Fish Ranks

Ontario Fishing Forums

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The Kid

New Member
Jul 5, 2009
Ive just recently switched from another fishing forum to this one.. was wondering how many posts you have to get for a each species of fish.

-The K
Hmm...that's a good question. Might want to PM openfire, the administrator for more info.
munibags said:
Does this forum accept gracious donations in lieu of posting #'s?

not sure if they do, but I certainly will, pm me and I will send ya my details...thanks!
when you reach ten posts you move from earthworm to shiner minnow, at 50 you become sunfish rank, after every 50 posts your rank has one fish added, when you reach 950 posts you become a sm bass, and from there i think it's every 100 posts that your rank goes up, btw the order goes; earthworm, minnow, sunfish, crappie, perch, sm bass, lm bass and thats as far as anyone has gotten