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Knuguy , I think you should re - name your topic " The Great Debate " .
To everyone else , I think this topic is wearing thin , how many more scenerios do you think could possibly be made ?
Let's get back to our HAPPY family life again , after all ... ' tis the season to be jolly . :D

Like I said in the OP, I started this to focus on the pix issue as distinct from the "Hey, here are 10 whoppers that I caught today at the hairpin turn on the Neverskunked River" issue.

I think the issue has been beaten to death by now though. I guess this is what happens in the OFF season. :rolleyes:
What on Earth did I just read?

Sharing photographs goes way beyond fishing. There are so many sports and hobbies that involve sharing photos and videos. You just insulted millions of people. Not just professional photographers and movie directors, but anyone who has shared photos of their first fish, their new PB, a snowboard trick, a mountain bike jump, the list goes on and on and on.

How could you possibly think that posting a picture is "all about bragging"??? Do you have any heart at all? I don't just strongly disagree with you, I completely disagree with you.

Even if the most self centered, cynical person on the planet caught a fish and shared a pic of it on a forum, he could not help but feel some joy from sharing his catch and connecting with other anglers.

There is so much to sharing pics on a forum. For some posters, these pics are a beautiful art form in and of themselves, and you have doubly insulted them. The beauty of the catch, the beauty of our Earth, the river, the trees, the colour of the water, perhaps fresh snow blanketing the river banks.

Many of us on this forum are friends in real life. When we share photos on this site, we are sharing them with perhaps a dozen or more friends in one post. We are also sharing them with those we have not yet met. Even if every person on this forum was a stranger, it would still be insane if nobody shared pics.

First of all, just seeing a pic of a fish is fun, regardless of where it was caught, when it was caught and by whom. This forum allows us the opportunity to see recent local catches by friends and perhaps soon to be friends. Have you zero empathy not to see a purpose behind this, beyond "bragging"? We don't all get out everyday. For the days we missed, it's fantastic to have friends to share the day's adventure.

Would you ever go see a movie, or do you just consider it to be "bragging" by all of the writers, directors and actors? Do you listen to music, or is Mick Jagger just "feeding his ego" on stage? Would you read a riveting novel, or is the author just "showing off" their literary skills?

Would you even read a fishing report? Or is the author just "showing off"?

I just can't believe anybody in this Universe would make such a post, let alone someone who belongs to a fishing forum!

Well put...

I also agree with a lot of other people on here in regards to fishing etiquette, not to mention those guys who fish 2 feet away from you when there's nobody else around, and especially those ignorant inconsiderate people who come and litter a place like the Nottawasaga River in Angus with their garbage. I've seen pieces of carpet, broken chairs, and even a steel door, at first I thought to myself maybe its just some locals dumping their garbage, but that all changed when I saw a smashed up desktop computer at the waters edge deep into the trail...no morals, no ethics, no respect!
I have no problem with blurred pictures, I blur sometme when I post.

For example, this last fall, little or no rain in my region for the longest time, I found a pool of fish that if had posted a picture, there would be 50 people there, everyone who fishes this pool can spot it no problem. This pool is so well known and was retardedly stacked for a week that I couldn't tell anyone but my closests friends. I don't want share what I had to work hard for, trekkin' through bush, tearing my waders, etc. to tell some random off the internet, don't get me wrong, I love exploring and puttng in legwork, but I don't want you fishing with me with another 10 - 15 fisherman casting over each other and waiting for others to finish there long, extended, "no courtesy for others" drifts. For a few days, only 4 - 5 dfferent guy showed up daily, to fish that one partcular pool, go figure, this strech of rver has great pools and for some reason these fish managed to get to this one, and sit there for a good week. AND on top of that, disaappeared as quckly as they appeared, with no change in weather.

So here we are, at this pool along with the few people that are fshing it, plenty of space, lots of fun, lots of fish, and now OFF finds out and bang, I can guarentee that f I had posted that picture, just on this site alone, 5 of you would be there the next day, and the word would spread.

So, that being said, if you do see a blurred picture of me, that means the fishing is hot somewhere and I don't want you finding out where :) And someone will tell me that I'm wrong to do so? Ok.
........Shultz, when General Burkhalter find out you've been blurring your photos, it will be the Russian front for you.
........Shultz, when General Burkhalter find out you've been blurring your photos, it will be the Russian front for you.

Too funny--I think I ruptured an artery
I have no problem with blurred pictures, I blur sometme when I post.

For example, this last fall, little or no rain in my region for the longest time, I found a pool of fish that if had posted a picture, there would be 50 people there, everyone who fishes this pool can spot it no problem. This pool is so well known and was retardedly stacked for a week that I couldn't tell anyone but my closests friends. I don't want share what I had to work hard for, trekkin' through bush, tearing my waders, etc. to tell some random off the internet, don't get me wrong, I love exploring and puttng in legwork, but I don't want you fishing with me with another 10 - 15 fisherman casting over each other and waiting for others to finish there long, extended, "no courtesy for others" drifts. For a few days, only 4 - 5 dfferent guy showed up daily, to fish that one partcular pool, go figure, this strech of rver has great pools and for some reason these fish managed to get to this one, and sit there for a good week. AND on top of that, disaappeared as quckly as they appeared, with no change in weather.

So here we are, at this pool along with the few people that are fshing it, plenty of space, lots of fun, lots of fish, and now OFF finds out and bang, I can guarentee that f I had posted that picture, just on this site alone, 5 of you would be there the next day, and the word would spread.

So, that being said, if you do see a blurred picture of me, that means the fishing is hot somewhere and I don't want you finding out where :) And someone will tell me that I'm wrong to do so? Ok.

That explanation makes a lot of sense to me. As the OP, my limited experience is mostly on the Notty where the the fish seem to be quite scattered rather than concentrated in a few 'good hole'. Not to say that some areas are not better than others, but there are very few areas where they will 'hole up' waiting for better conds before they can move upstream.
I mainly fish the eastern tribs and our "open all year" spots contain perhaps 2 - 5 fIshable main pools per creek, they are very easy to spot. I posted a picture on here not to long ago of one such spot, 2 guys openly said they know it and I'm sure another 10 can identfy it. So the fishings hot, I post a picture of that spot because I just had a spectacular day and wth all the excitement I post a report here, steelies are stacked and bam, OFF g2g at my spot the next day.

Another recent story I heard, with the recent warm weather and rain we've had, not only de-icing the creeks, the weather set the stage for a GOOD winter run of fish. So the story goes, one guy set out fishing, had an amazing day, posted pictures up on his facebook and the next day had trouble parkng wth all the cars there. If he hadn't of posted, he may have just fished wth a few others and had the creek all to themselves.

Happy trolling.
He must have a lot of facebook friends that dont actually talk to him or he would have known they would be there :D

I went out early today thinking on a weekday I would, like earlier in the week on another stream, be the only one fishing. I also had trouble finding parking, there was lots of guys fishing, frankly I had a few good conversations and it was nice to see some fish caught by other people, it got me going more.

Again in this case I think it has more to do with the weather. When fishing the slaughter hole I for the first time this fall I would usually only go after rain, as did everyone else, it has nothing to do with pictures. Anyone can figure out when the fishing should be good based on the weather forecast and by just checking water clarity.
I guard my fishing spots quite carefully. I have experienced taking a friend to an area only to have them take one of their friends to an area only to have that person's friend take someone else to the same area. You don't have yo have 50 people see where you are going, only one which leads to all the others.

In my opinion.....be careful with what you want others to know about.
