Fish Egg Ban

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NADO said:
LOL i'm one of those guys. Spent a year on the fly not catching a thing other than parr and suckers. Spent 30 minutes on a pin and hooked into my first steel and havent fished the fly since! Its my goal this season to hook into my first steel on the fly.

I gotta find one of these pawn shops and see what sort of selection they have to offer.
LOL...I bought it all.... :cool:
buck said:
you're right CC, some tribs have become un-fishable, a system that's used in certain parts of Italy would be great here. When a trib or a certain area starts getting heavy fishing pressure the government starts a program where the angler must have a one day fishing permit to fish a certain area and only a certain amount of anglers will be allowed to fish there everyday, the anglers line up at the local licencing office the day before and if 100 are allowed to fish the area per day then 100 permits are given out, at the end of your fishing day you are then required to report back to that office. It's a lot to go through and that's why it takes a lot of pressure off of overly fished areas... personally I think I'll be on my boat a lot more this year, last year was a zoo everywhere I went.

Iceland allows (1) Atlantic caught per license per day...​
You start the day of your several thousand dollar excursion with a caught and released Salar early in the morning and you're done...regardless of how many you intend to release...​

I would love to see special licences in certain areas especially on the rivers. Optional "tags" for keeping fish would be a fantastic idea as well. It would be a good way to get a little more money to fund these conservation and stocking programs where needed.
the gong show at the glen last year is why im looking into private grounds and clubs for this year, it may cost me more money, but its worth it to have a stretch of river to yourself. special licences for an area would be great, kinda like hunting tags are now. and only allow so many tags for that area. unfortunately, if that area isn't patrolled constantly, the special tags would be useless.

nado, i'd be glad to come out with ya on a fly only excursion, im still new to the fly world as well. only a year into it.
Some great ideas here, but sadly I can't see any of this being implemented without adequate enforcement. When you look at the huge area the CO's have to cover, it's not hard to figure out why a lot of people dont even bother with licenses, let alone read the regs.
Sounds good Matt once open season hits some nice fly grounds will open.
???????? Big numbers????? Evolution of float fishing contributing??? Centerpins to blame???? Reality check, it has ALWAYS been this way! I am past the 25 year mark, and I can't remember it any other way. Maybe back in the 90's in the states, we had it good then, before the cork popped, when you where lucky to see one or two other ontario plates in the patch, but ontario..... bah, I can't remember a time when I wasn't neck deep in steelheaders when the fish where in. Sorry to be a bubble buster fellas!
First off, if your willing to do some work, there are spots even on eastern tribs where you wont see another soul. Sick and tired of hearing people jibber and jabber about how crowded it is while fishing a hole surrounded by 15 other anglers. Keep fishing the trench and the rape holes directly above and no sh!t your going to be shoulder to shoulder most days. As for banning roe, good luck with that, I for one won't follow that bullsh!t even if it actually does become a REAL law. People fishing roe isn't the problem, lack of authority definitely is. And posting 30 pictures all over facebook and NPS(what a fkn joke), to show that you've successfully out smarted a FISH is another HUGE problem! And another thing im sick and tired of is this racist, elitist bullsh!t attitude; being Chinese, or Russian, or Black, or White, or Purple doesn't make you a loogan. Using a spinning reel or bottom fishing or coming out with your kids and trying to catch fish on a Dora the Explorer rod dosent make you a loogan. And lastly fishing with roe don't make you a damn loogan. The people trying to implement this stupid rule have a stake in it, they'll still be fishing big chartreuse golfball sized bags while your fishing your fly or yarn or w.e. Same people who I've seen play out snagged fish and gut and chuck hens while chatting about how they just got they're Ang Spec custom anodized. The slaughter is gunna happen folks weather you like it or not, don't wanna see it? Explore! ;)
IamNickEvans said:

I would love to see special licences in certain areas especially on the rivers. Optional "tags" for keeping fish would be a fantastic idea as well. It would be a good way to get a little more money to fund these conservation and stocking programs where needed.
I'm with you on that one Nick for sure...for some an inconvenience (particularly Libertarians), but at the end of the day increasing monies available for conservation, stocking, management etc. can only be positive...
Porkpie said:
???????? Big numbers????? Evolution of float fishing contributing??? Centerpins to blame???? Reality check, it has ALWAYS been this way! I am past the 25 year mark, and I can't remember it any other way. Maybe back in the 90's in the states, we had it good then, before the cork popped, when you where lucky to see one or two other ontario plates in the patch, but ontario..... bah, I can't remember a time when I wasn't neck deep in steelheaders when the fish where in. Sorry to be a bubble buster fellas!
Perhaps you want to consider the tenor of the response more carefully...not bursting any bubbles here Pork, merely an occasion for people to post considered meditations...
Lots of interesting viewpoints here,good thread. What's the solution though? I don't think lining up for a one day permit is feasible with the way most government offices are run here. I don't understand why some kind of online system can't be created, perhaps instead of a daily pass maybe weekly fishing passes. I believe on some Quebec Atlantic salmon rivers you use a guide and they rotate pools halfway throughout the day. Do we really want more regulations and restrictions on our right to fish though? Fly fishing will lower your success rate(at least for me) and requires a learning curve but speaking personally the process is part of the enjoyment. I also enjoy watching my float go by or under if it's a good day.That said I believe fly only stretches do remove some undesirable individuals. Everyone has their own reasons for enjoying the sport. Personally not sure of what's gone on out there to provoke such a response from the local municipality, but the fact anglers are on the radar bodes poorly for all types of fishermen. Reminds me of a line from the Rush song The Trees, unable to solve their differences, the oaks and maples are all kept in check by hatchet, axe, and saw. Enough of my rambling
To me supporting the addition of another regulation is comparable to a women with battered wife syndrome.

"It must be something I'm doing" she tells herself. So she goes back to her abusive husband only to get beat again.

Law abiding anglers are not the ones taking home over their limits or milking/gutting fish and leaving them on the banks.

We don't have enough CO's out there now to enforce the currents rules, so what makes anyone think that adding more rules is the solution?

In over 15 years fishing my local rivers for salmon and trout I have never once been checked by a CO. Once I found a CO's card left on my windshield when I was on my way home from fishing for the morning.

If the people in charge did a better job of allocating our funds properly towards better enforcement now this whole debate would cease to exist.

My 2 cents...
Sure...I don't think another rule or restriction will dissuade the committed angler (an irritant to be sure however)...but yeah coming back day after day to take one's limit coupled with the increased traffic on tribs during the migration will certainly impact the numbers in subsequent years so a catch + release only will certainly go a long way to ensuring the continued vitality of the salmonid population.
the proposal includes 4 additional CO's as well as local police patrolling the river and handing out pamphlets during the opening week. is it going to be an over night change, no, will there still be people fishing roe, of course, but it is a step in the right direction
ChaseChrome said:
Sure...I don't think another rule or restriction will dissuade the committed angler (an irritant to be sure however)
So based on that premise, a committed angler, in this case one who uses roe, is a nuisance? If that's the implication here, i think it's a bit harsh Chase, considering the vast majority of steelheaders on this forum use roe. You and I included.

JMatt1983 said:
the proposal includes 4 additional CO's as well as local police patrolling the river and handing out pamphlets during the opening week.
Well it's about time, hopefully they'll take time out of their busy schedule to patrol some other rivers in the area that could use the help. Again the roe ban is useless in my opinon, on the other hand i'm all for lowering limits or even making parts of the river or the season for that matter catch and release only. Spotting someone taking a fish on C&R grounds is much easier to spot than someone using a nickel sized roe bag on a #12 hook.
despotiko said:
So based on that premise, a committed angler, in this case one who uses roe, is a nuisance? If that's the implication here, i think it's a bit harsh Chase, considering the vast majority of steelheaders on this forum use roe. You and I included.
No D. what you have understood is not the "premise." Read with a little more nuance bro...I am saying that although another rule would be a nuisance, a committed angler wouldn't find that an obstacle...roe or the fly
Hope that is more clear brother...
There are plenty of systems with regulations like this. Artificial, single barbless hooks is a reg on a trib near me. Though alot of the fly guys thinks this means fly only, it doesnt. You sure do get some nasty looks when you show up casting a mepps with a single barbless on it and have even been told I cant do that,"Yes I Can". It just means you have to change your technique a bit and abid by the rules. Just because your not aloud to use eggs doesnt mean you cant use other proven methods..methods that sometimes will outfish roe..just ask RAINBOW or the dozens of pics he posts.
ChaseChrome said:
No D. what you have understood is not the "premise." Read with a little more nuance bro...I am saying that although another rule would be a nuisance, a committed angler wouldn't find that an obstacle...roe or the fly
Hope that is more clear brother...
Now that makes more sense. Sometimes I have difficulty reading between the lines, my apologies. Personally I love and respect all forms of fishing, from bottom fishing to fly fishing. I don't think any particular one is the pinnacle of our sport, but instead feel they are all viable methods for us to expand our horizon with. I just don't want to see the Ganny become one of those places that separates us into classes like some other rivers I've seen with similar bans. Personally I love the atmosphere there (minus the fall slaughter) weather i'm fishing the trench with 60 guys, or other stretches all alone. At the end of the day if we were really concerned about the conservation of these fish, for the sake of these fish and not our own selfish needs as anglers, then surely we would put down our rods and focus all our efforts on just that, conservation. But what can I say we are a hypocritical bunch us fisherman, hopefully that's something we can all agree on. :D
despotiko said:
1. Personally I love and respect all forms of fishing, from bottom fishing to fly fishing. I don't think any particular one is the pinnacle of our sport, but instead feel they are all viable methods for us to expand our horizon with.

2. Personally I love the atmosphere there (minus the fall slaughter) weather i'm fishing the trench with 60 guys, or other stretches all alone.

3. At the end of the day if we were really concerned about the conservation of these fish, for the sake of these fish and not our own selfish needs as anglers, then surely we would put down our rods and focus all our efforts on just that, conservation. But what can I say we are a hypocritical bunch us fisherman, hopefully that's something we can all agree on. :D
1. x2

2. Only been there once but it wasn't too crowded and people were very friendly, helpful, and respectful...even after finding out I was from Ottawa lol :razz:

3. x2. I'm sure many of us appreciate conservation for the sake of nature and not just fishing but at the end of the day we are all exploiting a resource. Best to just acknowledge that most of us basically want the same thing and work from there towards a compromise that allows the most people to enjoy the sport while mitigating, as much as possible, any negative effects we have on the fisheries.