Bass pond

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2012
So I'm stocking pond with lmb last year we put in 60 yellow perch amd 10 pumpkin seeds 10 years ago when the pond was dug my dad put in 100 gold fish since them their are thousands we are going to buy 20 10 inch lmb what else should we put in for some fun
So I'm stocking pond with lmb last year we put in 60 yellow perch amd 10 pumpkin seeds 10 years ago when the pond was dug my dad put in 100 gold fish since them their are thousands we are going to buy 20 10 inch lmb what else should we put in for some fun

I can't say I have seen catfish in my area since I was a kid but if some one wants to bring some down and up them in
I know some peeps in the bowmanville area and I'll be around there a lot...

I can talk cash or lures lol but when would you start charging people, are you going to wait for the buckets to mature a bit?
Oh ya I want them to breed first but if fish were brought over with you their can be some catch an release I'm trying to get my bass this spring since the ice on the pond makes t difficult to put them in
Yah dude if you've been working on building a forage base you might as well wait a while for those bass to mature. Some will acclimatize to your pond better than others and it would suck to injure your best spawners before they've had the chance to populate the body of water.

I'll send you a PM when I'm in the area this spring to see watsup, best of luck sounds like a great project!
Anything someone can put in the pond would be great the pond is 100 by 50 an 10-18 deep with cattail at the shallow end aerated via 30ft windmill
put some minnow/chubs for the fish to eat. maybe get your hands on two baby muskies and see how it goes lol
I'm thinking I won't need the minnows with the thousands of goldfish and the sea of orange in the spring the Muskie is a neat idea but the pond is warm in the summer heat I don't know if they like that
You are living my dream... I dream every night of my own pond. Filled with fish. Oh well... :D

I would wait another year or so before putting some bass in so that you have a big population of sunfish and perch. I would look up the spawning times of perch and sunfish so that you can estimate the number of "fry" that will be around all times of the year. If a few months are missing I would add a species to fill that. I don't think that most bass won't think of goldfish as food, but I don't know for sure... I would throw in a few pike, catfish and many many different minnow species. Remember you want a triangle, more baitfish then bass/predators, for the pond to be sustaining.
I think this should answer the question of do bass eat goldfish as for perch breeding I found this Yellow perch reach sexual maturity at one to three years of age for males and two to three years of age for females. Spawning occurs at the end of April or beginning of May; females deposit 10,000 to 40,000 eggs upon weeds, or the branches of trees or shrubs that have become immersed in the water. After fertilization, the eggs hatch in 11 to 27 days, depending on temperature and other weather conditions.
I think this should answer the question of do bass eat goldfish as for perch breeding I found this Yellow perch reach sexual maturity at one to three years of age for males and two to three years of age for females. Spawning occurs at the end of April or beginning of May; females deposit 10,000 to 40,000 eggs upon weeds, or the branches of trees or shrubs that have become immersed in the water. After fertilization, the eggs hatch in 11 to 27 days, depending on temperature and other weather conditions.

Well, that answered my question. So now you know that the bass are going to be living off the goldfish and some small perch predominantly assuming that the sunfish are full grown. Like I said, I would probably wait until the perch start breeding cause it would suck to have all your baitfish eaten...
If I wait till late spring early summer for the bass all the sunfish perch and gold fish will have their breeding and hatching done
I'm thinking I won't need the minnows with the thousands of goldfish and the sea of orange in the spring the Muskie is a neat idea but the pond is warm in the summer heat I don't know if they like that

dont forget that gold fish are a very invasive species, even worst than normal carp. I don't think the predators can out eat the gold fish unless you throw in some pike, but they pike will destroy the bass habitat overall in a small pond. dont forget, since it is your pond, you can put anything in it you want, be it peacock bass or piranhas to keep up with the growth of the gold fish and not compete with the bass, maybe even some pickerel(not walleye) or gar pike that are less aggressive than pikes but do the job. worse comes to worst the musky will die, if not then they should do a good job cleaning the pond out of gold fish and grow to respectable size in few years. general rules of the wild is, the more prey the more predator. as in one species thrives, the other one will also, and they both decline at the same time.
they were accidentally put int othe water systems in usa, they fight twice as hard as bass and more aggressive, hit like pike or salmon, and for some reason can survive in fresh water. see if you can order it online. do the search if they survive winter well. they mainly thrive south of US.
dont forget that gold fish are a very invasive species, even worst than normal carp. I don't think the predators can out eat the gold fish unless you throw in some pike, but they pike will destroy the bass habitat overall in a small pond. dont forget, since it is your pond, you can put anything in it you want, be it peacock bass or piranhas to keep up with the growth of the gold fish and not compete with the bass, maybe even some pickerel(not walleye) or gar pike that are less aggressive than pikes but do the job. worse comes to worst the musky will die, if not then they should do a good job cleaning the pond out of gold fish and grow to respectable size in few years. general rules of the wild is, the more prey the more predator. as in one species thrives, the other one will also, and they both decline at the same time.

Whats a pickerel, it looks like a tiny pike.