Elite membership fishing day?!

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Cant speak for my muskoka associate Float Down but i heard someone mention the idea of drifters taking on noobs and teaching them steelheading techniques.
EVERYbody else I've ever seen fish the tunnel wades in there nice n quiet, picks a spot and drifts the drift.

There are several hooks on the side of the tunnel, above ankle deep water. Many, many guys make use of them, for tying rigs, tying stringers to, putting their bags up on them, etc. In October last year, 3 guys on pins were constantly going back and forth to their stuff on the hooks. They landed tonnes of cohos, browns and rainbows, on the clearest and calmest sky and water day I've ever seen there.

Let's be clear here. Wading through a tiny portion of ankle deep water does not spook fish. The fish adjacent to that section of the pool with the hooks, are in the deepest part of that entire giant area! It's 10ft or more there. No way, no how, does using those hooks, impede fish from biting. GBD landed a beauty September male steelhead, in full spawning mode, that day, on a tiny piece of yellow yarn. The fish weren't spooked.

Every time you cme up to the top you were telling us we were fishing wrong or bragging about numbers or something.

That's funny. There's nothing I love more than approaching strangers, telling them they're fishing wrong, telling them I am catching way more fish.

Now, onto the actual purpose of this thread, which will hopefully no longer be derailed. Sounds like it's going to be a big turn out, with people from all walks of life and all different skill levels and age groups. Our passion for fishing unites us all, and I think the Saugeen is an excellent venue for such a gathering. Rain-Bow, I've seen some of your youtube videos, hopefully you can duplicate your results on the Lake O tribs and catch some Saugeen steel on your crankbaits. There will be enough guys using roe, worms and flies!
can't go wrong with a crankbait when they want it :razz: but to be honest, I think i'd much rather go practice with my pin :grin:
SHOUT OUT to NEWBIES (... and Everyone)
RE: EQUIPMENT and your participation in a NICE GET TOGETHER

There has been some talk about set ups and equipment for the outing which is only inevitable.

We all love to add our input, suggestions, ego and pride on this subject. lol

It's part of Fishing.

What IS NOT part of an ENJOYABLE OUTING is "Worrying" about what equipment you have and how "others will percieve it"!

Bring what you are comfortable with, and enjoy the commodore and friendship of others.

Lots of guys will be using their own particular set ups, and I certainly plan on learning from those DECENT enough to Share in their experience and wisdom.

I plan on doing this with the set ups that I bring.

For those who choose to make this a "Fashion Show" or somehow instigate a superiority complex based on equipment - I would suggest IGNORING THEM!

lol There will be very little of those in attendance, however it is a BIG WORLD and to each their own!

Bring a SMILE, bring the real you and have a great time!


*Practically any SET UP can be used effectively ... and just because some guy likes to point out: (As an "Example")

1. His $899 centre pin reel is the Cat's Ass

2. His Fly Set Up is the best in the world

3. His $999 "Stella" spin reel is made of Gold

4. His new Shimano Calcutta TE 200 is the "Only" Baitcaster you should ever own

5. Only a "Custom made Rod" meets the grade

* We all take pride in our equipment and work hard for it. Some of the NICEST GUYS I known own some of the NICEST equipment out there.

Unfortunately, there are also some people who are arrogant, narrow minded ... and quite RUDE when it comes to their views on equipment and how they percieve others.


It's about having a GOOD TIME.


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Come on Blair, don't you know the golden rule?
The fish are all gold diggers, if the sum of your equipment is not $1000 or more they won't even look at your presentation.
This really needs to stop...

For those with Envy:

-It's not about having some sort of baller status or wanting to show off..
It's about wanting the best and buying it. Even if it means having to save up $ for a year or longer. Why should you be upset with those that chose to spend more?

For those that ridicule..
-Take a good, long, hard look in the mirror and keep trying to convince yourself that you are somehow better than another person, simply based on material things.
The fact of the matter is that you can't impress yourself when you know the truth and there will always be someone out there, who will have much more than you.

What it comes down to is the simple fact that some are fortunate enough to be able to afford and/or sacrifice for the items they want, others cannot/will not. This is a fact of life and should not be used to cast judgement on an individual(s).
In every forum that I have been a member of, every time a discussion such as this one pops up, it always seems to be the ones who chose not to spend top dollar are always calling out the ones that do. ("Elitest", Ego-Maniacs", "snobs", etc..)
I am pretty dam sure that everyone wants the best of the best.. But the harsh reality is that it's not within everyone's budget..-Simple.

Bottom line....fish within your means and don't hate on others for having more or less than you.. In the end, we are all trying to accomplish the same goal of catching those dam fish!
Well said there Ninja.

We all kind of feel it deep down we just need to keep it to ourselves.

A guy walks up to a pool with a 7' spinning rod and a bunch of guys are float fishing, chances are they will consider the group of guys elitests.

Float fisher walks up to a pool and sees it packed with people fly fishing naturally that person will not like all of the fly fishers being there because they wont be able to make good drifts. I think alot of the resentment between groups of anglers is that the fishing styles dont go well together. ie. it can be tough to make good drifts in a pool with bottom bouncers as it is tough to see where their line is. And fly anglers dont like seeing a pool full of drifters because those jerkoffs are going to be making long drifts while they are trying to make shorter drifts with their indicators.(im one of those jerkoffs lol)

Point of the matter is we will always feel some sort of resentment or distaste to the different styles of fishing. We just gotta keep it to ourselves, something bad can be said about every method out there.
Well said ninja. If u can afford why not, if u can't then fish with what u can. No need to pick on people with high end equipment. Somoene always likes to bring up this same topic every year.
I know this topic was going to cause some issues as soon as I saw Elite (was Eltitist) members in the tltle.

I spend more that double on my bass gear and why not if I can

Over and out.
I know this topic was going to cause some issues as soon as I saw Elite (was Eltitist) members in the tltle.

I spend more that double on my bass gear and why not if I can

Over and out.

My meaning of elite members had nothing to do with how "elite" a fisherman is, if you read the opening post, you'd understand that. Sorry for anyone who misunderstood.
I'm looking forward to getting out with everyone and putting some faces to some names. Never been to this particular river, so i'm sure I'll learn a tonne and have a great day regardless of numbers.

On a side note, i'm looking to pick up a used centerpin, if anyone has anything lying aroud not seeing action, send me a PM.

I'd be interesting in going a can bring some extra fly rods for anyone wanting to learn and will have my switch rod for anyone wanting to try two handed fly fishing
Haven't exactly been going over this thread with a fine-toothed comb, but is it just me, or was there never actually any argument about more expensive gear/frowning upon those with cheaper gear/inferiority complex? Like it just got pulled out of thin air? :lol:

My post referring to cheap gear was just as it reads. If anyone wants to see how to fish with very affordable gear, I can show you. Never said you shouldn't buy more expensive gear.

I never use any leaders, weights or bobbers, and I have never bottom bounced. I almost never set the hook. For trout, I utilize currents to create realistic, appetizing presentations. Again, come by if you're intrigued and I will explain :D
4. His new Shimano Calcutta TE 200 is the "Only" Baitcaster you should ever own


I would have you say i would rather get the Shimano Calcutta D :p:p:p:p

just joking :)

but all in all i really believe fishing isnt really about gear or equipment.( but of course it help alot more.... to have them :p ) Everyone has different price range for different hobbies.
i believe fishing is really about being out in the wild and enjoying your surrounding, the people you are with and just relaxing and getting away from all the stress. .

In the kind of city we are in, and i speak for myself at this since i dont know how everyone else life is. i almost work 7 days a week and with every chance i get i get out and hit the water and if not im either working on my other hobbies (aquariums, puzzles, etc) cause if i dont have these, i know i'll go crazy with stress.

SO lets all enjoy this outing which i believe will be SUPER FUN for everyone and just take in then environment that we'll be in and enjoy the new people we're going to meet. At least i know i feel that way and is SUPERRRR hyped about this trip. :D
BUT in the end i believe as long as you enjoy what your doing and in this case for all of us i believe, FISHING, .

I just cant wait until i see a real trout in person :p this is like African lion safari but your not in a car, and your in a river LOL
  • Administrator

Posted Yesterday, 02:54 PM

As the title suggests. If your post(s) surround a disagreement with another member that is irrelevant to the topic of a thread, it will be moved here so that you can continue said conversation without hijacking an otherwise productive thread. As always, extremely heated arguments should be conducted via PM in order to resolve your differences. :rolleyes:


I'd like to clarify some things ...

Firstly, if anyone took any INUENDO or BAD FEELINGS out of my previous post - My sincere Apologies.

(I was NOT CALLING OUT those who own or appreciate fine equipment - Guess my "Wording/Anology" needs to be more precise as to the circumstances lol)

Those who FOLLOW my Threads and Posts (Read them) know that I DO NOT thrive on negetivety and basically do not Critique other's.

I would also like to extend apologies to the Moderators & Admin for "acting like one". I am not.

I am a consistant contributor who really does not like the Flaming, Critiques and SMUG posts that "occassionally" arise on the Forum.

I am NOT PERFECT. My judgement is SOUND but not any better than others.

* When I lived in Calgary .. one of my best fishing Partners was a MULTI - MILLIONAIRE (owned a mine). He had the finest equipment in the world. We would often go fishing together, and not a word was spoken in any negetive way - other than sincere compliments, humble and gracious - by both! Not once would this fine man ever make the slightest "ELITIST COMMENT" to me or anyone on the rivers. He had integritey and enjoyed sharing his knowledge with others.

GENERAL Opinions are JUST THAT and should NOT be construed as: "mean spirited" or "assumptive" or disruptive. PERIOD

I do find it rather interesting that some can not seem to follow the CRONOLOGICAL ORDER that occurs in theads.

In this INSTANCE, the original post was about a get together. Everyone's name was not immediately mentioned BUT it was made clear by FLOATDOWN... that he certainly did not want to alienate anyone. Thus "newbies" started to join in the nice conversation. More general disscussion occurred ... etc.

THEN: "Someone" made a comment about a set up that would be fine to use

THEN: "Someone" came on and declared it would be USELESS on the GEEN

THEN: :Someone else" came on and started personally attacking the originator of the equipment post

THEN: this turned into a FLAMING WAR which was deleted and commented upon by OPENFIRE

THEN: a "bump" was made coming back to the ELITE STATUS of the THREAD and literally suggested "Why the newbies" are coming

THEN: I wrote my post (With no names, no flaming... just pointing out what SEEMs to BE HAPPENING on the Thread. Using a Equipment Anology.

Pretty EASY to ACTUALLY FOLLOW the posts as they occurred and are presently there to see (Minus the FLAMES that openfire removed)

So ....

FIGURE OUT for YOURSELVES as to how, "Things" occur on the THREADS! lol

I have ... and it;s rather OBVIOUS.


Enough Said.
To each their own.

Cant wait until the EVENT.


Back to the Mighty Saugeen...so...


and there will be much to share: equipment, waders, boots, a handshake, and good times...
Now behave


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