I currently have 11 tanks set up.
From largest to smallest
125 gallon - chili red arowana, black arowana, flagtail, polypterus delhezi, polypterus palmas polli, polypterus delhezi, synodontis occelifer and lastly synodontis eupterus
90 gallon - all full of aquatic turtles! 3 diamondback terrapins, mississippi mud, asian yellow pond turtle, pink belly sideneck
90 gallon - male show tank of african cichlids. Have probably over 30 fish in there. Brightest tank in the house!
35 gallon - african cichlids. two groups consisting of aulonocara kandeense and copadichromis trewavasae likomo mloto.
35 gallon - breeding group of aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" (red top peacock)
25 gallon - aulonocara jacobfreibergi (lemon jake), pseudotropheus acei (ngara), protomelas steveni (taiwan reef), and a breeding trio of cynotilapia white top "zebra hara"
25 gallon - breeding group of pseudotropheus saulosi and a few pseudotropheus polit
10 gallon - fry growout tank consisting currently of aulonocara lwanda and pseudotropheus saulosi
5 gallon - sam the salamander!
2.5 gallon - black halfmoon betta
1.5 gallon - white/red halfmoon betta