- Administrator
Posted Yesterday, 02:54 PM
As the title suggests. If your post(s) surround a disagreement with another member that is irrelevant to the topic of a thread, it will be moved here so that you can continue said conversation without hijacking an otherwise productive thread. As always, extremely heated arguments should be conducted via PM in order to resolve your differences.
I'd like to clarify some things ...
Firstly, if anyone took any INUENDO or BAD FEELINGS out of my previous post - My sincere Apologies.
(I was NOT CALLING OUT those who own or appreciate fine equipment - Guess my "Wording/Anology" needs to be more precise as to the circumstances lol)
Those who FOLLOW my Threads and Posts (Read them) know that I DO NOT thrive on negetivety and basically do not Critique other's.
I would also like to extend apologies to the Moderators & Admin for "acting like one". I am not.
I am a consistant contributor who really does not like the Flaming, Critiques and SMUG posts that "occassionally" arise on the Forum.
I am NOT PERFECT. My judgement is SOUND but not any better than others.
* When I lived in Calgary .. one of my best fishing Partners was a MULTI - MILLIONAIRE (owned a mine). He had the finest equipment in the world. We would often go fishing together, and not a word was spoken in any negetive way - other than sincere compliments, humble and gracious - by both! Not once would this fine man ever make the slightest "ELITIST COMMENT" to me or anyone on the rivers. He had integritey and enjoyed sharing his knowledge with others.
GENERAL Opinions are JUST THAT and should NOT be construed as: "mean spirited" or "assumptive" or disruptive. PERIOD
I do find it rather interesting that some can not seem to follow the CRONOLOGICAL ORDER that occurs in theads.
In this INSTANCE, the original post was about a get together. Everyone's name was not immediately mentioned BUT it was made clear by FLOATDOWN... that he certainly did not want to alienate anyone. Thus "newbies" started to join in the nice conversation. More general disscussion occurred ... etc.
THEN: "Someone" made a comment about a set up that would be fine to use
THEN: "Someone" came on and declared it would be USELESS on the GEEN
THEN: :Someone else" came on and started personally attacking the originator of the equipment post
THEN: this turned into a FLAMING WAR which was deleted and commented upon by OPENFIRE
THEN: a "bump" was made coming back to the ELITE STATUS of the THREAD and literally suggested "Why the newbies" are coming
THEN: I wrote my post (With no names, no flaming... just pointing out what SEEMs to BE HAPPENING on the Thread. Using a Equipment Anology.
Pretty EASY to ACTUALLY FOLLOW the posts as they occurred and are presently there to see (Minus the FLAMES that openfire removed)
So ....
FIGURE OUT for YOURSELVES as to how, "Things" occur on the THREADS! lol
I have ... and it;s rather OBVIOUS.
Enough Said.
To each their own.
Cant wait until the EVENT.