Get your bottom bounce on!

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I neither bottom bounce nor drift. I guess you could say I drift, but without a float. I let the flow of the river take my roe bag or worm into spots that I suspect are holding fish. Works like a charm.

Everyone driving slower than you is a slow poke, and everyone driving faster is a maniac.

So do you use no sinkers to get the roe bag or worm near the bottom? If there's a noticeable current wouldn't the bait just float downstream near the surface?

Lot a truth in that statement re drivers. The biggest cause of stress is that the rest of the world won't live by our rules( even after we 'splain them) :lol:
Only chinooks are easy to floss. I don't think I've ever flossed a steelhead, even though I've fished pools that were absolutely stacked with them. Chinooks on the other hand, I've learned that I can drift a tiny bare hook with no weights, and still get 'em in the mouth easily, which is obviously flossing. Chinooks have the massive mouths.

I got one, Fly Fisherman are dangerous careless whipper snappers. Lol
I neither bottom bounce nor drift. I guess you could say I drift, but without a float. I let the flow of the river take my roe bag or worm into spots that I suspect are holding fish. Works like a charm.

Everyone driving slower than you is a slow poke, and everyone driving faster is a maniac. As such, all float fishermen are arrogant pricks, and all bottom bouncers are idiot flossers. No comment regarding fly fishermen, their flaws are self-evident :)
even when beach casting and " jigging" as we refer to anchoring in a river mouth and fishing roe on bottom while chumming roe soaked corn nibblets while moving the rod tip in synchronization with wave action, the bait is not stationary b/c unless the surface is completely flat which usually makes for terrible fishing the wave action will move the bait around a bit providing the weight used is appropriately suited to the wind speed..... not to heavy not to light, just enough to give a good sense of feel. NOW when it actually comes to bottom anglers who are linning you will always see them with their rod tip held low to the water to attempt to maintain a horizontal plane to their line which increases the likelyhood for a swimby hookup and also multiple hooks run on their line to decrease the amount of line they have to pickup after feeling a tap. Drifters who are lining need to use flouro with small hooks b/c in order to line fish with a float rig you need to see them unless you are very familliar with where a fish will be hold on a given system. contrary to popular belief salmon have decent eyesight. which is why the pods will part and then reform when your bait drifts through them if there is any flaws in it, allthough my experience tells me that lake o fish seem to be far less concerned with presentation and finess ( most likely due to their hatcherytard genetics).