Best value steelhead setup

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
North of Toronto
Never targeted steelhead on the fly, strongest rod i have is a 5 wt for browns which is obviously underpowered. Looking for a single handed or switch rod 6-7 wt 10-11 ft. Looking for a used setup possibly or anything that will be within the price of 300$ hopefully. I was looking at a Cabela's TLr Fly Rod 6wt 11ft switch rod for 149.99, seemed like a good deal. Any advice?
I have a TFO signature series (9' 7 weight), very nice rod for the money, they are more a medium action if you don't mind that. I personally like the action of this rod also very sensitive for the price range.

But as F.F has stated ross essence rods are also very nice for the money. I would suggest going out and "feeling" each of them to see what you like better.
Thanks guys for the great suggestions, going to "test" them out on the weekend at a few shops. That video is totally true as well, seen alot of guys shake rods like that in shops aha
I'm looking for something similar but also to be used as general fly rod. Soo many options...
Paul1913 said:
I'm looking for something similar but also to be used as general fly rod. Soo many options...
Hey Paul1913,

I recently ordered a 9' 6wt allen compass rod and 5-6wt allen trout II reel (thinking I'd use it for steel head), but I was thinking of returning it for a heavier set up that would work better for musky. It hasn't even come out of the box yet, so if you're interested in either let me know. I don't want to go through the hassle of sending it back and dealing with shipping to the states etc.