Gizzard shad while salmon fishing ?

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Aug 19, 2015
Last night we were chucking 3/4 oz cleo glo spoons at a west trib . My dad got a fish on. It was a smaller fish and he immediately thought it was a small fresh water drum A.K.A sheepshead. I have caught a few sheepshead and this looked nothing like it. I fairly sure this was a good size ( 2 pounds) gizzard shad or a white fish but I am uncertain of how common these fish are in lake O. Anybody ever catch one salmon fishing before?

After some searching I found other people talking about shad on spoons in ontario
After reading the posts it says shads eat plankton. sounds like the fish we caught was a white fish or really was a sheepshead.
Really that's pretty cool. My fathers was 3/4 white with orange spots glo cleo with a 2/0 single.

A serious river mouth fisherman at my local tackle shop told me it was probably a mooneye . He and his friends have caught them a few times on glo's at the lake O trib mouths as well.

Although I have found out that gizzard shad do from time to time hit small spoons and spinners