Identify- Coho, King or a King-rainbow cross

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
A friend has sent me this photo, claiming it to be Rainbow but I think it is a Coho or a cross between bow/chinok, any comment? Pure silver fish, not a dark spot as I see it


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Coho. White gums, spots on only upper of tail fin, wide gap from anal fin to tail fin.

Not an atlantic guys this fish clearly has spots running up to its tail fin and pots on atlantis are much more sparse and atlantics have spots on the gill pate.
If anything its more of a steelhead than an atlantic, but im almost positive this is a fresh coho.

Either way good job with that fish, hes a beauty.
This should be fun.

It is painfully obvious what species it is, but atleast everybody agrees it isn't a Chinook. :D
Thanks to the doosh who -1'd me..

It looks like an atlantic according to the reference pictures.

How about you ask someone credible like John from the CRAA.
Hey John, is that an Atlantic or a Coho? jpct said you would know.
A friend has sent me this photo, claiming it to be Rainbow but I think it is a Coho or a cross between bow/chinok, any comment? Pure silver fish, not a dark spot as I see it
King / rainbow cross. Is there such a thing, I have never heard of this possibility before. Anyone else ever hear of such a fish?

King / rainbow cross. Is there such a thing, I have never heard of this possibility before. Anyone else ever hear of such a fish?


I think there has been, but they died very fast. Please don't quote me on this.

I bet John can answer it :grin:
nop unless some weird mutation happened that we are not aware off :grin:
Yes I think Salmon and Trout are quite genetically different. Salmon live four years and then return to their rivers to spawn and die. Rainbows live much longer and return to their river repeatedly to spawn. Salmon spawn in the fall, most but not all rainbows spawn in the spring.
I really can't see it happening.

Yes I think Salmon and Trout are quite genetically different. Salmon live four years and then return to their rivers to spawn and die. Rainbows live much longer and return to their river repeatedly to spawn. Salmon spawn in the fall, most but not all rainbows spawn in the spring.
I really can't see it happening.


I pretty sure that rainbow are in the salmonoid family, and don't live all that long. They dont live much longer, Average lifespan of somewhere around 7 years.
Correct me if I'm wrong though...
Believe it or not there used to be a chinny bow cross, we used to get them every now and then in GB on the down riggers.