Fishing spots in Thornhill/Markham/Vaughan

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
I was just looking for a great spot for pike, carp, bass, panfish and etc in the Thornhill/Markham/Vaughan area
There's not much happening right now because all the ponds are currently frozen, but generally speaking there are lot's of spots to try around the areas you mentioned. You have the ponds, rivers/streams and a few small lakes in these areas. Bass and panfish are plentiful if you try the right ponds, and I've also seen carp and koi, but pike are a little harder to come by in Markham/Vaughan/Thornhill areas unless you're willing to travel a little further. I have caught pike in two of the "urban ponds", but neither are located in the areas listed above.

Right now you're limited to the mouth areas of the tribs for Steelhead, or ice fishing. Crappie and Pike will be heating up in the coming months when ice-out happens -- Keep an eye on the ice-out section for more details if you're interested in that type of fishing.
your closest would be wilcox and musselman's lakes, heard some success stories from ice.
check ice thikness!!!
btw never seen any discussions on ice fishing preston lake, i think there was a swamp access to the lake,

found this

The Pride & Preston Lake Community Association website incorrectly emphasizes on its website that the lake is private (e.g., see their webpage on fishing on Preston Lake); only the lake-front property is privately owned.
btw never seen any discussions on ice fishing preston lake, i think there was a swamp access to the lake,

found this

The Pride & Preston Lake Community Association website incorrectly emphasizes on its website that the lake is private (e.g., see their webpage on fishing on Preston Lake); only the lake-front property is privately owned.

You're right, I remember that we did figure out that there was swamp access via a narrow passage! The thing is, we wanted to get in there to fish for bass... not possible ice fishing. :cry:

Do we know what other species are in there, besides bass?
i,m sure there are some nice jumbos along with bass. possibly crappie, bluegills, walleye, pike
i,m sure there are some nice jumbos along with bass. possibly crappie, bluegills, walleye, pike

I'm thinking that someone from OFF should try this and put up a report. Muhaahaaa :twisted:

Any volunteers?
lol for sure, we should start a contest, preston lake report, with pictures and videos.

i'll even start the prize basket, anyone willing to add welcome.
prize basket so far:
14lb fireline crystal (125yrds new braided line)

this is gonna be fun!! :twisted:
Good idea!

Add to the prize basket:

Rapala X-Rap SXR-14 BSRD.

Sorry, we have to call off this little competition... I just went back and re-read this thread:

I remember now... It turned out that you cannot access Preston Lake, even via the marsh without trespassing, since North Rd is a private Road! :angry: I had totally forgotten about that.
Sorry, we have to call off this little competition... I just went back and re-read this thread:

I remember now... It turned out that you cannot access Preston Lake, even via the marsh without trespassing, since North Rd is a private Road! :angry: I had totally forgotten about that.

you're right, oh well...
I fished Preston Lake when I was a teenager (before the land was sold to housing developers) ... lots of big bass (also sun fish) I dont remember to much perch
best setup was a texas rigged purple worm
I am not sure on the current condition of then lake but when I was there at was just about covered with weeds from 1 end to the other
Thanks for the great spots, but I was also talking about fishing spots when trout season is over in the spring and theres only different fish. Also, I might try wilcox lake one day heard good things :D about it but my friend told me its really crowded :shock: , That's why im gonna get a fishing kayak to get out on the lake.
The canoe club at Lake Wilcox has signs all over the docks saying "No Fishing". Then Most of the Shoreline between the canoe club and the little area allowed for fishing is all covered with high waters and fallen trees. Is there anywhere else to fish on this lake?
Hey there are all of the fish in marita payne pond at dufferin and clark that u just mentioned