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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
hi gonna be going up to south lake in minden ontario, around may was wondering how is the fishing up there?? any suggestions??
The fishing is really good up in Minden. I have caught some beauties up there. There are alot of nice size bass that you should fish for. Small and Large! They would be in the normal areas that bass are found, (near docks, weed beds, ect...). There are pike in the deeper waters, but also been caught in shallow waters too. The deepest those waters get is around 145' deep I find.
So are you boating or dock fishing? The waters are not that chopy on a nice calm day, so they can even be canoe friendly at times.

Good Luck!
yeah, most likely using a canoe, kinda of still working on getting a boat, whoa thanks for the reply, was starting to wondering if it was gonna be a boring trip, was most likely looking forward to go fishing, but ill for sure remember to post a report on how it was and the fishes present... and again THANKS!!!!!
Bvillefish2: Care to mention what lakes you fish in the area?

I've cottaged up there since I was 2 but just getting back into fishing and I'm trying to find out decent spots in the area.

To the OP definately post up a report, there's a bait shop in minden if you need anything, minden live bait west side of 35 hwy just north of the brown owl restaraunt.
Haliberton has some GREAT spots for small and large mouth aswell. Eagle lake is one of them! In Haliberton there's Four major lakes that you should hit up. I forget the names but there's Eagle lake and Haliberton Lake. They have alot of tournys up there for bass. There is also bait shops that are all around the area. Almost at all the gas stations and general cottage stores. But about the names of lakes in the minden area i'm not to sure... There are so meny but they all have the same fish. :wink:
That is a great link for fishin Canada. I saw that show at the begining of the year and it is that general area.
If you go up to dorset area which is 20 mins north of Minden then I find the bass get bigger. lol (just a personal decision), lol Water is clear and alot of fat bass are there! The lake i'm on is lake of bays and the fish are awesome. There was a big bass tourny up there last summer. Hit Minden up for sure tho!