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tossing iron said:
Thanks for the lesson.
As you can read I'm totally ignorant on the pin ways.
Not trying to put down the method.
Just trying to figure out why I always lose when we cross lines. Lol
30 years fishing steelhead and the only place I've crossed lines with someone with fish on is back in the days when we could fish up into the dam pool at the Humber, and I've fished every trib on the north and south shore of Lake O including Oak and dirty burt at its worst and all across Huron and Georgian Bay, and even down into PA. Where are you fishing that this is a frequent occurrence? Or are you talking about salmon season, I don't fish for them.
Home water the credit.
And yes. I still enjoy playing with first fresh run salmon.
Not uncommon to have a half dozen guys on either side of a good run.
Steel opener on the Ganny, very common to see 2-3 hookups at once.
Crowds are part of the game at these times.
Myself .I don't mind fellow fisherman around and enjoy conversation.
Just don't understand the reasoning for such heavy main line that pinners seem to require?
I'm assuming there's some logic to the need?
Pick the reel that feels best for you but if you plan on reselling one day, the riverkeeper will retain it's value better.

tossing iron, the difference between mono and fluoro is fluoro 1) sinks, 2) is less visible in water, and 3) is more abrasion resistant. Its beneficial when fishing wooded/rocky, clear water conditions. i know what you mean about the cost, cheaper alternatives are fluoro LINE or coated Fluoro (like Fluoroclear) which have some but not all the benefits of the expensive fluoro LEADER material.
tossing iron said:
Home water the credit.
And yes. I still enjoy playing with first fresh run salmon.
Not uncommon to have a half dozen guys on either side of a good run.
Steel opener on the Ganny, very common to see 2-3 hookups at once.
Crowds are part of the game at these times.
Myself .I don't mind fellow fisherman around and enjoy conversation.
Just don't understand the reasoning for such heavy main line that pinners seem to require?
I'm assuming there's some logic to the need?
I have fished the ganaraska on opening day dating back to 1990. I've never crossed lines with someone while fighting a steelhead, even back in the days of clear water and 2lb leader. I'm very surprised your running into this trouble. Many years ago I ran samurai green 6lb for mainline. Now I run 10lb trilene XL mainline and seldom lose a float or have to retie anything other than a section of leader. To each their own.
Porkpie said:
I have fished the ganaraska on opening day dating back to 1990. I've never crossed lines with someone while fighting a steelhead, even back in the days of clear water and 2lb leader. I'm very surprised your running into this trouble. Many years ago I ran samurai green 6lb for mainline. Now I run 10lb trilene XL mainline and seldom lose a float or have to retie anything other than a section of leader. To each their own.
Just a matter of focus really.
I'm as guilty as the next guy at times.
Not paying attention yapping to someone next to me and missing the fish on or fish coming down warnings.
riddickulous said:
Pick the reel that feels best for you but if you plan on reselling one day, the riverkeeper will retain it's value better.

tossing iron, the difference between mono and fluoro is fluoro 1) sinks, 2) is less visible in water, and 3) is more abrasion resistant. Its beneficial when fishing wooded/rocky, clear water conditions. i know what you mean about the cost, cheaper alternatives are fluoro LINE or coated Fluoro (like Fluoroclear) which have some but not all the benefits of the expensive fluoro LEADER material.
Did some homework on fluoro.
Says weaker knot strength, higher stretch than nylon. And the worse thing , stays .
stretched and weakens.
No elasticity.
You'd have to change it out every steel.
Nonsense, I've landed 10 fish in a row on the same fluorocarbon leader. I'm not sure where your getting your info but it is tremendously inaccurate. Nonetheless, stick with what works for you! I don't think I have much more to add here.
Yes i have landed many fish on the same lead line also. Floro produces more fish for me but everyone is different.
tossing iron said:
Did some homework on fluoro.
Says weaker knot strength, higher stretch than nylon. And the worse thing , stays .
stretched and weakens.
No elasticity.
You'd have to change it out every steel.
Every line has pros and cons. I may have read the same article you did. If was the same one, the author was referring to bass fishing using fluoro as a mainline and doing hard hooksets. Also he continued to use the line due to its benefits in sensitivity and sink rate.

The cons you listed can be mitigated. For float fishing, most people run mono mainline with fluoro leader. Mono gives the elasticity and shock absorption that stretches before fluoro reaches stretching point. Knot strength requires tying good wetted knots. The fluoro leader gives the benefits (low visibility, sink, and abrasion resistance) without requiring too much of the costly line (leaders run about 8-18 inches usually). Every detail helps.
Yeah that's the article.FWC
The other article was titled cutting thru the ********. Mono vs fluoro
Like everything else on the market always over hyped.
Just have to try things and see if you're personally happy with the results.