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i am not against anything--its all in fun --most of the guys i fish with in here run CP--i have done it--caught fish doing it--now i fly is all in fun...maybe just my fun but nonetheless fun...

but you continually push peoples buttons, in nearly EVERY thread you post in, and when things get too far, you start back peddling so fast you can barely stand with the typical line 'its all in fun'
LOL thank you for introducing me to that!
Everyone has their niche...Whatever floats your boat, or fly or egg sack.....I am going to quote a saying used a lot up here........

"I don't fly fish because it is easy, I fly fish because it is hard." :)

I RARELY see CP fishing here. The only one I know that does is some crazy Canadian from the NWT that camps a month at the Kenai river every fall. Cool guy, fun to fish with. He uses a CP. Not dogging any style of fishing, I just enjoy fly fishing more. I would get bored with CP. Effective? Heck yea it is, dead drift a bead 100 feet away...I have seen it.

I would just like to see some rainbow/steelhead or heck any other species of fish fishing with fly rods or CP. Pretty much all shows on TV are bass fishing. It gets old.
"I don't fly fish because it is easy, I fly fish because it is hard." :)

I know some really solid float guys from this forum who know their stuff (and are appreciative of fly fishing)...and, moreover, are respectful and brothers know who you are...

But yeah Knook...CP has brought out numbers to the rivers that has been more of a burden than boon...sure chuck bait if that's your gig...just don't tell me "shotting is very technical..................."

I for one would like to see more considered and considerate contributions here...
I agree with you chase and glad you still poke your head now and then I think this thread was blown way out of hand bit we all fish weather it be fly cp spin or hillbilly hand fishing were all here cuz we love the sport so let's all try to get along an remember of we all acted the same way the world will be a very boring place
Everyone has their niche...Whatever floats your boat, or fly or egg sack.....I am going to quote a saying used a lot up here........

"I don't fly fish because it is easy, I fly fish because it is hard." :)

I RARELY see CP fishing here. The only one I know that does is some crazy Canadian from the NWT that camps a month at the Kenai river every fall. Cool guy, fun to fish with. He uses a CP. Not dogging any style of fishing, I just enjoy fly fishing more. I would get bored with CP. Effective? Heck yea it is, dead drift a bead 100 feet away...I have seen it.

I would just like to see some rainbow/steelhead or heck any other species of fish fishing with fly rods or CP. Pretty much all shows on TV are bass fishing. It gets old.

Hey AKnook and all,

I'm new to this forum and I'm a bass angler (never fished with a fly rod) so I'm not sure if this will help but in case you haven't seen these a trillion times yet here's the link to the real fishing show website where you cant watch the episodes online.

They're riddled with ads but there are a few episodes for the fly and float fishermen out there:

2006: Northern Steelhead, Pike on the Fly
2007: December Steelhead on the float
2009: Backwood Brookies
2010: Rainbows on the Fly

Probably not technical enough for the experienced angler but hey hope you like it.
Quit this nonsense... whats a noob supposed to think when they read this after they just signed up and are excited about fishing? Stop acting like kids, keep your personal beefs to yourselves and off the forum, stop poisoning this environment.
Quit this nonsense... whats a noob supposed to think when they read this after they just signed up and are excited about fishing? Stop acting like kids, keep your personal beefs to yourselves and off the forum, stop poisoning this environment.

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