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No offence taken. I had just googled "best ice fishing rod review" and not much came up. Yes CT customer reviews but no one had put in a revew yet. When I searched on the CT site for rods, all rods came up and no ice rods. Maybe my keywords were not right? Not sure, but thanks for checking it out. I hate those useless sites that rate the stores, those are pointless here in Canada. I sure hope the new OFF has a product review section.

"Product Review Section" Great Idea!

I belong to Woodworking Forum that Supposedly has 40,000 Members from all over the world. They have a PILE of different Sections (Called Forums)

One of them is exactly that. A review of pretty well any Tools (Hand Or Power) that are involved in woodworking. The Member who wrote the review gives it X amount of Stars out of Five. ALL other members can repond to that Review.

Human Nature being what it is not all members agree with the Review or Rating and explain why. There's nothing wrong with that!

Some times the Authour has just taken it out of the Box. It doesn't function properly so he XXXXXX's all over it. (Sour Grapes) Other Members that have USED that Tool for any length of time will tell him his Review Stinks ....LOL..

The Site Owner corrected that by saying the reviews MUST be by someone who has used the Tool for at least 2 Months.

YEP! Good Idea for Here!!

Yeah Fish

That's the exact problem with some of the Bass Pro reviews. Some idiot buys something uses it once and says it's great and worth every penny. Most of my gear is over 20 years old so I can't rate current items, that much is true. So I can only go by brand reputation.
The Diawa reel I got had the same problem, loose screws out of the box. I got it cheap b/c the parts came off. I would never expect any new product to have loose screws.

I used to work in the Quality Control of electronics, I had to perform 100% testing on every board before it got packed and shipped. The problem I had with management was with their attitude. They, in their words, "Quality is a non-value-added". What they mean is that, in the mind of the mamufactuer, the customer will not pay more for a product if it is better quality, they (customer) just want it cheap. This is where my philosophies conflicted with theirs. All consumer product makers face tough competition within their industries and quality is always the first to suffer. It's an un-neccessary expenditure that drives up the cost of the final product.

As consumers we have to me more cautious of what is hype and real. Durable goods are probably a thing of the past. Items now have a designed life, it's not a matter of if it will fail but when.

I can't wait to see how the new OFF is going to be. It's such a awesome site as we all love to be here, it can only get better with everyone's input.

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