than (1) actual participant of the sport on the above mentioned site.

I've had a chance to do some research and found this SITE (Attached) to be the MOST INFORMATIVE on the subject:


They have a GREAT FORUM to participate in.

There seems to be more than (1) actual participant of the sport on the above mentioned site.

And this is still an Ontario fishing forum, it seems rather pointless to participate in an American forum where laws & regulations, as well as user-base differs.

The biggest mistake of using an American site to gather information would be that night bowfishing is illegal in Ontario, where as a significant amount of bowfishers in the US do so at nighttime.

There is still some good information there for people interested to learn. But sharing with Ontarians is fine, thanks though. <_<
And this is still an Ontario fishing forum, it seems rather pointless to participate in an American forum where laws & regulations, as well as user-base differs.

The biggest mistake of using an American site to gather information would be that night bowfishing is illegal in Ontario, where as a significant amount of bowfishers in the US do so at nighttime.

There is still some good information there for people interested to learn. But sharing with Ontarians is fine, thanks though.


If you "GOOGLE" - Ontario Bowfishing Carp, you get literally nothing.
Do the same (but include the American sites) and there's a lot of them!

Since BOWFISHING is Extremely Restricted within the GTA, I can bet there will be very few reports shared.
(Considering 99% of the posts are of local content)

Thus my suggestion (albiet ...with a "touch of sarcasm") for the American Site over OFF.
Lots of info & techniques - Those are universal.


I do commend the "Freshness/ Uniqueness" of the topic.
In about 90 days ... the Board will be lit up with SALMON FLAMING.

Same old debates, Same old hysteria.

And the beat goes on ....

I'm glad I have learned more about BOWFISHING.
Thank you.