fergus elora

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2011
Does anyone fish furgus/ elora ( grand river) for browns was thinking trying it for opener would a 4wt be good for there any info would help
Does anyone fish furgus/ elora ( grand river) for browns was thinking trying it for opener would a 4wt be good for there any info would help

It's been awhile ..... but:

Grew up in Guelph, so fished the Elora Gorge alot.

Good success with Blue Fox Spinners and Worms.

(Back then never tried roe or anything else)

Not too many fishermen get down to the river in the Gorge area, so it "was" usually all too yourself.

Nice browns, bows (never big ones ... but real good fighters.

When using worms would get lots of catfish and bass as well.

Belwood Dam: Cats and Pike

Fergus: By the "Purina Factory" : Bass & Pike

Guelph Lake Dam: Pike, Bass ....

Eramosa River (Rockwood): Bass, Pike
Hey Chuckles.

I guide that area it has good Brown trout, the river is in good shape so it should fish pretty good. Even though we've been doing really good with the steelhead, I'm looking forward to getting back at the browns.. Watch out for the special regulation areas where it a no kill on trout and no organic bait and barbless hooks only.. .

By the way there is a new Wilson fly Shop in town and it opened today. Wilson's Fergus at 105 Queen St W in the Fergus Marketplace

I fished it quite a bit last year. Your 4wt should suffice for most situations; although the river does get wide at some sections where a 5-6wt would be more ideal.

Good luck! Should be a great opener! :)

Does anyone fish furgus/ elora ( grand river) for browns was thinking trying it for opener would a 4wt be good for there any info would help
There are tons of small browns within the Gorge, I met a guide when fishing at the small bridge within the grounds one day and he told me there are more big ones in there than most people think. He has seen a few over 30" come out of there.
hey chuckles
did you end up fishing the gorge I was thinking of heading there soon and wondered what you thought and any ideas or good access point would be good as I have taikin my kayak thru there decades ago but don't know my way around it with my fly rod