Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario

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I've never caught one, but I do know that:

1) The MNR has been trying to re-establish Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario.

2) Anglers are not permitted to target them.
I have landed 1 drifting and 1 Downrigging..both accidental & because I dont directly target them, I know squat about them.
Beautiful fish tho!
openfire said:
1) The MNR has been trying to re-establish Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario.

Do you know how long that's been public knowledge. My father in law caught one a couple of years ago and kept it as they weren't supposed to be in lake ontario and phoned the mnr to turn it over to them for tests etc and until they found out he had one they denied there being any. I found it an interesting story, but wasn't sure if the population had grown that much in the last few years as I see no mention of them in the regs.
longsilver said:
openfire said:
1) The MNR has been trying to re-establish Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario.

Do you know how long that's been public knowledge. My father in law caught one a couple of years ago and kept it as they weren't supposed to be in lake ontario and phoned the mnr to turn it over to them for tests etc and until they found out he had one they denied there being any. I found it an interesting story, but wasn't sure if the population had grown that much in the last few years as I see no mention of them in the regs.

I first heard of Atlantics being in the forks of the credit back in 1996! I can't confirm if the story was true.

However, I can confirm that it definitely has been public knowledge for quite a few years now. Proof: If you go to Wilmot Creek, there are a few plaques around the park that give information about the area, and one of the plaques talks about the current effort to re-establish the Atlantic Salmon fishery in Ontario. That plaque has been there for at least 6 or 7 years or more if I'm not mistaken.
openfire said:
longsilver said:
openfire said:
1) The MNR has been trying to re-establish Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario.

Do you know how long that's been public knowledge. My father in law caught one a couple of years ago and kept it as they weren't supposed to be in lake ontario and phoned the mnr to turn it over to them for tests etc and until they found out he had one they denied there being any. I found it an interesting story, but wasn't sure if the population had grown that much in the last few years as I see no mention of them in the regs.

I first heard of Atlantics being in the forks of the credit back in 1996! I can't confirm if the story was true.

However, I can confirm that it definitely has been public knowledge for quite a few years now. Proof: If you go to Wilmot Creek, there are a few plaques around the park that give information about the area, and one of the plaques talks about the current effort to re-establish the Atlantic Salmon fishery in Ontario. That plaque has been there for at least 6 or 7 years or more if I'm not mistaken.

Hmm, I'll take a look tomorrow when I'm there. It could be the my father in law had a few wobbly pops before phoning, his typical post fishing MO
lol, maybe that particular MNR guy was new, or maybe it was the wobbly pops! :)

Anyway, the plaque is in the area of the red circle below.


It would be nice if you could get a picture of the plaque while you're there and then post it in this thread!
I first heard of Atlantics being in the forks of the credit back in 1996! I can't confirm if the story was true.

However, I can confirm that it definitely has been public knowledge for quite a few years now. Proof: If you go to Wilmot Creek, there are a few plaques around the park that give information about the area, and one of the plaques talks about the current effort to re-establish the Atlantic Salmon fishery in Ontario. That plaque has been there for at least 6 or 7 years or more if I'm not mistaken.[/quote]

IF this is true, someone would had had to transport the fish up the river because they could not get past the dams. I have seen a few articles on the atlanic samon now in the credit river such as this one: ... tRiver.pdf. So the fsih are definately there, although it seems that is just in the past few years.
Well from what I'm told (but keep in mind this IS coming from a fisherman) the MNR guy finally admitted, yes they're in there, we've been stocking them for three years but we didn't want the word getting out so keep it to yourself. That was likely many years ago now. And I stand corrected they ARE in the regs for lake ontario.
Spinninreel said:
IF this is true, someone would had had to transport the fish up the river because they could not get past the dams. I have seen a few articles on the atlanic samon now in the credit river such as this one: ... tRiver.pdf. So the fsih are definately there, although it seems that is just in the past few years.

Hmmm... It seems like too large a coincidence that I heard about Atlantic Salmon in the Credit in 96, then they were just stocking them for the "first time" in the same river a few years later! Nope, I think they were experimenting with Atlantics in the Credit years before that article. It may be that the event that the article talks about was the first time they stocked Atlantics in Credit on a large-scale with that kind of publicity.
I don't think i've ever even seen one in person before.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but these fish don't die after spawning right? So it's always best to release them?
Openfire, I would not be surprised if you are correct about having them stocked back in 96' and that they probably did it in a way that was not really going to work. It seems kind of stupid for them (mnr) to be going to all this effort when there are two dams that separate the fish from their spawning ground. I don't understand why they don't put in the proper fish ladders and then let the fish go where they need to go. My understanding is that they now transport these fish up to the spawning ground to complete the cycle.
Also they seem to be putting a great deal of effort and resources into this project and my concern is that the other species are going to suffer because of this.
Got this in the Email this AM so though I'd post to show they are stocking A salmon!

The 2008 Atlantic salmon fry stocking season is upon us, and we require
> volunteers to help us stock the fish at appropriate densities throughout the
> stream. I'm sending this call for volunteers out to those who've helped
> with the Atlantic salmon program in previous years or who've expressed an
> interest in volunteering for the program. My apologies to those who've seen
> the May 24 call already.
> For those who haven't been out before, the work involves wading through the
> stream with a modified watering can of about 500 fish per load, and
> releasing 8-10 per square m.
> Generally the day will start between 10-11 a.m., but that will vary from
> tributary to tributary.
> May 21 - Credit River
> May 22 - Duffins Creek
> May 24 - Duffins Creek (from Ringwood FCS)
> May 26 - Cobourg Brook
> May 27 - Credit River
> May 28 - Credit River
> June 3 - Cobourg Brook
YAWN said:
Got this in the Email this AM so though I'd post to show they are stocking A salmon!

The 2008 Atlantic salmon fry stocking season is upon us, and we require
> volunteers to help us stock the fish at appropriate densities throughout the
> stream. I'm sending this call for volunteers out to those who've helped
> with the Atlantic salmon program in previous years or who've expressed an
> interest in volunteering for the program. My apologies to those who've seen
> the May 24 call already.
> For those who haven't been out before, the work involves wading through the
> stream with a modified watering can of about 500 fish per load, and
> releasing 8-10 per square m.
> Generally the day will start between 10-11 a.m., but that will vary from
> tributary to tributary.
> May 21 - Credit River
> May 22 - Duffins Creek
> May 24 - Duffins Creek (from Ringwood FCS)
> May 26 - Cobourg Brook
> May 27 - Credit River
> May 28 - Credit River
> June 3 - Cobourg Brook

Who do you contact and what do you need to bring?
would this be considered a volunteer day? I get a free day off work if i'm volunteering. maybe after this stocking i can go fishing :D
Here was the end of the email on who to contact:

Chris Robinson ([email protected])

Please contact Andrew Lowles, OFAH Community Conservation Biologist,
([email protected] - 705-748-6324 Ext. 253) if you would like to attend
and what days/locations. Andrew is cc'ed on this message. We will finalize
details with you as the dates approach. OFAH, MNR, conservation authority
and other partner staff will all be present to coordinate the day in the

Yours in Conservation,

Chris Robinson, M.Sc.
O.F.A.H. Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program Coordinator
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
4601 Guthrie Drive, PO Box 2800
Peterborough ON, K9J 8L5
Phone: (705) 748-6324 Ext. 237
Fax: (705) 748-9577
E-mail: [email protected]