can anyone help this poor begginer fella? T.T

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Jul 18, 2011
hi peoples!

me and my friend went to toronto island last saturday for pike and largemouth bass.

we walked all day long and tried to catch something, but we couldn't make it.

the map i attatched to this post has the route we moved.

cant anyone tell us the point we can try for the pike or largemouth bass?


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Polarized glasses are a must.
Even the ones at Walmart & Canadian Tire ($15-20) work well.

The ponds and shallow canals reveal many fish if your looking properly.
Present the bait without spooking them


Carp: Dry crusty bread (Floats), Worms
Bass: Small spinner, Worms, plastics
Pike: "Working on it"

Polarized glasses are important for sure. I buy the rapala glasses and they work very well. One thing though...dont buy the new rapala avenger glasses with the grey [;astic frames($15+ tax). First pair i bought broke in under 2 weeks. Second pair is now cracking, and will soon be broken. The brown framed rapala pro series glasses are great though for $20. The strike king glasses are also good glasses for $20. Use grey lenses for sunny days and lighter amber lenses for low light periods and cloudy days.
Sorry i cant help you on locations as i dont fish the city.
I've yet to invest in a pair - though I can obviously see the advantages they would present (no pun intended).

I saw a pair at Wal-Mart recently for I believe $6 or so, and they were polarized. If you're saying the $15 pair is of poor quality, then spending five bucks on a pair doesn't bode well, but you never know.

I don't think these were on sale, it seemed to be the regular price.

I've never fished Toronto Island, but anywhere with largemouth, I would be tempted to bring a northern leopard frog or two as a backup bait. They can trigger a feeding frenzy for largemouths. You could also try a plastic frog.
Polarized glasses are a must.
Even the ones at Walmart & Canadian Tire ($15-20) work well.

The ponds and shallow canals reveal many fish if your looking properly.
Present the bait without spooking them


Carp: Dry crusty bread (Floats), Worms
Bass: Small spinner, Worms, plastics
Pike: "Working on it"

is there any way we can reach close to the canal? the red spot i marked was the place we try.... we couldnt get anything
hi peoples!

me and my friend went to toronto island last saturday for pike and largemouth bass.

we walked all day long and tried to catch something, but we couldn't make it.

the map i attatched to this post has the route we moved.

cant anyone tell us the point we can try for the pike or largemouth bass?

I think I saw the two of you walking back to the Ferry dock on the east side, abot 9:00 pm. Sorry that I don't fish te island to direct you to some spots. Carps should be easy to spot though, the monster buggers
I think a quality glass polarized lens is definately worth it. Ive gotten $250 ray bans for 125 before at an idependant optical store. You really notice the difference closer to the evening when the sun starts to go down.
I think I saw the two of you walking back to the Ferry dock on the east side, abot 9:00 pm. Sorry that I don't fish te island to direct you to some spots. Carps should be easy to spot though, the monster buggers

yea i think those people might be us lol
were they asian? if they are, you got a right person!!!
Polarized glasses are a must.
Even the ones at Walmart & Canadian Tire ($15-20) work well.

The ponds and shallow canals reveal many fish if your looking properly.
Present the bait without spooking them


Carp: Dry crusty bread (Floats), Worms
Bass: Small spinner, Worms, plastics
Pike: "Working on it"

so.... polarized glass meaning sunglasses right?
i thought it was a type of a bait...... how stupid i am! lol
I was over at Wards Island last night and fished the eastern gap through sunset. I was casting spinners into the channel for about 45 minutes when I looked down and realised the bass were cruising back and fore about 12 inches off the concrete wall, right below my feet
A change of tactics and I managed a decent pair to make the trip worthwhile.

If you haven't fished the gap before, head straight off the wards island ferry and keep going straight until you hit the sand track on lakeshore avenue and follow it out to the concrete deck. (I was at the south end towards the harbour.) For a short sunset fishing trip, head out on the 7:45pm ferry to the island and head back on the 10:15 or the last ferry at 11:30. (Take a flashlight!)
Good for you mikeh! Great to hear some fishing sucess in the city!
polorized glasses= sunglasses....very, very important. We fish clear small rivers in the spring and without glasses we would hardly get any of the huge trout.
I was over at Wards Island last night and fished the eastern gap through sunset. I was casting spinners into the channel for about 45 minutes when I looked down and realised the bass were cruising back and fore about 12 inches off the concrete wall, right below my feet
A change of tactics and I managed a decent pair to make the trip worthwhile.

If you haven't fished the gap before, head straight off the wards island ferry and keep going straight until you hit the sand track on lakeshore avenue and follow it out to the concrete deck. (I was at the south end towards the harbour.) For a short sunset fishing trip, head out on the 7:45pm ferry to the island and head back on the 10:15 or the last ferry at 11:30. (Take a flashlight!)

thanks for your advise!
i should try at eastern gap next time i go there with my friend.
btw what kind of fish can we catch at that spot?
Checked the other day, local Wal-Mart has Berkley polarized glasses for $6.96. Two pairs left - they are probably selling fast.
thanks for your advise!
i should try at eastern gap next time i go there with my friend.
btw what kind of fish can we catch at that spot?

To be honest I'm not sure, I'm new to the local fishing scene and was just trying my luck on the light change as it's the main channel between outer and inner harbour for fish traffiic at sunset and after dark.

Both the fish I caught (and released) were bass, but there were quite a few long black shadows cruising along by the concrete wall, and they didn't all have the same silhouette, so I'm guessing there's multiple species coming in and out through there. That side of the island is shaded from the sunset by the trees, so the side of the channel nearest the islands gets dark first. Both the bass were caught on a shallow action bumble bee lure dropped in about half way along the wall where the trees are closest to the water.

I'm not sure I would spend much time there during an afternoon, when I went to check it out it was pretty busy with boat traffic, which drops off around sunset. I would really like to fish though overnight to the 7am ferry and see what big fish come through in the wee hours, but I noticed the harbour patrol comes through there, and I'm not sure if they would consider night fishing to be "camping" which is not allowed?
