gta pike

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Active Member
Aug 12, 2011
went out fishing with my buddy yesterday didn't catch much but my buddy did 2 nice big pike . crank baits were the ticket ;-) 431166_10150628994000239_512445238_11404384_653573543_n.jpg401427_10150628995175239_512445238_11404386_600823004_n.jpg
Im new to this forum but nice pike. Looks like the canals on center island? Not to steal ur post but I was wondering if anyone knew any pike spots closer to durham region for pike on the fly? Any help will be really helpful. I know frenchmens bay but I dont know any spots on the bay for good pike fishing ive only fished at the area right neer the bridge at the bottom of liverpool road.
It was just announced that Ontario place is now closed permanently!

The marina, restaurant and Molson amphitheatre will continue to operate, but the theme park and Cinesphere are closed. There is talk of the cinesphere coming down in the near future, and the whole site is up for commercial redevelopment. Not sure what this means for the weedflats and fish habitat over the next couple of years......
It was just announced that Ontario place is now closed permanently!

The marina, restaurant and Molson amphitheatre will continue to operate, but the theme park and Cinesphere are closed. There is talk of the cinesphere coming down in the near future, and the whole site is up for commercial redevelopment. Not sure what this means for the weedflats and fish habitat over the next couple of years......

While i couldn't give much of a hoot about Ontario Place, I really hope they take the well-being of the fish habitats into serious consderation with along with whatever development they plan.

By the way, i really enjoyed your article on Urban Loght Fishing on your website, I totally agree with you as I'm all for lighter tackle as well. It certainly makes for a better fight, and allows you to experience every nuance of the fight. That was a great read, thanks!
Awesome! My friend and I were just there as that spot this afternoon throwing out spoons and spinners and softbaits... nothing, not even a nibble! What depths was your friend aiming for? What time of day?
I saw your friend there 2 weeks ago, had any more success since then? I tried that spot a few times this month and nothing, probably not working my lures properly. Your friend did give me some advice though!
heyy guys....any word on the humber river mouth for pike? heading down there in march and i was wondering weather i should focus more on the mouth its self or the peninsulas and the marina to the west of the mouth?
heyy guys....any word on the humber river mouth for pike? heading down there in march and i was wondering weather i should focus more on the mouth its self or the peninsulas and the marina to the west of the mouth?

Well I've been out 4 times this month. 3x at Ontario place and 1x at Frenchman's bay. Not a single pike. I'm assuming humber mouth is same story.
Well I've been out 4 times this month. 3x at Ontario place and 1x at Frenchman's bay. Not a single pike. I'm assuming humber mouth is same story.

fair think thier just slow and lazy this time of year? im heading out anyways and im wondering if focusing on crankbaits would be benificial...or are they too lazy to follow?
heyy guys....any word on the humber river mouth for pike? heading down there in march and i was wondering weather i should focus more on the mouth its self or the peninsulas and the marina to the west of the mouth?
I fished around there and Humber bay park as well last week. Didn't see a single fish. But you never know...