fly fishing steelhead outting

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Nado the point of this is for the fly guys to rock the river for a bit--it would suck if a man of your OFF stature didn't roll with the fly rod
mad I am gonna bring that stiove--get some steaks for us and some birgers and dogs and ***** like that---
lets get some volunteers that want to be involved with the BBQ portion --we are gonna need condiments, bread--veggies--plates ...anyone wanna dive in to this with mad and I?
wasaga you old trout---I just laughed out loud---that was yet another fantastic post---but we should have a waterside BBQ noo? maybe smoke a good cigar?
WasagaWader said:
WTF is this a bridal shower or fishing weekend. I will bring a roll of go-jo wipes and be done with it
Methinks if it was a bridal shower you wouldn't have to ask for your testicles from your wife's purse....js​
remyboy said:
Nado the point of this is for the fly guys to rock the river for a bit--it would suck if a man of your OFF stature didn't roll with the fly rod
I know I know, the Saugeen makes me weak though! At the very least I would go somewhere else if I needed to get a few drifts in lol

ChaseChrome said:
Yeah NADO's all about fishing​
:razz: :razz: :razz:​
Good fun​
haha notice one boot has spikes and the other doesn't. Now i'm rockin no soles at all!