A poll on bowfishing

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Should bow fishing have it's own section

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I think that it is only fair that the people that bow fish can post reports, questions or tips on this site and not some American site, the name of the site is not "Ontario Rod and Reel Fishing Forums". Why should continue the trend of little to none information, lets change that and add information! Cheers.


Man ... I'm starting to think that you have some SERIOUS PROBLEMS (Mental).

You apparently dont know how to follow a time line (Chronological order) or read to well (maybe your just stupid?)

1. I originally SUPPORTED the thread posted on bowfishing (not the practice, but the fact it was legal and people are entiltled to their personal freedoms)

2. Then I stated without any Flaming or Rudeness - that I was not surprised that alot of board members would object.


So... what do you do? Decalared me "Enemy of bowfishing #1" .... began talking about how English is your 3rd Language (but you know it better than me) and started Quoting Dictionary references.

Now you seem to take great efforts in referring to my Photobucket Account and claiming absolutely nonsense.

* Did you see the Target Circles I painted on all my fish?

Seems like you have some ANGER ISSUES.

Envious? Frustrated? ....there is HELP available

I dont want to get too much involved in this debate... but from just reading your post it seems like your the one that took Jims comments quite personal. If what Jim said was wrong about you, you could've easily just ignored it like a rational person... but instead your posting youtube videos on how jim should go about seems like you indeed took offense to his arguments.
30 days to the end of bowfishing season.....

*SMILES* ... well at least here in Ontario.

Lots of Opportunities SOUTH of the BORDER.

The "American Websites" are certainly MORE INTERESTING on the topic.

- Lots of Videos & Pics

- Equipment

- Stories and Tips

Compared to the SINGLE FISH that was Posted here, there is no Comparision.

I think we should make a SHRINE to the ONE CARP that was Shot.

Let it be the MARTYR!

Bow-hunting section for aficionados would be the "go-to" source for such a topic. As far as the art of "angling" is concerned, and whether such activity captures bow-hunting/fishing, that may be a topic for discussion elsewhere.

Bow-hunting section for aficionados would be the "go-to" source for such a topic. As far as the art of "angling" is concerned, and whether such activity captures bow-hunting/fishing, that may be a topic for discussion elsewhere.


There is nothing to discuss, I'm afraid . Angling by definition means using a hook and line . Bowfishing can in no way be considered angling. The regs even make the distinction clear.

i want to know if we can "Noodle" here in Ontario legally

by "noodling" i mean sticking your hand into holes and rock crevasses to catch catfish etc..

can we like use bait and hold it in our hand???? like "noodling" for pike with raw chicken livers???

i saws it on tv ya know....its a real "MANLY" sport...cause ya know you could get yah hand stuck in a hole or between the rocks and drowns.

oh yeah it could be like River Monsters and the giant fish swallows ya whole and all!!!

wonder if being inside a giant pike (swallowed whole and all) would be like pinochio from that disney place.

come on Jim and Yanni and Nado we gots to go try "Noodlin" at them Toronto Islands.

we all could try noodlin at night....ya know...its better noodling at night cause i don't wear a bathing suit

i wear the suit i was born in.

"noodling" thats gotta be where its at....bet its on next seasons River Monsters don't hold yer breath see.


If you "GOOGLE" - Ontario Bowfishing Carp, you get literally nothing.
Do the same (but include the American sites) and there's a lot of them!

Since BOWFISHING is Extremely Restricted within the GTA, I can bet there will be very few reports shared.
(Considering 99% of the posts are of local content)

Thus my suggestion (albiet ...with a "touch of sarcasm") for the American Site over OFF.
Lots of info & techniques - Those are universal.


I do commend the "Freshness/ Uniqueness" of the topic.
In about 90 days ... the Board will be lit up with SALMON FLAMING.

Same old debates, Same old hysteria.

And the beat goes on ....

I'm glad I have learned more about BOWFISHING.
Thank you.
oh gee wiz i almost forgots...can we like get one of those separate reports sections or forums just for us "noodlers" .....The Art of Noodlin'...........
There is nothing to discuss, I'm afraid . Angling by definition means using a hook and line . Bowfishing can in no way be considered angling. The regs even make the distinction clear.

Always room for discussion--particularly given the nature of the threads. Besides, just trying to err on the side of diplomacy....perhaps some might take this as advice...
I dont want to get too much involved in this debate... but from just reading your post it seems like your the one that took Jims comments quite personal. If what Jim said was wrong about you, you could've easily just ignored it like a rational person... but instead your posting youtube videos on how jim should go about seems like you indeed took offense to his arguments.

Welcome to the forum--seems you are quite ready to join the fray...btw: Blair has always been a model of respect, courtesy, and a wealth of information (this forum is better for his contributions).
Always room for discussion--particularly given the nature of the threads. Besides, just trying to err on the side of diplomacy....perhaps some might take this as advice...
Thanks for your insight. I definitely agree with the second and third parts of your statement.
here are some points worth considering for this thread.

1. The forum already has alot of sections, adding a section will only make it more difficult to navigate.

2. Adding a section would have the opposite effect that the Carp Huggers are looking to accomplish. Users will come to the site and the Bow Fishing section will be staring them in the face every day and will only serve to increase the level of interest in bowfishing.
The MNR regs clearly seperate Bows, Spears and Nets as non-angling methods of capturing fish. It's limited to daylight hours May to July. Why not give it a nice cosy forum of its own, right next to any other non-fishing related topics.
Why not give it a nice cosy forum of its own, right next to any other non-fishing related topics.

Fishing is fishing, angling is angling. Apparently English and its words are not a strong point to some here.

This forum is "Ontario Fishing Forums", not "Ontario Angling Forums". Bow Fishing is just as much on topic as angling topics are. The MNR considers bow fishing a method of fishing, not angling, and no one here has every attempted to claim bow fishing is a form of angling.

Wait, some people have, those with the emotional issues of bow fishing instead of angling keep comparing the two such as yourself, good job! :rolleyes:

Fishing is fishing, angling is angling. Apparently English and its words are not a strong point to some here.

This forum is "Ontario Fishing Forums", not "Ontario Angling Forums". Bow Fishing is just as much on topic as angling topics are. The MNR considers bow fishing a method of fishing, not angling, and no one here has every attempted to claim bow fishing is a form of angling.

Wait, some people have, those with the emotional issues of bow fishing instead of angling keep comparing the two such as yourself, good job! :rolleyes:


So if bow fishing is just as much a topic as any other topics on here, why are you against it having it's own section, just like any of the others. I am starting to suspect there are other motives here other than promoting a sport and sharing information about it.

Your right Jim! Mr. NADO did exactly that in one of his posts about BFing.
who cares about bow fishing ....its boring....lets talk about noodling...its exciting!.....when will we get our own noodling section???i can't wait!!!i hate being lumped in with these boring bow fishing guys....they have no reports from the toronto area no pictures

do they know how to bow fish???i doubt it or there would be lots of pics of Mr jim with his fish. Hey do bow fishermen have accidents and shoot each other like Dick Chenney shot his hunting buddy???

Do the guys accidentally shoot each other in the boat??? lets check youtube for that. guess it might not be wise to boowfish in an inflatable dingy??? unless you bring a patch kit.
again someone find pics of bowfishermen who accidentally shot each other....
why are you against it having it's own section

Your motives for it having its own section is the reason. Your reasoning for bow fishing to have its own section makes absolutely zero sense. Let me quote you,

Because bow fishing is so different from other forms of recreational fishing should it have it's own section? In light of todays growing C&R ethic does harvesting fish with a bow and arrow belong in a separate section where those that object to it can ignore it? Will a bowfishing section serve to help make OFF a better forum for all?

If it was simply a case of its own section so that people, such as yourself can ignore it, you and your buddies would have the ability to ignore it, and yet, most of the bow fishing replies at the moment is in fact you and your buddies posting against bow fishing, or in the case of this specific thread posting to segregate it.

Seems to me, separate section or not, you guys would not have the ability to keep yourselves out of it, as clearly you cannot keep yourselves from continuously from talking about it. Both in threads talking about bow fishing, and in threads such as this one which was just started to stir the pot.

Sections on forums come about for 2 different reasons, 1) there is enough discussion to warrant such as section, or 2) to compartmentalize something so that the "sensibilities" of the membership don't get hurt. We are clearly at the latter, not the former, and as a moderator and a admin on a few forums over the years, I can assure you that when number 2 happens, my point in my previous paragraph tends to be what happens. The people screaming the loudest about the "need" of a separate section with something that they are not involved in, tend to never grow out of it, and just cause problems in any new section that is created anyway.

Your motives for it having its own section is the reason. Your reasoning for bow fishing to have its own section makes absolutely zero sense. Let me quote you,

If it was simply a case of its own section so that people, such as yourself can ignore it, you and your buddies would have the ability to ignore it, and yet, most of the bow fishing replies at the moment is in fact you and your buddies posting against bow fishing, or in the case of this specific thread posting to segregate it.

Seems to me, separate section or not, you guys would not have the ability to keep yourselves out of it, as clearly you cannot keep yourselves from continuously from talking about it. Both in threads talking about bow fishing, and in threads such as this one which was just started to stir the pot.

Sections on forums come about for 2 different reasons, 1) there is enough discussion to warrant such as section, or 2) to compartmentalize something so that the "sensibilities" of the membership don't get hurt. We are clearly at the latter, not the former, and as a moderator and a admin on a few forums over the years, I can assure you that when number 2 happens, my point in my previous paragraph tends to be what happens. The people screaming the loudest about the "need" of a separate section with something that they are not involved in, tend to never grow out of it, and just cause problems in any new section that is created anyway.


Who's screaming? I remember who occupied the shout box with days of crying because they got caught trolling and had their posts moved to a separate thread. By starting this poll I gave people a chance to voice their opinions. So what is your solution to the issue. More trolling, more fights, more personal attacks.
Your assumption is completely wrong. People who voted for a separate BF section are agreeing with the reasons I gave for creating one. They are saying " You leave us alone,we'll leave you alone." That is very clear. So what are you afraid of? What are you going to lose? I'll tell you what you are afraid of and I'll tell you what you are going to lose. You are afraid of losing relevance on this board. You're afraid of being ignored to death. That's the real reason for not wanting your own section. I feel free to say this because you gave me license when you made your assumptions about others. If you feel free to make assumptions about every one else then you should be prepared to have them made about you.
There is also a second reason. It is bow fishing's dirty little secret and why BF'rs want to remain under the radar. They don't eat their catch. Most just dump the dead fish over the side or into a ditch on the way home.
We get it Hammer, you dont like bowfishing. Im not going to even go there on the deleted posts topic.

The forum does not need another section, give it a rest.