Braid question

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palomor x2. it is the best knot in the universe for any line.

uni knots work well too.

There may be better knots for braid out there... even mightier than the mightiest palomor.
Uni to uni for tying leaders (fluro or mono) and I havent problem with the palomor for baits either. If your using a leader I trust the improved clinch, never had a problem with that either.
I like the San Diego Jam Knot you can see it at instead of the polamar knot. Either work well I'm just partial to the one I've used for 25 years without a single problem.
as staffman mentioned check out, if i myself was tying the braid to a swivel, i would go with the palomar.When tying the braid with a leader of mono or fluoro i would go with the double uni knot.
go to youtube and search "NAF knot wars" the Palomar/Double Palomar has won each time they've done the series, testing the knot on 3 different kinds of line.
improved clinch was the first knot I learned and I've always found it works really well with braid. No need to wet it or anything you just to the loops slide it down and pull.
I've had minor problems going line-to-line from mono to really thin diameter braid (6lb spiderwire)...if you've gotta do this (or want to lol) I'd recommend the blood knot. Otherwise I find the double uni knot holds up well.

For line-to-hook/bait I agree with the other folks that the palomar knot is awesome. Only time I cinch now is if I'm using mono and the hook eye is too small or my hands are too cold lol.
Any one use the double palomar for tackle? How about an improved Albright for line to line? Only tied one ever, used to join nanofil too mono backing. Worked well first try gave it a good yank no slippage at all. Rather simple to tie, I was surprised.
ChefMick said:
1st time using braid 40 lb. what is a good knot to use for this type of line, ?.

Depends on what technique you are applying.

For pitch/punching i use a snell knot.

For soft bodied frogs i use a loop knot.

Everything else i use a double palomar knot, which is pretty much unbreakable using heavy duty braid.