Ontario Fishing Forums

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The votes are tabulated and the winners of the Fishheads Fall Fish Porn Contest are in!!!!!

I have to thank everyone that participated, I am amazed at the turn out of pictures and it has brought back fond memories of when posting your Catch Of The Day was common practice on forums like this one. It's an absolute shame that picture posting has been frowned upon so much that it has made people afraid to post!!! So Again I thank everyone for taking the plunge and posting!!!!! I Loved it!!!!

We had some great Fish Smiles and even a few Mo's, it was real tough for the Fishheads Crew to come to a decision but after a few hours of squawking we came up with our top pictures.

Well enough Blabbing HERE ARE THE WINNERS



Congratulations to Bakeshow88 Great Pics but I LOVE the MO!!!!! Missing my MO Big Time!!!! Send me a PM with your shipping and I will send out your prizes!!!!!



Congrats Adrian Uturas You sent in a ton of pic's No Fish Smile in this one but I was smiling when I saw that BIG DIRTY BROWN !!!!
Send me a PM with your shipping info and i will send out your prizes!!!!!



MR. Josh roelofsen Hands down one of the best Fish Smiles I received and it came in right at the end!!!! Big thumbs up to Josh for always keeping the forums alive with his pic's and gear knowledge. Send me a PM with your shipping info and I will send out your prizes!!!!!

*******1ST PRIZE******


Congrats to FirmanFishing BIG FISH AND A BIG SMILE. Exactly what I was looking for, thanks for all your pic's brother but this one was the BEST!!!!!
Send me a PM with your shipping info and i will send out your prizes!!!!!

Once again I would like to thank everyone that participated!!!! Everyday someone on one of the forums had posted up a new pic and it was great to see everyone's FISH SMILES!!!!! I will be running more of these in hopes of BRINGING BACK THE PICTURES so please keep an eye out!!!!

Thanks Everyone I hope your holiday season is full of Brown & Chrome!!!!!!

Mike @ Fishheads