Catch Limit Question

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And if you look at the regs you must leave a pice of skin on the fillets so they can be identified by species
I take a few fish (early fall chrome caught at the mouth of the river only) because that is the best firm fresh meat u will ever get. Once the fish is in the river for even a week the meat looses that superior taste. It makes me laugh when rubber boot fisherman keep rubber boot fish. I have no problem with taking fish. 30 or 40 fish would piss me off and I would be the first one to call the swamp cops even if I knew it was form a group of 13. WHO fishes in a group of 13anyway? GROSS!. That is a whole lot of water being taken up by a group.. (still lol!).
hey boughner, I would love to meet a c.o that could tell the difference between a fresh chrome bow and a fresh chrome coho by the skin. Tail and anal fins maybe.
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