Get your bottom bounce on!

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How do you tie a marshmellow floating setup like that for salmon??

Do you simply clamp a weight (egg sinker must be a type I'll google that) 18" from the end of your line, tie a hook at the end, attach your marshellow, cast away??

Or do you tie a metal leter at the end with a swivel perhaps?? just a swivel??

I always figured the less metal near your lure/hook the better so fish dont see it, but I only really pond fish. Just trying salmon for the second year.

I caught a nice salmon last year at bronte river , but I snagged it on its tail
While searching the egg sinker I noticed this rig setup they sell at bass pro

Looks perfect, and all the pieces together and pre crimped, I like the bead styling to
Most "Bait" is on the bottom. "Funny how that is...."

Mother nature always KNOWS MORE than we do!


cant an underwater camera answer this?

i would think that a float covering more water is more likely to snag a fish with its mouth open than a bottom bouncing roe bag or marshmallow. what am i missing? If you WANT to snag fish it can be done with either setup.
cant an underwater camera answer this?

i would think that a float covering more water is more likely to snag a fish with its mouth open than a bottom bouncing roe bag or marshmallow. what am i missing? If you WANT to snag fish it can be done with either setup.
Alright, so after reading some posts the other day, I saw a lot of you boys calling sitting on bottom with an egg sinker and a floating bag flossing. I would like to state (for the record of course) that I have seen this method work wonders on all species of salmonoids.
I'm not talking about the guys who put there hook in front of the sinker or the guys who use those MAGICAL garlic mellows and ciggy butts (I hears marlboro's are the best) I'm talking about the guys who use floating spawn sacs, or blown up dewys.
My buddies dad basically taught us this method when we first started off, on the big walls of Georgian bay. basically, you have the same set up as a float, lead line, swivel, sensitive rod, egg sinker with a small split shot in front of it, then your hook about 12" up from that.
Now, lining a fish is quite simple, but when you're line is in 20 feet of water and is on a 45 degree or greater angle, I find it hard to believe that all my childhood salmon and rainbows (and still some bows) were flossed lol. Any one who has ever driven by colingwood in the fall in spring has seen all those guys on the beach with there rods stationary and way up in the air. That's what we call bottom bouncing.

On a side note. I can see where it can definatley be flossing or snagging when there are hundreds of fish confined to a small area in shallow water. But I also know how easy it is to snag and floss while float fishing when they're moving up like that.

In the winter and late fall, before all our chromers head up stream, go to your favorite creek mouth and huck a floating bag out in big water, see what happens, it may surprise you!


Right on the money float. Great way to hit bows in the winter when they are feeding in the lake. Man when they hit they hit. saw a guys rod pop out of the holder and it was out into the lake before he could grab it. No flossing their. I call it beach casting
Salmon migrate with their mouths open.

Go spend 5 minutes at an eastern trib right now and watch them sitting in the water. They open their mouths almost in unison. heh.
Salmon migrate with their mouths open.

Go spend 5 minutes at an eastern trib right now and watch them sitting in the water. They open their mouths almost in unison. heh.

I agree with that.

My point is that a float goes faster and covers more water so if a fish is sitting almost stationary with its mouth open, then a float would drift into more open mouths than a bottom bounce rig.
What am i missing here? Is it possible you are accidentally hooking more fish with a float than with a bottom bounce?

I fly fish, and have not really done steelhead or salmon so i dont have an opinion or religious belief on this topic. Just trying to understand what the problem with bottom bouncing is if i ever decide to try it.
with the lining rigs your line is stretched horizonally across the river which drastically increases the chance of a "swim by hookup"

you are right with your thoughts on float fishing and lining. Drifting, bottom bouncing, lining rig it doesnt matter what you use if you are fishing a pool with 50 salmon in it you are bound to get the undesirable hookups.

I dont agree with the thought that its impossible to get a take with a bottom rig. Lets just not kid ourselves and accept the fact that if a rig is used with a heavy weight below the hook then that is a lining rig and fish hooked will most likely be lined......hey, its still in the mouth right? :lol:
actually lost a nice rainbow 3 nights ago on a dropshot bottom bouncing rig fished vertically from a "peir" 8lb flouro leader size 10 hook. i use smaller hooks bottom bouncing than a lot of drifters. how anyone believes that a fish will actively seek out and bite a roebag under a float but will not persure that same bait rolling slowly along the bottom is a either a fool or high on themselves cause they got expensive gear and catch a few fish. Now for the" yawning" deal ...Lake O fish struggle with warm water temps and low oxygen early in the season causing them to gasp. as was said earlier looks at an east trib the fish are dying because of these conditions but as the season progresses fish will yawn less and stay fresher longer. Cleo's, J13's,flatfish, bait bags, skein, buggers and nymphs fresher fish that are not spooked will bite these. Last year on a secluded section of an east trib salmon were turning around in a pool and travelling 20 feet to nail yarn flies that were no bigger than a b shot. Also have to pull the hook off the back of their tongue half the time while fishing the cellar.
actually lost a nice rainbow 3 nights ago on a dropshot bottom bouncing rig fished vertically from a "peir" 8lb flouro leader size 10 hook. i use smaller hooks bottom bouncing than a lot of drifters. how anyone believes that a fish will actively seek out and bite a roebag under a float but will not persure that same bait rolling slowly along the bottom is a either a fool or high on themselves cause they got expensive gear and catch a few fish. Now for the" yawning" deal ...Lake O fish struggle with warm water temps and low oxygen early in the season causing them to gasp. as was said earlier looks at an east trib the fish are dying because of these conditions but as the season progresses fish will yawn less and stay fresher longer. Cleo's, J13's,flatfish, bait bags, skein, buggers and nymphs fresher fish that are not spooked will bite these. Last year on a secluded section of an east trib salmon were turning around in a pool and travelling 20 feet to nail yarn flies that were no bigger than a b shot. Also have to pull the hook off the back of their tongue half the time while fishing the cellar.

I stayed out of this until i read a reply that I REALY AGREED With!

I've been BOTTOM BOUNCING for 30+ years.

The fish eat MORE off THE BOTTOM than any other area in the 3 dimensional Water.


As far a "Fishing" a pool holding 100+ fish, you could use ANYTHING with ANY KIND of SETUP and be "Successful".

Can we put the LINING and FLOSSING "DEBATE" to bed with the REST of the TOOTHFAIRIES!

anyone whas anyone else ever jigged single eggs/ small bags at wasaga or thornbury???? how do you line a whitefish??? but then the next is a bow but its been lined?
As a relative newby I'm puzzled and fascinated by this discussion re bottom bouncing etc. It seems to me though, that even if bottom bouncing is the most effective method, when there are a lot of rocks in the stream bottom bouncing is a bit problematic i.e too many snags. It puzzles me a bit though that, in the Notty with a silty bottom, most fishers seem to do float fishing.
Float Fishing (With a Centre Pin) is simply a NEWER FADE that certainly is not going away!


Excellent method to Cover Water and of course: "Feel and Fight the fish through your Reel - The Manual usage really Hooks the Fishermen"

Different and Effective method, that's all.

However, It should not make any other methods less skillful or effective for what THEY ARE.

I reserve my tongue, (Slightly - lol) becuase I really dont want to Renew some "bad feelings" on the issue. But GBD seems to also express my sentiments on the Issue when it comes to those so ARROGANT and STUPID to make statements about Bottom Bouncing based on their experience with one type of Set up.

You can have "Favourites" and be very good at that, but to dismiss others for having a Highly Used Fishing skill is .... rather pathetic.


Snags are part of the BUSINESS!

Catching lots of Fish on the Bottom is the GRAVY!

*That's why I keep my set ups SIMPLE and EASY for BOTTOM BOUNCING.

You also learn the "Feel" of bouncing over rocks and finding those Sandy Bottom Areas.

ps: For those who do not know the method or understand it, that is one thing.

To "go out of ones way" and critic it or "Call out those" who use it as: LOOGANS and SNAGGERS or UNORTHADOX Fishermen, tells you alot about the Mentality of those who preach the nonsense (Very few, but they are around) .

Thankfully MANY have an open mind and would like to learn more techniques in their arsenal and be a better fishermen and Sportsman.
I think most of the people who are against bottom rigs are against the bottom rigs that are fixed with a huge weight below the hook. A rig with a weight light enough that it can bounce along with the current is a completely different story.
I think most of the people who are against bottom rigs are against the bottom rigs that are fixed with a huge weight below the hook. A rig with a weight light enough that it can bounce along with the current is a completely different story.

Stationary set ups in very slow or dead water is the same would it not be? A juicy old roe bag sitting infront of a fish as it takes it's time in deep still water... Single eggs and small roe bags smash whiteys and bows early in the spring with this set up. GBD ohmybuddy and fish heads can probably back me up here. Impossible to floss or line a whitefish, and very hard with some of the mini bows.
Silly debate. Bottom bounced for years, floated for a few. Just different tools for different situations. Try bottom bouncing in a couple feet of slow water in a small trib, or floating portions of the mighty Lower Niagara... Its also darn hard to accidentally hook up on a #12 or #14 hook. As I recall, "lining" = honking huge treble hook, 20lb test, classless loser, unless things have become more sophisticated.
Try bottom bouncing in a couple feet of slow water in a small trib, or floating portions of the mighty Lower Niagara...

I've only fished 3 rivers so far---the Notty, the Beaver and the Bighead. Bottom bouncing seems quite practical on the Notty but not on the other 2----fast moving water and lots of rocks produces almost instant snags. Mind you, I have had very limited luck with either. The few I have caught have been (with 1 exception) on lures. I'm trying to get into using roe and worms as that seems to produce more frequent hits, so I'm experimenting with both. Now that this 'silly debate' has pretty well played itself out I don't mind hi-jacking this thread by asking for a few tips on floating or bouncing.
Salmon migrate with their mouths open.

Go spend 5 minutes at an eastern trib right now and watch them sitting in the water. They open their mouths almost in unison. heh.

I thought the salmon have their mouths open cuz they can't close them because of the changes to there jaws. Like open lock jaw. Am I right JC?
Only chinooks are easy to floss. I don't think I've ever flossed a steelhead, even though I've fished pools that were absolutely stacked with them. Chinooks on the other hand, I've learned that I can drift a tiny bare hook with no weights, and still get 'em in the mouth easily, which is obviously flossing. Chinooks have the massive mouths.

I neither bottom bounce nor drift. I guess you could say I drift, but without a float. I let the flow of the river take my roe bag or worm into spots that I suspect are holding fish. Works like a charm.

Everyone driving slower than you is a slow poke, and everyone driving faster is a maniac. As such, all float fishermen are arrogant pricks, and all bottom bouncers are idiot flossers. No comment regarding fly fishermen, their flaws are self-evident :)