Iphone isnt doing that well either, the smartphone market has become very competitive with phones on the Android platform taking over 50% market share. No one company dominates the market anymore Android phones consist of a few different companies. Rim has something like 10% market share now and Apple has something like 17% so I wouldn’t say the Iphone is a dominator of the market in any respect.
Come on I think the company that created smart phones in the first place deserves a little more respect than that. One slip-up in around 10 years isnt the end of the world.....
There's an app for Android - My Fishing Advisor. It's not very good, but cool to play with I suppose. lol.
Now, on to my real pointhahaha
RIM is CERTAINLY not the best technology for business practices any longer. The things they were originally popular for: POP3 / STMP Email servers, and BBM, are all available elsewhere. BBM WILL be available for both Android and iPhone, this much has been confirmed by RIM themselves. They ARE on their way out. Their new tablets = flop. Their new phones = flop. Their new OS = flop.
Their investors will only stand by for so long. RIM shares continue to plunge (not sure where on earth you heard they were SURGING). If you call "data security" - all our information is stored on RIM servers for a period of time.. then sure, you can call that security. I call it one more place my information is, where it shouldn't be. As for your company not allowing you to purchase another phone besides a Blackberry, they are simply living in the past, and someone who thinks they know a whole lot about technology is instructing them to do so. If that person indeed had some technical know-how, they would see that Blackberry is no longer spearheading ANY sort of advances in the mobile smartphone industry. GoToAssist, LogMeIn, essentially every note-worthy VPN / Terminal service is available for both iOS and Android.
At this stage in the game, there is absolutely ZERO that BB does, that can't be performed or OUTperformed by a competitor's product.
I hate to break the hearts of all the RIM fanboys, but it's the truth![]()
Apple is suing Google for various patent infringements on Android devices. Apple could very well win their case, which would earn them billions in royalties by taking all of Google's Android profits.
This industry is very competitive and Apple was poised to take advantage of its integrative nature, having been in the game since the 1970's. They understood the importance of marketing. Apple has failed, too, in its history, with far poorer results than RIM is currently generating. Apple has had more time to iron out its flaws and tweak its products. Apple does not rely on consumer focus groups the way RIM does. Apple just tells people what they want.
Steve Jobs was so obsessed with Apple that it literally cost him his life. Other than Pixar, he did little else. No charity, no mansion, no cottage, no yacht. The heads of RIM have been busy building other organizations (and trying to buy hockey teams).
RIM is fairly old school and given their hiring base, they will likely remain so. No offense to RIM employees. Very successful company that has accomplished some remarkable feats, and I agree that their sales are still very strong in certain markets. A lot of the bad press is generated by hedge fund hucksters who profit massively off of them by shorting RIM stocks and laughing all the way to the bank. RIM is undervalued right now, and if they release good products in 2012, their stock is poised to rise a little. It would help if their competition made some blunders, too.
RIM did not create smartphones, contrary to popular belief. They were far less innovative than most people realize. It's interesting how the CEO publicly states so, though. They do hold a multitude of patents pertaining to various aspects of the industry, particularly with respect to their push email and their security features, but they in no way invented it.