Help me choose a CP

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Is BO still open? I know that they are closing, just not when.

I probably won't be ordering one online, more likely at sail, caledonia bait and tckle, bill's bait and tackle, grimsby bait and tackle or bronte outdoors if they're still open.

Yes BO is still open in Mississauga (It was up for sale a month ago) The reason I said go & compare as he had all these reels in the shop including the Aventa & the islander. See how they spin, how heavy they are, how much & how they feel on a rod & that way you will see what you are getting for your money & what one you are more comfortable with.

I saw an older fellow using an Islander on a 13' float rod last September & as he was casting he fumbled and tossed the rod in the river accidentally...I dont fancy doing that with a $500 reel LOL
Yes BO is still open in Mississauga (It was up for sale a month ago) The reason I said go & compare as he had all these reels in the shop including the Aventa & the islander. See how they spin, how heavy they are, how much & how they feel on a rod & that way you will see what you are getting for your money & what one you are more comfortable with.

I saw an older fellow using an Islander on a 13' float rod last September & as he was casting he fumbled and tossed the rod in the river accidentally...I dont fancy doing that with a $500 reel LOL
Maybe he was spear fishing...
The reel is not the reason he can fumble with any reel...

Just keep at it when you get into the can be tricky at first....
I certainly like the looks of the amundson steelheader and no one has said anything bad about it yet.

I thought the Amundsen and Streamside both felt kinda tinny and weak...

As was mentioned earlier, go to a shop and play with a few.

You can't really explain the quality difference, you have to feel it. High end reels are just solid and tight...
Well that was what i was thinking :oops:. How about a small salmon? :lol:

like pink and chum? cause chinook are average 15lbs, really big steelheads are 15lbs. once you get the drag system down, you can land anything, mind you, the rating on your rod, is the rating for your leader. so lets say 4-10 is your rating, heaviest leader you can use is 10lb, so if you go over that to fight the salmon and try to horse them out by holding the spool. you might snap your rod in half. but fighting a chinook at 15lb on any leader takes a good 15 minutes, not one of those things your fingers will get used to at all. cause you won't have auto reflexes where your fingers are, how much pressure to put, trust me, plastic/metal spinning at super human speed, don't go well with delicate human skin lol specially chinooks that are known to take very long super sonic runs worth 40 yards of spool in matters of seconds. but if you can pick and choose your salmon size, and can land 2-10 pound fish first, it may not be as bad.
Well i have been talked up higher in the price im gonna put toward the pin.
Here's the amundson steelheader

It looks virtually the same as the islander, just with amundson stickers.

I could be talked up to this raven

I was thinking the SST3, $299, and it is lighter than kingpin r2. it is eight something ounces, which is really light. i have handled one in a store before.
If you're in no rush ask around or take a poll here. I'm fairly new to centerpinning, but I always believe you get what you pay for. I try to buy Made in Canada if possible. I was surprised when I was shopping one in the fall at the difference between low and high end reels.I've bought cars for less. As a beginner I figured I would get something in the middle, that hopefully has a good resell value if I wasn't happy with it. I googled online and checked ratings also. I love my Islander but it's the only one I've used so it's hard for me to compare. Nothing fancy, no drag just my palm which is what I wanted fairly light does what it's supposed to I guess. Hope that helps. check out

unfortunately he has never even handled a cp to see if he even loves it enough to spend lot of money on it. CP reels are kind of one dimensional reels, not really good for anything else but streams and rivers. they use them in England but their idea of trophy fish is 2 pound course fish. his budget was 150, i think few of us convinced him to bring it up. i still think he should strongly look into second hand. islander is a great company, just 100% out of his budget range. maybe if he is lucky he can get islander steelheader for 150-200 bucks, and buy the abec 7 bearings eventually for around 90 dollars, and then he has a mid high class reel. CPA is where i might buy my new reel also, but catfish seems to not want to buy anything online.
i have or have had forum on which reel i should buy at my budget of 500-600, and oh trust me. at that range they all become roughly the same.
Well i think i've narrowed it down to:
Okuma aventa
Okuma raw
Amundson steelheader

Does anyone know if the raw is any better than the aventa?
Yes BO is still open in Mississauga (It was up for sale a month ago) The reason I said go & compare as he had all these reels in the shop including the Aventa & the islander. See how they spin, how heavy they are, how much & how they feel on a rod & that way you will see what you are getting for your money & what one you are more comfortable with.

I saw an older fellow using an Islander on a 13' float rod last September & as he was casting he fumbled and tossed the rod in the river accidentally...I dont fancy doing that with a $500 reel LOL
Ouch... i'm sure his bank account said "ouch" when he did that :lol:
like pink and chum? cause chinook are average 15lbs, really big steelheads are 15lbs. once you get the drag system down, you can land anything, mind you, the rating on your rod, is the rating for your leader. so lets say 4-10 is your rating, heaviest leader you can use is 10lb, so if you go over that to fight the salmon and try to horse them out by holding the spool. you might snap your rod in half. but fighting a chinook at 15lb on any leader takes a good 15 minutes, not one of those things your fingers will get used to at all. cause you won't have auto reflexes where your fingers are, how much pressure to put, trust me, plastic/metal spinning at super human speed, don't go well with delicate human skin lol specially chinooks that are known to take very long super sonic runs worth 40 yards of spool in matters of seconds. but if you can pick and choose your salmon size, and can land 2-10 pound fish first, it may not be as bad.
The creek i was planning on using it in for chinook is more like 15 feet wide MAX, so the salmon wouldn't even have 40 yards to run.
I was thinking the SST3, $299, and it is lighter than kingpin r2. it is eight something ounces, which is really light. i have handled one in a store before.
The sst3 is out of my price range. Maybe if i win a lottery, but then i'd probably go with an islander.
The sst3 is out of my price range. Maybe if i win a lottery, but then i'd probably go with an islander.

stt 3 is 300 bucks, lowest end islander is 350+. i did mention find a second handed islander, you can ways upgrade the bearing throughout the years and it will become their top end reel. you can also get a second handed sst3. :) a 5 year old 500 dollar reel is still better tan a brand new 150 dollar reel imo.

you have 9 month, unless you are starting to save up now :)
Has anyone used an okuma sheffield?

If I knew where you were, when you plan to hit the water, and what your timeline is for a purchase...I'd be happy to put the Amundson (loaded with 200 yrds. of fresh Seaguar Senshi) in your hands to try out for a day....
Hey guys, ive been looking at some reels on kijiji.

JW Young-

Okuma sheffield-


If anyone has seen or used anyone of those let me know what they're like.