'Friends' vs. Fishermen

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Thanks for the post. Fishing line will always be the number hazard and influence of urban fishing.

You see the media attention for old nets out in the ocean, the same should be for fishing line at urban ponds (or even hockey nets).
They don't usually bother me when I'm wading on water...those DSLRs ain't cheap to drown....
Last year that bird group were harassing us during our family fishing event. They were telling us how fishing there was illegal. They filled complaints that we were fishing recklessly, that we left garbage and that we were harassing the birds. They also claimed that we didn't have a permit to use the park. Those were all complete lies.

We even had MNR officers in our event and they didn't witness any of that.

After the event last year parks had to put up this sign...

Unfortunately though, majority of people who litter are irresponsible anglers. If you go to most of the popular spots. It's lure packages, worm containers, spools and spools of used lines. rusty hooks. During the salmon run 2 years ago, I saw a guy broke his collapsible net because the salmon got away. Then he just tossed in on the side and left. My friend took it home and fixed it.
Yes, I have seen those situations as well; a section of Duffins Creek, someone must of hooked a salmon and the line got tangled on shore. I pulled until it broke and took home 50 ft of it (thick line). Cracked like a shot, when it finally broke. Another time, ice fishing, someone broke one of those plastic dippers (cold weekend), and just left it at the hole. Picked it up and fixed it. Can't understand what some people are thinking...

ChromeAddict said:
Salmon run soon, there's gonna be a lot more litter at the rivers.
I saved a lot of $$$ wading the creeks for bobbers, floats, spinners, spoons last year.
I know I've lost a lot of spinners (Mepps). Just lost one tonight.

darn shopping carts.
I find I'm able to get along fine with birders. I'll point out the species I've seen, and like to hear about the different species that are making a comeback. And I certain share their concerns about the dog walkers letting their animals roam everywhere. Last weekend some yachters let their dogs free where a pair of swans have a nest at the Ashbridges marina, and where a crane frequently spends its evenings. It's maddening. And in Tommy Thompson, a lot of the garbage that hasn't obviously come across from the city is dumped by people there to fish. I took my son down to catch some panfish etc at Embayment D yesterday and today, and both times wound up packing out someone else's beer cans, water bottles, tackle packaging, broken lures, worm containers, and line, line, line. I commend TUFA, I think they're tacking a very constructive approach.
Good to hear that you were packing out other people's garbage. I've been trying to do that as well at some of the local ponds I fish at. The amount of recyclables that are laying around is astonishing. The more we cleanup, the better it will be. Keep up the good work!
Use braided line and cast with caution, the lines will never break, no loose lines, no hooks for birds to eat, braided line ensures that you won't lose big fish. I call it never break line. Not even a musky can break it.