Fishing salmon Skein for bows

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Feb 15, 2009
Anyone ever use skein for spring steelies? Was wondering whether it noticeably produced better than regular roe.

Kill a fish for skein, shame on u.

there is a fish that will never spawn again. I know I know u gave the fish to someone.

i don't like killing fish either but there is nothing wrong with keeping a fish once in a while if u need some roe. That little jar with 10 eggs is 5 bucks what a rip off.
i don't like killing fish either but there is nothing wrong with keeping a fish once in a while if u need some roe. That little jar with 10 eggs is 5 bucks what a rip off.
I agree. I pay $6 for the CT stuff an havent had a nibble so I buy the salmon eggs from tackle shops. It still works on trout. I got hits like mad. So the answer for the skein Yes.

Go to Tightlines in Ajax. They will sell u a big jar of trout eggs for under 20 bucks. That will last u a couple years. I do it every 2 years.

Go to Tightlines in Ajax. They will sell u a big jar of trout eggs for under 20 bucks. That will last u a couple years. I do it every 2 years.

Saw the most unbelievable thing two weeks ago. This guy caugth a female bow and immediately cut it open while the fish was struggling to escape. Emptied the pooor thing out of its egges and gave the carcas to someone. I was like!! what!!! at least kill the poor thing before cutting it open!

Kill a fish for skein, shame on u.

there is a fish that will never spawn again. I know I know u gave the fish to someone.


By skein i mean salmon skein from OCtober! I wouldn't of asked the question if it was about trout skein since I know the answer!
Also, who cares if i take a fish once in a while and that salmon skein wasn't even from a fish I caught... lol.. you sound like some guys from haha
Saw the most unbelievable thing two weeks ago. This guy caugth a female bow and immediately cut it open while the fish was struggling to escape. Emptied the pooor thing out of its egges and gave the carcas to someone. I was like!! what!!! at least kill the poor thing before cutting it open!
Which river?
Saw the most unbelievable thing two weeks ago. This guy caugth a female bow and immediately cut it open while the fish was struggling to escape. Emptied the pooor thing out of its egges and gave the carcas to someone. I was like!! what!!! at least kill the poor thing before cutting it open!

Pretty brutal. but fish dont feel pain so whatevs.
For the record, the angler who only took the roe just increased their catch and retain limit by one.

Despite giving the fish away, by retaining the roe, it's still considered as one fish. So if the angler repeats the process two more times (or harvesting roe once more and also stringing another fish or more), he would be poaching. All you have to do is press the speed dial for MNR and have his stuff seized.
Ftrabbit. Hahaha I love your comment. If everyone can read this they would think twice of doing this again. I hate when I see his too. These are the ignorant fisherman we need off the rivers for our future fisherman. ( our children ). Booooooooo poachers
FTB is absolutly right. Thumbs up dude.

While I do not condone the practice, this gentleman was within his right to keep/posess this fish, caveat that he held a valid license at the time and applied angling method in accordance with those rules. Lots of studies go into determining catch limits, seasons, yada yada. Perhaps you wouldn't do the same, but you can't fault the guy for exercising his right. If he threw the carcass in the water or on shore, that would be a violation worth denouncing, and a different story all together that can be enforced. MNR will tell you the same thing.

Regs are there for a reason. It's an anglers choice to exercise his/her rights within those limits.
I agree reefrunner. Throwing the fish away after taking the eggs is just a pure waste, but if the angler takes the eggs and eats the fish or someone else eats the fish than there is no real problem there. Its the anglers who catches and keeps 20 fish a year that are the problem. You dont need the MNR to regulate them, they will die from toxin levels in their body soon enough. Especially if it is a Lake Ontario fish lol.
i always find it so funny that people relate to lake Ontario as "dirty" when its certainly clean enough to support life and an ecosystem. Yes yes the mercury lvls blah blah blah, well if you dont already know theres mercury in ALL major water systems in this world. the tuna that you all love to eat has mercury in it, the sashimi that comes from the west coast has mercury in it and theoretically any predetory fish anywhere has the most "toxins" since they eay smaller fish that also have toxins and that build up in them. isnt it funny that most of the fish we eat are predetory? anyways back on topic, yo aiyaz use the skien it will work... its opener lol anything works, you know that better than anyone else here haha.

And last but not least, for ganny guy. we have no fishery left because the government has stopped stocking fish not because one person kept a fish for roe,(we must not forget that the steelhead and salmon fishery are not native to the great lakes and was a put and take fishery for the government to make money) look at the americans they dump millions of millions of dollars into thier rivers every year thats why they still have 30 fish days on the regular, also I dont think posts like yours in the salmon and trout forum help. Yes you didnt break any forum laws by not specifcally saying which pools u fished but come on now, you very well know that from the cnr down there isnt much water to cover so why wud u even bother posting? im not lookin to start an argument here but i started fishing almost 13 years ago and i know that isnt much compared to all u old farts but when ive been fishing more than half my life id say i know my fair share which was all learned by trial and error, going out there and walking for hours on end just to see whats around the next bend. buying different random things in the tackleshop to see if it will work on steelies. Im really happy that these forums werent around when i was first starting, otherwise i may have not learned all the things that i now know.

goodluck to all this coming weekend and dont forget it WAS and alawys IS about having fun!

i always find it so funny that people relate to lake Ontario as "dirty" when its certainly clean enough to support life and an ecosystem. Yes yes the mercury lvls blah blah blah, well if you dont already know theres mercury in ALL major water systems in this world. the tuna that you all love to eat has mercury in it, the sashimi that comes from the west coast has mercury in it and theoretically any predetory fish anywhere has the most "toxins" since they eay smaller fish that also have toxins and that build up in them. isnt it funny that most of the fish we eat are predetory? anyways back on topic, yo aiyaz use the skien it will work... its opener lol anything works, you know that better than anyone else here haha.

And last but not least, for ganny guy. we have no fishery left because the government has stopped stocking fish not because one person kept a fish for roe,(we must not forget that the steelhead and salmon fishery are not native to the great lakes and was a put and take fishery for the government to make money) look at the americans they dump millions of millions of dollars into thier rivers every year thats why they still have 30 fish days on the regular, also I dont think posts like yours in the salmon and trout forum help. Yes you didnt break any forum laws by not specifcally saying which pools u fished but come on now, you very well know that from the cnr down there isnt much water to cover so why wud u even bother posting? im not lookin to start an argument here but i started fishing almost 13 years ago and i know that isnt much compared to all u old farts but when ive been fishing more than half my life id say i know my fair share which was all learned by trial and error, going out there and walking for hours on end just to see whats around the next bend. buying different random things in the tackleshop to see if it will work on steelies. Im really happy that these forums werent around when i was first starting, otherwise i may have not learned all the things that i now know.

goodluck to all this coming weekend and dont forget it WAS and alawys IS about having fun!

Very well said--I agree 100%