Advice on a 'short' rod......

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DAN 40

Mar 22, 2016
Mississauga, Ont, Canada
I visit my in-laws in Pennsylvania several times a year. They have a nice stream at the bottom of their property which is about 25ft wide with high banks and gets populated with trout at the start of the season. There's a good walk-in point at their side but lots of tall trees right at the bank with a few overhanging the stream. I presently own a 9ft 5wt rod which I think is maybe a bit too tall for this application.
So, I was considering buying a shorter rod - maybe around 6 or 7ft for this application.
I'm undecided though, on line weight. I've read that at the 6-7ft length, to go 3 wt however, I see 5wt rods at this length too and I assume I could use my 5wt reel here.

Any/all thoughts and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Comments and suggestions for a rod (and reel) are also appreciated.
I have the 6'6" eagle claw glass rod 3/4 weight, I use 3 weight line great little rod for tight spaces. Just be sure not to over line a glass rod make sure if get a 3 weight that the line is a true 3 weight etc..etc... Also casting them is different, slow things down!!!

You can get them in a 6'6" model 3/4 weight, a 7" 5/6 weight, and also a 8 footer 5/6 weight.

But they are a blast to fish and so much fun when you see the bend on them.
I just pulled the trigger at Amazon.Ca on an -

Eagle Claw Featherlight 3/4 Line Weight Fly Rod, 2 Piece, Yellow, 6-Feet 6-Inch
Cost $39.39 (+ tax) and free shipping.

Again 'thanks' for all of the input and advice.