Fish Egg Ban

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JMatt1983 said:
when it gets passed as a by-law, yes there will be fines, just google ganaraska fish egg ban

scroll down to the part about police blitzes for the opener and a meeting to disclose fines and charges laid
I have read this before.

These are nothing but recommendations put forth to the city, these sort of things happen all the time. Are they serious issues, yes, 100% I do agree with that. I doubt that the ROE/organic ban will be passed.
Many different conservation authorities recommend fly only zones, sanctuary recommendations and live bait or organic bait bans on a yearly basis, it is rare that these get passed without serious studies being done which normally takes years to complete. The enforcement of the present laws and regulations would solve nearly all of these problems(snagging,illegal dumping ect.... The ban of using roe as bait isn't really going to do much at all, unless the MNR sees it as a threat to the fishery itself I highly doubt anything different will happen. If they ban roe they mine as well ban all lures that contain lead too!

As for the the BLITZ, they usually have these on a yearly basis on many waterways, but there is usually a lack of bodies to cover the entire area. I wish they would do them more often. I would gladly pay $500 a year for a licence to see more MNR out enforcing.

We will all have to wait and see what happens in the future.
remyboy1 said:
fly fishing will solve all the problems...
You will still have dead fish being left around in the garbage, you will still have guy's snagging or flossing fish, you will still have people trespassing on private property, you will still have fly fisherman gutting fish to use roe on other rivers.....If you read all of the recommendations it is clear that the use of roe is the least of all problems at the Ganny.
In general its a "everything fishing related" problem within the city. If the normal regulations and laws that are in place now were enforced on a regular basis it would help a lot.

The other major problem......Criminals don't follow laws to begin with so....
Yep ^.

You'll still have morons doing things like this. I took this photo off one of the facebook groups. It's from yesterday.


I'm fine with people keeping a fish, it's in their legal right.

But when they strip the fish of it's eggs then dump it, it disgusts me ESPECIALLY when it's with a rainbow. :evil:
One time on an eastern trib I saw a couple fly fisherman snagging bows with nymphs. When I asked them why they said because they don't bite. I was blown away. And not in a happy lamb way!
There is much to say about this...will chime in again on many of the insightful contributions already posted...
I read the Port Hope council proposal and I dont see where you are all getting the impression that this is an attempted switch to fly only fishing? The main bylaw change under consideration is a reinforcement of a dumping law to try and reduce abandoned fish, plus a law to prohibit possesion of wild roe. The consideration of a $10 day fishing fee plus an additional fishing license is an interesting one, along with assigning police local officers to patrol and enforce the ban on behalf of the MNR.

I guess the snaggers will be duct taping a feather to their 5/0 treble to make it into a "fly"....?
IamNickEvans said:
You will still have dead fish being left around in the garbage, you will still have guy's snagging or flossing fish, you will still have people trespassing on private property, you will still have fly fisherman gutting fish to use roe on other rivers.....If you read all of the recommendations it is clear that the use of roe is the least of all problems at the Ganny.
In general its a "everything fishing related" problem within the city. If the normal regulations and laws that are in place now were enforced on a regular basis it would help a lot.

The other major problem......Criminals don't follow laws to begin with so....
things most fly guys wont do--leave dead fish-snagging-
things they might do--trickle on private land
things they have no need for--ROE
remyboy1 said:
things most fly guys wont do--leave dead fish-snagging-
things they might do--trickle on private land
things they have no need for--ROE
I have seen many fly fisherman use roe with their fly rods..... a lot of fly fisherman centerpin and use spinning gear to target salmon and trout as well! I have seen many fly fisherman snag fish especially during the salmon run. Some accidental and some not, just like any other type of angling. I think most fisherman do not leave dead fish laying around ...but some do, especially at the Ganny. All types of fisherman trickle on to private land every now and then knowingly or not.

It would be funny to see the salmon run at the Ganny with a fly only zone.....50% of fly fisherman using 8wts and #4 hooks on intruders and then the other 50% using 12 wt rods using 5/0 trebles on their intruders.....

Like I stated before, the problem at the Ganny is a "everything fishing related" problem. Simply trying to discriminate against certain types of angling won't solve anything and you will watch the decline of the local economy happen instantly if that happens.
I sort of agree except when I say fly guys I mean on the fly not ones that also use CP--
I;d love to see more MNR/ Police. or wait. ANY MNR or Police, ever. I fished the heck out of that river in the fall and never crossed an authority once. Its almost embarrassing.
remyboy1 said:
things most fly guys wont do--leave dead fish-snagging-
things they might do--trickle on private land
things they have no need for--ROE
No disrespect intended, fly fishing is cool, but I've seen many fly guys snagging chinnys and stripping them for their roe during the salmon run. Guys decked out in Orvis and Simms gear. It was disgusting. I've also seen a fair number of them fishing with roe under indicators.

I don't think making it fly fishing only would solve the issue, but make the entire section catch and release until opener. Give the fish a chance to spawn.
We're talking about culture here and no one is without some responsibility hardware, bait cp'ers, fly guys...furthermore the larger community (who are equally culpable by walking about with a narcotic grin on their faces and their heads so far up their collective @sses as to think "it's about the economy stupid...")

As I've said before, there isn't a single group who does not have among them those who fail to represent the fairer forms of the angling art. But the finger-pointing, reactionary posture against fly guys is tiresome (though there are those who fish the fly who I wouldn't consider ethically minded, and, conversely, rock-solid CP'ers who are also rock-solid conservationists and stewards of the resource)...having said that (and I have made this claim before) the tribs here have become almost un-fishable since the rise in popularity of float fishing.

I don't think fly-fishing only is a panacea, but it's a start. Certainly catch+release only would go a long way to cleaning up the circus that is the Gan.

More to come, most assuridly
I think the problem with tribs becoming unfishable for the fly guys is caused by the sheer volume of fishermen on the water. Yes the longer drifts do add to the problem but can you imagine if every pinner had a fly rod in their hands? How would those 50 guys fishing a stretch get a line in the water.

I would however agree that the evolution of float fishing has certainly added to the crowds. Its almost too easy to catch em under a float. If steelheading were a fly-only species I bet more than half the guys starting out would quit before they hook their first fish.
NADO said:
I would however agree that the evolution of float fishing has certainly added to the crowds. Its almost too easy to catch em under a float. If steelheading were a fly-only species I bet more than half the guys starting out would quit before they hook their first fish.
Right on the money NADO!! Pawn shops were filled to overflowing with the fly gear of Yuppies who, after having seen A River Runs Through It, became despondent with the more than 100,000 hours of practice and skill acquisition required of the art...

ChaseChrome said:
Right on the money NADO!! Pawn shops were filled to overflowing with the fly gear of Yuppies who, after having seen A River Runs Through It, became despondent with the more than 100,000 hours of practice and skill acquisition required of the art...

LOL i'm one of those guys. Spent a year on the fly not catching a thing other than parr and suckers. Spent 30 minutes on a pin and hooked into my first steel and havent fished the fly since! Its my goal this season to hook into my first steel on the fly.

I gotta find one of these pawn shops and see what sort of selection they have to offer.

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