are the guys out there catching fish using fish finders?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2011
hey guys i just started fishing this summer but am having a difficult time catching anything other than pan fish, few weeks ago I fished at lake scugog caught a few small perch & sunfish my line setup was wacky rig worm with a weedless hook then i switch to live worms. i notice there are alot of weeds that moves with the current so its hard to tell if it's a fish or weeds also i didn't see any other anglers catch anything they were just casting out & reeling in nothing all day. I decided to try out rice lake this weekend at first i was using a rapala original floater around sheep island then with no bites i switched to worms in a weeded area & caught a few small perch again every boater i could see wasn't reeling in anything either.

p.s. there was a racing tournament at rice lake don't know if this scared the fish away.
I went years without using a fishfinder and caught a ton of fish without one. However, a fish finder can be extremely useful for finding not only fish but open water structure. My buddy has a GPS fishfinder with underwater contours and it is extremely useful for locating fish and structure. I bought a portable marcum showdown flasher last year and it has definitely been very useful in locating schools of walleye, and has definitely brought more fish in the boat.
Find the structures n drop offs. Any kind of hiding places for fish. But sometmes even if you find the fish, they're not in the mood to play. : (
FISHFINDER word has been a deceptive marketing tool in years, you can normally spot accurate fish readings only when you are more than 20 feet deep, since the beam diameter opening from the transducer gets wider by then. But if someone was just fishing 6 foot depth, the unit can be misleading, with the clarity of the water these days, just use your eye site to see what is underneath your boat. Most unit also create false fish reading, debries or change in water temp can fool the fish finder to assume it was a fish.

The unit should be marketed as a depth finder. Once you can spot the proper depth, dropped off, baitfish, underneath structure, and right weedbed, the fish will be there. The unit is also helpful to tell a boater surface temp reading and shallow waters are up ahead .

Here is an interesting read

Beam calculator

Understanding fish habitat will help your catching success rate. If you are aiming for bass. They normally hates direct sunlight, they are also predator and likes to hide on some structure or weedbed, but easy enough for them to dart out of their coverings and attack their prey. Except during spring time when they are spawning, they can be spotted on some open shallower waters since the water gets warmer. Otherwise during warmer weather they would rather hide and come out during early mornings, late afternoon and evenings. Change of weather pattern also affects their activeness. The shallower the water, the more vulnerable to barometric pressure change, one main reason fish also prefer to hide on deeper water during inconsistant weather pattern. river fishing is good due to rich in oxygen and consistant water temp. deepwater fishing during summer tough summer fishing for bass
thanks for the info guys but i think the best thing for me to do is instead of throwing away my money of all different types of fishing gear thats not bringing me any fish is to fish with someone that knows the tricks in catching these fish.
Yes a guide or going out with someone familiar with a particular body of water certainly helps and will make you a better angler.
