Float rod questions

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Thanks for all the advice, i appreciate it. I'll have a look at both IM6 and 8 and see how they fell in the store. I do want to use the spinning reel first, then be able to swap over to a PIN when i'm ready.
As mentioned the
Im6 is a noodle rod it will bend like crazy, it is more of a steelhead rod, not much backbone to it.
The Im8 is the rod i would go to. It will handle chinooks no problem.
Why not get the streamside rod?
As mentioned the
Im6 is a noodle rod it will bend like crazy, it is more of a steelhead rod, not much backbone to it.
The Im8 is the rod i would go to. It will handle chinooks no problem.
Why not get the streamside rod?
If given the choice of a raven or stream side I would choose the raven hands down!!!! But yes the im8 would be the better choice for salmon not to say you couldn't land a salmon on a im6 you just have to play the fish out a lot more before you land it
w_ boughner said:
If given the choice of a raven or stream side I would choose the raven hands down!!!! But yes the im8 would be the better choice for salmon not to say you couldn't land a salmon on a im6 you just have to play the fish out a lot more before you land it
I would also choose the Raven line I had the IM6 that thing bent like the ugly stick commercial.
Why not a used CTS?
I would also choose the Raven line I had the IM6 that thing bent like the ugly stick commercial.
Why not a used CTS?
i have the 13.6 im6 (15 yr old),12' Berkeley enforcer (16-17 yr old) ,17' streamside and a 9' 5wt rebuilt to a float rod and my raven is my go to rod!! Any place I go it goes .. Whether I'm fishing a lake pond river or stream if I have room to use it I do
Catfish said:
Loomis float rods vs the RV9. Which one for salmon or steel?
rv9 for a salmon rod, it has a ton of back bone but may be a little to much rod for say east trib rainbows. personally for rainbows i like the shorter 10-11 ft rod as you can get your float in alot tighter places(under cuts, brush piles etc with a more accurate short rod. i personally use a loomis 4-8 and love it, not enough power for the lake o chinooks though
I use the Raven 13'6" IM6 with the Raven SST-3 reel and it's great. I've used other rods that are way more noodle than this one, it has pretty good backbone. All my friends have the IM8 so I was the odd man out for choosing a 13'6" over a 15. I landed many many chinook this season no problem, it's super fun. I broke my shimano clarus 11' so I've been really gentle with the raven, haven't cranked too hard on fish yet but seems like its got strength.

Haven't got a steelhead yet :(
I guess I really need to go out to the different stores and get a feel for the rods too. I did try the 13'6 raven, and wow, super long and not really used to such "flimsyness".. but I guess you get used to it. I have to remember too (i guess) is that I won't be casting spoons or baits very far, as I will be only using it for float fishing.

Super excited to get more than just a single fish this year. People all around me on the Maitland were pulling in chrome left and right, quite depressing. :(
rayray519 said:
I guess I really need to go out to the different stores and get a feel for the rods too. I did try the 13'6 raven, and wow, super long and not really used to such "flimsyness".. but I guess you get used to it. I have to remember too (i guess) is that I won't be casting spoons or baits very far, as I will be only using it for float fishing.

Super excited to get more than just a single fish this year. People all around me on the Maitland were pulling in chrome left and right, quite depressing. :(
Honestly, rods feel totally different holding them in the store and out on the river. In the store, I chose 13'6" over the 15' basically because in the store the 15' felt ridiculous. I was also worried about the noodle feel but out on the river total different picture. The noodle doesn't feel flimsy because there will always be a little resistance on the rod if you mend your line properly. So the noodle feeling translates to sensitivity and more 'give' when moving your float. Also, after the past few weeks of intense river fishing and catching tons of huge salmon, I would probably go for the 15' if I could turn back the clock. However, I'm glad people are saying the 13'6" IM6 is great for steelies because that's what I really want to get into. Salmon aren't that much fun after catching a million
raven im6 11'6 is a meat stick and sucks for trout, but you can bring in salmon like creek chub, i heard the 13 foot version is too whippy and hard to land salmon or big trout. I have im8 13' and it is a great rod for both salmon and trout, it is a medium light 4-10 rod so you can't go too light on the leader, or else you are not taking advantage of the amazing backbone, I've gone down to 4.5 raven leader with little issue, but you can't try to yank the fish out. the other day, i was landing olive/light brown salmon under 2 minute like it was going out of style with my fave 10lb line, they were all 15lb+.
rv9 is/was known for being THE BEST stock rod. but i find it very tip heavy, it means you need heavy CP for better balance. My im8, you can set the hook through the fish's skull with just a flick of the wrist. imo buy the walnut custom seat for the im8 13' and you can also use it as a spinning rod.both streamside and amundson make good rods. they are a bit light in weight, and i don't think they have the best of backbones. i am big fan of strong backbone, i like to land trout super fast as weather gets cold, so i can release them back asap.
i use a rainshadow 13 foot for the chinnies and steelies, it has quite a bit of backbone so I have to be careful with the steel. I also have a 15' Frontier; absolutely love it for big water.
416fish said:
Honestly, rods feel totally different holding them in the store and out on the river. In the store, I chose 13'6" over the 15' basically because in the store the 15' felt ridiculous. I was also worried about the noodle feel but out on the river total different picture. The noodle doesn't feel flimsy because there will always be a little resistance on the rod if you mend your line properly. So the noodle feeling translates to sensitivity and more 'give' when moving your float. Also, after the past few weeks of intense river fishing and catching tons of huge salmon, I would probably go for the 15' if I could turn back the clock. However, I'm glad people are saying the 13'6" IM6 is great for steelies because that's what I really want to get into. Salmon aren't that much fun after catching a million
Just checked with the store I am going to, they don't have the IM8, so perhaps I may get a feel for the IM6 (which the have in stock). i'll look at other similar 13ft rods to compare. Pretty excited about getting the new rod/reel, but nervous about knowing how to cast the thing... :oops:
So I ended up getting these last weekend:

- Shimano Clarus CSS130ML4B 13ft 4pc IM-8 rod
- Raven Matrix reel

Tried them out the next day, and hooked up to nice female steelhead within half hour of getting on the river! Crazy feeling and the new outfit feels great. Still learning to deal with the line twist (and how to cast better), but overall I have the general hang of things.

Again, thanks to everyone for their suggestions and comments on this. Now, I need a good pair of waders without going broke!
A micro inline swivel below your float in between the mainline and leader will help to prevent those line twists when side casting
Braedon said:
A micro inline swivel below your float in between the mainline and leader will help to prevent those line twists when side casting
The swivel above float helped a lot, thanks for all the tips!