border carp seizure

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chris f

Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
Zone 19
front page news on the windsor star sat jan 28 2012,shipments of asian carp,considered an invasive species have been seized at the windsor-us border this month. it says some fish still alive.
These fish were most likely being transported to a market, where they will be sold as fresh fish. Asian carp can survive for days out of water sometimes, if kept cold.The chances of a live carp from this shipment, finding its way into the lakes and rivers here, is nill to zero.Even if the truck fell through the ice and spilled its cargo, they would be too weak to survive.
But the news media need a story to fill thier front page.
The damage has already been done.Like Gobies and zebra mussels, they will become part of our ecosystem.Next on the list.....Snakeheads.:angry:
for several years now there have been prohibited species of fish for sale in toronto (dundas and spadina) some alive and some dead.
endangered species like the american eel have been for sale as well.
i have reported the extreme cases before in the past...resulted in two fines to one importer/retailer totaling $30 000.
i am no longer welcome in a few of the stores...upon detection i am escourted out of stores...i get the not welcome look alot
in my neighbourhood by those in asscotiation with the stores....but i gotta protect our lakes....
the shortsightedness of selling a fish now that could endanger the entire ecosystem from which you get the rest of the fish you sell
mindboggles me....
thanks for posting about this topic and a big thanks to the border officers for catching the criminals endangering our lakes.
I agree, its a dang shame. But the people doing the damage, could care less about the environment.Its not even a case of short sightedness, its a question of supply and demand. The almighty buck. Remove the demand. Replace the fine, by jail time. Unfortunately, the ecosytems in our rivers and lakes, are not a high priority for neither the government nor the general population who do not practice responsible fishing.
Its just the way it is.

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