How much longer.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2012
It's sad to see that the run is already nearly over but I've still been making it out as much as I can until they are completely gone. What I wanted to know is how much longer will it be until the rivers are completely devoid of steel.

After this rain there will be very few left. It's sad, I know, but on the bright side the salmon runs will start in a few months :)
Not much longer. Soon it will be time to target other fish. I believe Pike and Walleye open tomorrow. Not Chrome in color, but fun to catch.

Fish caught in warm water are much harder to revive , so do the fish a favour and wait till fall.
I saw a couple floating down stream belly up the other day. It's getting way too warm. The Suckers are moving out as well. I caught a Carp, a couple Smallies and a really beat up Trout, all in the same pool fishing with worms.
I may try once more next week before packing it in until the fall.
I also agree,give the fish a break. As said warm water temps are not great for releasing a fish after a great fight. On another note,warmer water is great for fishing from a boat. ;) .