Catch Limit Question

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Hero Drift
Sep 15, 2009
I have a question in regards to fishing limits.

So for the opener we have a group of confirmed 13 people. most of them have the sportsmen licence.
I believe we are allowed to take 2 trout home each.
Since I have my trailer I am sure we will have them on ice and in a cooler/tote on the roof rack of my car.

that being said 13 people or no where close will fit in our vehicle. I heard stories of M&R stopping cars out east and checking out their catch. At the rest stop as well at the on ramp.

If we are out from Friday-Monday we have 2 x 24hr periods we can catch our limit meaning 4 fish each.
Lets say 10 of them have sportsmen licences that means 40 fish will be in a tote (heavy to say the least) how the hell do I explain that to the M&R is this even legal to transport all of them?

As I said in previous threads, I support Catch and release, but if people are with me and have licences, I give them fish as they want. The number "40" fish is hypothetical, I would never take that many out of the waters.
no, you can only have 2 fish per person in your possesion, if you are pulled over and caught with 40 fish and have 4 people in your vehicle, you will be charged with having 32 fish over your limit. the idea behind the possession limit is that you will take your 2 fish, consume them before catching 2 more.

if were to be inspected at home and have your freezer checked, and the mnr sees you have more then 2 fish person with legal license, you will also be charged
If the possession limit for your zone is 5 fish but the catch limit on the river your fishing is 2 as long as your on that river even if it's fir a week you can only have 2 fish in your possession at any time!! If you are carrying everyone's fish in your cooler you better make sure they are right behind you and if you get stopped they have to stop too
Spot on - also there is an aggregate limit on trout meaning that there is a limit for a COMBINATION of fish species. You cannot fill each species limit separately. For example - you cannot keep 5 brookies, 5 browns and 2 steelhead. The limit for brookies is 5 so if you catch 2 steelhead you can catch another 3 brookies because the steelies count towards the 5 fish brookie limit. You can catch 1 steelhead and 4 brookies, again, totaling 5.

Some parts of the states have daily limits so you can fill your freezer right up!
troutddicted said:
Spot on - also there is an aggregate limit on trout meaning that there is a limit for a COMBINATION of fish species. You cannot fill each species limit separately. For example - you cannot keep 5 brookies, 5 browns and 2 steelhead. The limit for brookies is 5 so if you catch 2 steelhead you can catch another 3 brookies because the steelies count towards the 5 fish brookie limit. You can catch 1 steelhead and 4 brookies, again, totaling 5.

Some parts of the states have daily limits so you can fill your freezer right up!
What is the mnr smoking????? Letting people keep 5 brookies.
Most species the catch limit and possession limit are the same. 2 days still means 2 fish in your possession. Also party fishing is not allowed. If you catch your two, and give them to your bud beside you, you have kept your 2 for the day, plus he has his 2 in possession. You cant keep ten in a day and just keep giving away
I was about to add what da Commander just said. There are some die hard guys out there who take these laws VERY seriously and are ready to do what it takes to enforce them, some take it into their own hands. If you see someone taking pictures of your license plates you probably did something wrong :lol:
surreal-- whole thread is surreal--40 fish--wow man Slobodan Milošević cant even top that...
Again, the focus is on educating those who don't know. Not the number of 40. I apologize if I have confused anyone. Id rather know now and do the right thing before breaking any laws.

Its a number I just used to simplify the math and my thinking before asking the question.

I really didn't understand fully about the daily limits. The fish, fish, pass I have heard of, but very hard to prove one of those things that they would need to catch you in the act.

As for people who take the law into their own hands. Kudos, I will say something but nothing passed that. No amount of fish is worth getting into an altercation for.

Also for MNR to come inspect ur freezer and lay charges they would need a written confession from you stating you over fished.One can say they have harvested these fish from different waters, on different days and some from the grocery store.
There is no law governing what is in ur freezer, rather it governs what you have in ur possession while taking part in any fishing/angling.
There is a law about how much you have in your freezer. I know of a guy who got caught with 6 salmon in his possession, long story short they searched his house, found lots of fish and game that shouldn't have been there. Lost his truck boat and was fined over 40 grand.

We have had the mnr enter our private property while we were hunting before too.
iJay said:
There is no law governing what is in ur freezer
COs can if they want - what is in your freezer regards to fish/wildlife is part of your possession limit. MNR COs are allowed to do what they want, when they want - no warrants needed to walk into your house. They'll bring dogs to sniff out wildlife, do the necessary tests to figure out where the fish came from... google some of the MNR busts.
That is insane!

How would they tell the difference as to what came from a river and what came from a grocery store/market? It almost seems to discretionary for this to happen.

Really- never knew all of this. I assumed what applied to "normal" provincial laws would for MNR. I have never heard of any jurisdiction where someone can enter your private property with out 1. consent 2. a warrant..
Needless to say, I am not keeping any fish this year!
iJay said:
Needless to say, I am not keeping any fish this year!

Nothing wrong with keeping a fish here and there for nice meal. No need to feel guilty about it like some people think...
It doesn't mater what body of water that fish came from a possession limit is by species not body of water !! If your in zone 16 with sport limit of 2 rainbow that is your limit period !! It doesn't matter where it came from !!!!
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