Dumb and Dumber

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Graham Bristow

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
Yesterday I was guiding and teaching a customer at the forks of the Credit and we were doing just fine working on a new nymphing technique and we just finished releasing a nice brown trout when I hear these 2 guys coming up the river talking and stomping through the bush. They walked right up behind us about 10' away and the guy in the lead goes stomping through the pool 30 feet up from us and then continues up to the rapids at the head and starts fishing. His pony tailed partner stops and starts fishing only 10' away from where his buddy just stomped through.. after a few casts he gets snagged and walks into the middle of the pool only 30' up from us to try and get his fly out.. I usually say something (and I'm not always polite about it when I do) but instead I just watched these guys continue to stomp up the river and fish all the little pockets and runs with no success.... not only did these boneheads ruin the fishing for us but they ruined every spot they fished before they even got there.. I could hear these guys splashing through the water from a 100 feet away and I'm sure every big fish could to.... I watched them catch nothing as they proceeded up the river and out of sight... it was a good lesson for my customer as I explained in the same water we just saw them rush through and catch nothing that I would usually catch 6 to 12 trout..
Dumb and Dumber...Old skinny guy and pony tail guy at the forks, (i hope they read this). the bad part is this is so common...

I dont understand why guys think they can stomp through a pool where other guys are fishing and not spook the fish and ruin everyone's chances for a big fish... This happens to me every year, guys stomp into a pool where I'm guiding or fishing to either walk by or to fish it.. miles of open water with no one fishing and guys think it's OK to walk in and fish 20 feet away..seriously... go find your own pool, there's fish everywhere. Walk as far away from another angler as possible so you dont ruin someones fishing.. if I can here you coming from 100 feet away so can the big trout I'm targeting.. a little courtesy goes a long way... if there's fish every where and no one is fishing in all the pools above and below another anglers there's no need to crowd anyone especially if your to dumb to realize that stomping into the pool shuts the big fish down. if it's a busy section and you need to fish the same pool as another guy enter quietly...

Just an idea, when a new fly anglers starts fly fishing they should be required to read a stream etiquette rules sheet before the fly shop even sells them their first rod.. not only will this help other anglers catch more fish but would also help the new guys catch more fish...

Don't be like Dumb and Dumber.... a little respect for other anglers would be appreciated by everyone and catch you more and bigger fish...

A Perfect Drift Guide Company

Ya, that does get quite annoying. A few years ago when I first got into steelheading and before I even had any decent equipment I used to do the same thing, I didnt know any better. I figured if I was 30 or 40 feet above or below them it wouldnt make any difference. After a few years of having the same thing done to me I learned the proper etiquitte.
i am new to fly fishing, have been river fishing since i was a kid. about a month ago i was quietly fishing a pool on the humber, when another fisherman who looked like a seasoned fly guy came bashing up the trail. when he finally saw me,i said hi,and he did an about face and proceded to splash his way back downstream as far as i could hear, not even stopping to fish. it was getting late and i was going to work myway back up from there anyway, but what a d-bag move. you see all kinds of lloyds and harrys on the river......
if you see this at the access, find a new spot

Unfortunately, the RULES of RIVER ETTIQUETTE are not understood by all.

Thankfully, you will only find a few of these bozzos off the beaten path.

It's in their nature to typically frequent the known and easy access parts of the tribs.

Hopefully, you will only run into 1-2 more of these incidents for the remainder of the year!
Hey Graham

I seen many post of how rude "river anglers" can be. They don't deserve to be called anglers at all. I'm just glad that you were the professional and no confrontation occured.

As OFF is a great site for educational information it would be great to post pics of idiots like these so that others would learn what not to do. There is probably legal problems with that tho, permission to display photos or slander. But if you don't show their faces I don't see a problem and point out their stupidity. Who knows maybe that person will see themself in the photo here and read all the comments of how ignorant they acted.

The biggest problem with RULES of RIVER ETTIQUETTE is that it is unwritten, as far as I know. Common sense and common courtesy are not so common, unfortunately.
I've met guys fishing in a spot and I asked them if they minded if I tried next to them, not too close that my presence hindered them. So far I've never had anyone say no, or tell me to go somewhere else. It's always turned out well with conversation and information exchange equally both ways.

When I was fishing with Frank25, 313 and MichaelAngelo on 313's pontoon boat, we were about 25 feet from another boat just drifting. This 27 foot Larson came between us and the other boat at full speed and never slowed down. "Moron with Money" I said to the other boaters and they agreed. I should have set my phone on video and sent it to the OPP. But It happened so fast and I did not expect such careless stupidity. 313 started the engine and pointed the bow to the wake, still, the deck got wet. Often it's unbelievable how people can still be or act like they left what little brains have at home.

I think I had better carry some kind of video recorder with me at all times. I'll post pics here or start another topic "Dumbest stuff with Reels".
if you see this at the access, find a new spot

OMG ...We don't see things like that in the GTBA (Greater Thunder Bay Area) even at Gapens Pool @ Nipigon,Ontario....Thanks for the laugh! lol :lol:
We too have idiots just less of them and it is easier to lose them on the Lake Superior/Lake Nipigon/tribs...
Thanks guys....You Southern Ontario fishermen are always fun/entertaining & there is a lot of good info on OFF...Cheers from NWO & the GTBA! :D
The biggest problem with RULES of RIVER ETTIQUETTE is that it is unwritten, as far as I know. Common sense and common courtesy are not so common, unfortunately.
I've met guys fishing in a spot and I asked them if they minded if I tried next to them, not too close that my presence hindered them. So far I've never had anyone say no, or tell me to go somewhere else. It's always turned out well with conversation and information exchange equally both ways.

You know when it comes to the "Math of Courtesy" ... I think it's relevant to the statistics on Everybody. (Fishermen vs Non Fisherman)
The majority of People are Nice and Decent (At least "Neutral") and then there's the 10% Who are just ******** (Excuse the languange ... but thats what their called)

Thank God that when it comes to Fishing, the Decent ones really are the Nicest People in the World.

Nothing like meeting and chatting with a fellow angler. Obviously "Common Ground" ... but so much more!

I dont think I've ever had a problem, walking up with a smile and saying "HI".

The few who dont seem to nice, oh well .... I just move on (Not neccassarily because I should, But becasue who wants to hang around and IDIOT!

The biggest problem with RULES of RIVER ETTIQUETTE is that it is unwritten, as far as I know. Common sense and common courtesy are not so common, unfortunately.
I've met guys fishing in a spot and I asked them if they minded if I tried next to them, not too close that my presence hindered them. So far I've never had anyone say no, or tell me to go somewhere else. It's always turned out well with conversation and information exchange equally both ways.

You know when it comes to the "Math of Courtesy" ... I think it's relevant to the statistics on Everybody. (Fishermen vs Non Fisherman)
The majority of People are Nice and Decent (At least "Neutral") and then there's the 10% Who are just ******** (Excuse the languange ... but thats what their called)

Thank God that when it comes to Fishing, the Decent ones really are the Nicest People in the World.

Nothing like meeting and chatting with a fellow angler. Obviously "Common Ground" ... but so much more!

I dont think I've ever had a problem, walking up with a smile and saying "HI".

The few who dont seem to nice, oh well .... I just move on (Not neccassarily because I should, But becasue who wants to hang around and IDIOT!

Right on most fishermen are nice as a general rule....but not everyone is so what...It is a fact of life so you just do the math and move on!.... :blink:
Right on most fishermen are nice as a general rule....but not everyone is so what...It is a fact of life so you just do the math and move on!.... :blink:

Total agreement for yours and Blairs comments. We all have the power to choose our friends. I'm very glad to met some of the guys from OFF. Hoping to meet more too.
Might be a good idea to say something next time, but with some niceness to it. Hopefully they get the message and start to learn ediquette.....Does the pony tail imply lack of good sense?

In all fairness I"ve seen guides taking newb fly fishermen into the water only to watch them slog through the currents, snag every branch on the back cast and "shut down" the fish....Best to just move on and guide where no one else can bother you. People will be people. Besides you get paid to fish anywyay, right? Not a big deal in my opinion
Actually I don't fly fish.... I worm or use artificials on a light line like mepps spinners the big deal is to be there when the fish are there....if youre not well too bad so sad!
Too many people think you need to be a perfectionist the answer is no...lol :lol:
Might be a good idea to say something next time, but with some niceness to it. Hopefully they get the message and start to learn ediquette.....Does the pony tail imply lack of good sense?

In all fairness I"ve seen guides taking newb fly fishermen into the water only to watch them slog through the currents, snag every branch on the back cast and "shut down" the fish....Best to just move on and guide where no one else can bother you. People will be people. Besides you get paid to fish anywyay, right? Not a big deal in my opinion

Actually, I included the pony tail comment in hopes those guys would see this and maybe learn from it. Do you have a pony tail Chachi? lol... so does my best friend. So I dont have a pony tail prejudice...lol...Normally I would say something but to avoid conflict I kept quite (that's unusual for me).

I respect other anglers and expect the same in return.

I also posted that post hoping others here would learn from it. There is a very important lesson in my original post.. A lesson that all trout anglers, both new and veterans should know and do... Basically "guys who are quite catch more big fish and as a bonus, they dont disturb other anglers". or vice - versa. Either way it's a win, win for everyone..

Good luck this season guys..


A Perfect Drift Guide Company
Just saw this & thought I'd share. The board's very own...

Actually, I included the pony tail comment in hopes those guys would see this and maybe learn from it. Do you have a pony tail Chachi? lol... so does my best friend. So I dont have a pony tail prejudice...lol...Normally I would say something but to avoid conflict I kept quite (that's unusual for me).

I respect other anglers and expect the same in return.

I also posted that post hoping others here would learn from it. There is a very important lesson in my original post.. A lesson that all trout anglers, both new and veterans should know and do... Basically "guys who are quite catch more big fish and as a bonus, they dont disturb other anglers". or vice - versa. Either way it's a win, win for everyone..

Good luck this season guys..


A Perfect Drift Guide Company
Ok guys leave the pony-tails alone. I am 50 and saw The Dead live 29 times and have a pony-tail, so did all the other half million people that were at those concerts . Definitely doesn't make me a bad fisher.
I am actually the most stealthy fisher you could find when it comes to river fishing trout. I'll get down on my belly and slowly inch my way to a Speck stream. Something my cousin calls Combat Fishing.

Yesterday I was guiding and teaching a customer at the forks of the Credit and we were doing just fine working on a new nymphing technique and we just finished releasing a nice brown trout when I hear these 2 guys coming up the river talking and stomping through the bush. They walked right up behind us about 10' away and the guy in the lead goes stomping through the pool 30 feet up from us and then continues up to the rapids at the head and starts fishing. His pony tailed partner stops and starts fishing only 10' away from where his buddy just stomped through.. after a few casts he gets snagged and walks into the middle of the pool only 30' up from us to try and get his fly out.. I usually say something (and I'm not always polite about it when I do) but instead I just watched these guys continue to stomp up the river and fish all the little pockets and runs with no success.... not only did these boneheads ruin the fishing for us but they ruined every spot they fished before they even got there.. I could hear these guys splashing through the water from a 100 feet away and I'm sure every big fish could to.... I watched them catch nothing as they proceeded up the river and out of sight... it was a good lesson for my customer as I explained in the same water we just saw them rush through and catch nothing that I would usually catch 6 to 12 trout..
Dumb and Dumber...Old skinny guy and pony tail guy at the forks, (i hope they read this). the bad part is this is so common...

I dont understand why guys think they can stomp through a pool where other guys are fishing and not spook the fish and ruin everyone's chances for a big fish... This happens to me every year, guys stomp into a pool where I'm guiding or fishing to either walk by or to fish it.. miles of open water with no one fishing and guys think it's OK to walk in and fish 20 feet away..seriously... go find your own pool, there's fish everywhere. Walk as far away from another angler as possible so you dont ruin someones fishing.. if I can here you coming from 100 feet away so can the big trout I'm targeting.. a little courtesy goes a long way... if there's fish every where and no one is fishing in all the pools above and below another anglers there's no need to crowd anyone especially if your to dumb to realize that stomping into the pool shuts the big fish down. if it's a busy section and you need to fish the same pool as another guy enter quietly...

Just an idea, when a new fly anglers starts fly fishing they should be required to read a stream etiquette rules sheet before the fly shop even sells them their first rod.. not only will this help other anglers catch more fish but would also help the new guys catch more fish...

Don't be like Dumb and Dumber.... a little respect for other anglers would be appreciated by everyone and catch you more and bigger fish...

A Perfect Drift Guide Company


The community on the river is a microcosm of the community writ large which suggests that idiots will invariably find their way to the river...
if a stern look doesn't work, I move one...those of us who catch fish will continue to do so. Not to say these sort of "outings" aren't frustrating Graham.
Hope to see you on the water when the thermometer drops...

