Fishing rod care and handling

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Not only do I clean my rods on a regular basis, but I wax them as well. I'm just anal though. Cold temps will not affect rods, and breakage can usually be traced back to either miss use (not fighting the fish properly) or abuse. I've blown up two rods in my life time. The first, a Loomis, was entirely my fault and the second, a 15' St Croix was a defective blank. For most major manufacturers, a factory defect is rare, which is why a lot of these big companies can offer such great warranties.
Bruised/nicked/chpped/cracked rod blanks can make even the best of them blow apart at the wrong moment.

I like to clean and lube my reels at the end of their season. As for the rods, just a quick wipe down with a damp cloth to get rid of water deposits and surface grime from the cork. I'll also take an old toothbrush to clean the deposits and gunk from rod tips and guides. I don't stress too much over the cork. I like it better when it get blackened from use. giving it that worked in look. The rods are kept with their reels in a closet. Have never had a problem with rod breakage.