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I was fishing at bronte with my newly found confidence lure and 2 guys I run into recognized me.

They recognized me from the site cuz they mentioned the 7 steelhead ronald hooked into,

Then they said I shouldnt be using that lure (k-7) silver kwikfish and said a CO will bust me...

I played nice and innocent like im a newb :)

these guys didnt look like they were gonna get anything to bite (standing over a small pool)

I go further up and got like 4 or 5 fish to bite, one of them the chrome I sight fished for

Just goes too show...dont listen to everything people say
A CO will bust you for what? Using a kwikfish? Uhh huh... :)
Like i said those guys are retarded.

thinking they some hot shot.
really scared me but im mostly pissed cuz my confidence and pride drained away
Those people are idiots. I've also seen these self-proclaimed steelhead gods take photos with their fingers in the fishes gill.
Mykester said:
Those people are idiots. I've also seen these self-proclaimed steelhead gods take photos with their fingers in the fishes gill.

LOL probably got more fish to bite then those two have all month
Pedro said:
Mykester said:
Those people are idiots. I've also seen these self-proclaimed steelhead gods take photos with their fingers in the fishes gill.

LOL probably got more fish to bite then those two have all month
'yeah, they are probably just jealous of all the time you get to have on the water.

more time to fish = more time to find honey holes
I don't get that too. Why should Kiwifish should be an ilegt lure?
getin said:
I don't get that too. Why should Kiwifish should be an ilegt lure?

the crazy part is when I switched to a single hook spinner they still didn't approve of it :)
Kwikfish and inline spinners are fine and do catch fish.
Perhaps it was WHERE you were fishing or HOW you were fishing these lures that they did not agree with.

You said you were sight fishing in shallow water. I'm guessing they were shaking their heads at that.

Try throwing your lures in deeper pools where fish are holding that will readily take your offering.
You'd be surprised to catch fish that you CAN'T SEE. Maybe this way, you'll actually land some nice fish that take your lures instead of just "getting bit" and nothing happening? I'm still kinda confused here...did you land any of these fish?
I'm guessing not since I don't see a new thread about your catches.

People everywhere have been slamming steelhead for months now. You're missing out. :)
Considering how often you go out, you're not doing too well with the techniques you're so inclined to stick with. Take some of the advice given to you and you'll put more fish on the bank.
I didn't know it was the same outing, since you posted this thread 2 days later for some reason. And you also mentioned using your now favourite lure because of past success.

I don't get what's so funny? :)
nevermind I thought you were in denial lol

hopefully ill tempt more fish this weekend
2 laws in Ontario allow anglers the right to fish without disturbance from anyone else.
1. The Fishing and Hunting Heritage act, 2002
2. The fish and wildlife conservation act, 1997

Provided that you are within the accordance of the law while you participate in the act of fishing, no one can legally disturb you.
This of course does not apply if:
- You’re on private property
- Fishing in a sanctuary
- Being checked by a CO
- Engaging in an activity that is not in accordance of the law (eg. Snagging, keeping OOS fish, keeping fish outside of slot limits, etc)

As FrozenFire eluded to, if all you’re doing is sight fishing for fish in shallow water and trying to pick them off there, than maybe the anglers there (in their opinion) thought that doing so was a little sketchy – I personally would too. For the most part, if you can see the fish, they can see you and are a lot more difficult to hook into legitimately. And yes, I have seen people chucking lures in shallow water get ticketed by COs…Whether or not charges were actually laid in the end is unknown. Just think about the aggravation you’d have to deal with when it goes to court.

All those new developments further up have pretty much destroyed Bronte over the last 10-15yrs. Much of the water is being diverted away to suburbs now and silt generally doesn’t get washed away like it used to – So it further becomes even shallower. I stopped fishing Bronte above Lakeshore bridge 8yrs ago when I realized I could see the bottoms of almost every pool there. The fishing is way better anyway down at the mouth. The storm drain by my house holds more water than Bronte.LOL

It’s sad to see the once amazing brown trout fishery coughing up only tiny fraction of what we used to get today. Nowadays I just skip Bronte in favour of the Niagara when I’m headed out that way.
Kestrel said:
2 laws in Ontario allow anglers the right to fish without disturbance from anyone else.
1. The Fishing and Hunting Heritage act, 2002
2. The fish and wildlife conservation act, 1997

Provided that you are within the accordance of the law while you participate in the act of fishing, no one can legally disturb you.
This of course does not apply if:
- You’re on private property
- Fishing in a sanctuary
- Being checked by a CO
- Engaging in an activity that is not in accordance of the law (eg. Snagging, keeping OOS fish, keeping fish outside of slot limits, etc)

As FrozenFire eluded to, if all you’re doing is sight fishing for fish in shallow water and trying to pick them off there, than maybe the anglers there (in their opinion) thought that doing so was a little sketchy – I personally would too. For the most part, if you can see the fish, they can see you and are a lot more difficult to hook into legitimately. And yes, I have seen people chucking lures in shallow water get ticketed by COs…Whether or not charges were actually laid in the end is unknown. Just think about the aggravation you’d have to deal with when it goes to court.

All those new developments further up have pretty much destroyed Bronte over the last 10-15yrs. Much of the water is being diverted away to suburbs now and silt generally doesn’t get washed away like it used to – So it further becomes even shallower. I stopped fishing Bronte above Lakeshore bridge 8yrs ago when I realized I could see the bottoms of almost every pool there. The fishing is way better anyway down at the mouth. The storm drain by my house holds more water than Bronte.LOL

It’s sad to see the once amazing brown trout fishery coughing up only tiny fraction of what we used to get today. Nowadays I just skip Bronte in favour of the Niagara when I’m headed out that way. amazed at how much you know.

I would just keep my lure in front of the fish until one successfully grabs it, but half the other fish I was getting into came out of deeper pools. The steelhead you saw in the report came from a 6 foot deep pool. The sun and I were at the right angle lol I kept my distance and got it to smash it. I still haven't seen a fall steelhead in the shallows. All of them are in the deeper slower water....until spring ofcourse :)

There was a big bow under the highway bridge they were doing construction, but the workers booted me out for safety reasons lol

I wish I could experience some of that brown trout fishing that used to be there...
Using kwikfish for steelhead tend to be more effective when the water drops below 5 degrees. According to literature I've read, at that temperature the steelhead's fight or flight instincts switch over (to fight) and they will smack the lure in this scenario.
openfire said:
Using kwikfish for steelhead tend to be more effective when the water drops below 5 degrees. According to literature I've read, at that temperature the steelhead's fight or flight instincts switch over (to fight) and they will smack the lure in this scenario.

Awesome!!! I gotta read more literature on these fish!
i was so glad i had those stack of fly fishing magazines.

a client gave them to me and ive been reading them while im on the can. i keep itching to try fly fishing because ive actually witness a bow attack my busted roe bag just as it hit the water. was trying to untangle my line so i was flipping it around and all of a sudden bam. with a tangled line it was solved when the line snapped and tangled it even more :)
In the summer, catch whatever insect you can find, such as a regular fly, a grasshopper, a beetle, etc, and see how quickly you will get resident trout attacking these :)

Sheds some light on fly fishing.
will not doubt that.

also the other advantage is i could fly fish for bass and pike.

and i know for a fact when ever i go bass fishing at a certain lake fly fising seems to be the way to go.
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