Wow, that reminds me of something that happened at a club I was at back in Banff Alberta. Some a$$hole was walking around putting little yellow stickers on people that had a pin hole already in them. On the sticker it read "you have just been infected with aids, have a good life". I felt something hit my shoulder and a guy starter walking away a friend also saw it and immediatley pulled it off and read it, then showed it to me. I told him to grab a bouncer and I bottled the shit out of the guy at the bathroom doors, thought i was going to get arrested but after the bouncers woke him up they checked his pockets and sure enough they're were a pack of these stickers already premade and ready to go. I didnt get kicked out and everyone in the club at this time was looking at me like i was coked out of my head or something cause i had just busted 2beer bottles over this guys head and pounded him until i was pulled off by 2/3 guys, and still was not kicked out. They proceeded to beat him like a redheaded step child and called the cops. After that the lights were turned on and an announcement was broadcasted in the club explaining to everyone what had happend and to check themselves for these stickers, and the club owner was adimant about the fact no needle was found and that this was most likely a bad,bad practical joke. The night died off fast after that and I got tested shortly after to be sure, no HIV for me!
I still remember his face after first getting a beating from me, then he's woken up and told what happened, then they find them on him and he gets a second time,lol.
I cant understand why their are F#$@%^$ up people like this but they're are, be safe everyone.