Catch Fishing Kids Days Toronto Events

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Blair, that was an awesome weekend indeed!

The High Park event was a good one to start with before hitting the Islands on Sunday. Kudos to the Chinese anglers association for the way they put together and distributed over 200 rod reel combos donated by National Sportsman show, and Mike A for dealing with "the duck". I think commiting my time and local knowledge to the Ambassadors project with you, Dave (tangledline), and the rest of the guys, is the smartest thing I have done in a long while. This is a great opportunity to educate people, get the next generation of fishers started, put toronto / GTA fishing firmly on the map, and keep it there.

If anyone is interested in seeing a few pics of the events, head to the ambassadors site and hit the image gallery link.

The pictures look GREAT!
Kids having fun, sponsers having fun, the ambassordors having FUN!

I was fortunate to have had the time to participate and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that if anyone else has that time in the future - to do it as well.

We spend hours enjoying Fishing thoughout the year, and being able to help out with events like this was/is extremely rewarding.

Moral of the STORY: TAKE a KID OUT FISHING! (Doesnt have to be an organized event)

- Life passes us by ... yet when we do take the "Time Out" for these kind of activites: Everyone Wins!

No wonder I like Fishing so much!
