Fly Fishing Lessons...

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Active Member
Jun 1, 2014
Wondering if anyone knows where I can get some fly fishing lessons?
I've been winging it so far...watching videos and such.
Would be great to get some tips from someone with experience.
I haven't attended or used this, so take it as just a link to a site that offers something :) I've bought things from their shop before and they had great service so hopefully someone can vouch for their fly fishing school.

I just noticed you posted this in the Welcome section of the board. Try the Fly Fishing section.. might get you more views there from experienced members.
If you want to pay for lessons there are a few decent places out there, Bristow definitely comes to mind at a perfect drift outfitters... If you dont want to best bet is to just go on the water with people who know what they are doing, its amazing how much you'll learn just by watching someone.

That being said if you have the basics down then it becomes a matter of practice, no one became a perfect caster overnight.

As mentioned before - Graham or the Wilsons guys. Another option is to ask here if anyone would be willing to show you the ropes - we've got quite the community here