fly fishing steelhead outting

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remyboy said:
wasaga you old trout---I just laughed out loud---that was yet another fantastic post---but we should have a waterside BBQ noo? maybe smoke a good cigar?
Yes I am all for the BBQ stream side and in motel parking lot. Was just having some fun.

Anyone have one of those propane turkey fryers?
noo but I have a two burner stove as well for maybe corn etc...I will speak to the bride...
ChaseChrome said:
bring some of those little green things u been tying...​
I need those​
Hitting the vice soon - boxes need restructuring. Need to get my hands on that endangered polar bear fur...
Ok, tie in at the motel. Hopefully I'll just be spending the night in the car so I can get out there before any of you have the chance to steal my fish :p
WasagaWader said:
WTF is this a bridal shower or fishing weekend. I will bring a roll of go-jo wipes and be done with it
Lol good one but I can see where remy is coming from wanna eat good when your fishing
eating good I agree with. Trust me I have not missed to many meals in my life.

but this pic Remy sent me is over the top

the one with you in nothing but cowboy boots and boxers beside a lifesize cutout of billy ray cyrus wasn't much better