I would like your feedback on the new site

Ontario Fishing Forums

Help Support Ontario Fishing Forums:

I find this forum to be the most friendly and thus informative one out there. I think you've done a great job already but...

I agree on the forum logo, we need to get something more specific than the trillium. Once thats done maybe you can look into getting some hats made up with the logo on the front and the url on the back? I would wear one, not only do I need a new fishing hat but also as a way to identify forum members I'm looking back over some of the fishing reports and realize that I'd been at some of the same locations as other members without realizing it.

Judging by how friendly everyone is on here I would have liked to introduce myself and SHARED some information about the location, what was working etc. I find too many anglers I approach get territorial and evasive, saying they've had no luck when I've seem them pull out a few etc. If you're on here then sharing information is likely one of your goals and it would be nice to transfer that in person, not to mention put a face with a name and maybe gain a friend at your local fishing hole.