iPhone Fishing Info APP

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Rice Lake Master
Feb 10, 2009
Ajax - Roseneath
Saw a commercial on TSN recently for a Canadian Sportfishing Fish Finding/Info APP. It is pretty decent and gives you info and hot spots for numerous lakes and bodies of water. It is free, you just need to set up an account. Try itt out. Cheers.



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Garbage...wheres the blackberry app!!

Lol I wonder what Rogers paid to have their name right beside the signal on that image.
In that picture they didn't pay anything, it's a screenshot of my phone.

Crack berries are garbage, at least with Rogers and iPhones you don't lose service for days. Blackberry on the way out.

Come on I think the company that created smart phones in the first place deserves a little more respect than that. One slip-up in around 10 years isnt the end of the world.....

They are definately not on their way out..."Rim shares surge after recent analyst upgrade" <-- that is the title of an article printed a couple days ago. Iphone isnt doing that well either, the smartphone market has become very competitive with phones on the Android platform taking over 50% market share. No one company dominates the market anymore Android phones consist of a few different companies. Rim has something like 10% market share now and Apple has something like 17% so I wouldn’t say the Iphone is a dominator of the market in any respect.

Blackberry is still the #1 phone for business application as far as data security and ability to synchronize with remote networks that other smartphones just cant compete with, at my company we aren’t allowed to get iphones because they don’t have the necessary abilities. Even if we pay for it out of our own pocket we cant have it. Sure if you are looking for a phone with cool games and hi-resolution screen display Blackberry may not be the route you want to go, but for anything business related they are the clear winner.
Don't know where you saw an article about RIM shares surging, but last time I talked to my dad, who has RIM stock, the company is going in the tank. Their market share is plunging and there are rumours of RIM being for sale. They are being sued by an American company

2 years ago RIM was close to $80, a year ago close to $70, a month ago around $24 and today it is under $20 a share. Almost a 70% drop in value in a year. They are losing out to others and there has been a rumour of RIM being taken over by another compnay. If that happens, bye bye RIM. RIM will be the next Nortel 2.0

Too bad for Canada! I don't think this is something to celebrate. The only effect on fishing could me more pople out of work and on water ..lol
Yes the company had financial and structural problems, their share price dropped significantly and lots of people are quite upset as a result. However, they still have a market in which they are the best available product and they have strong revenues and profits to show for it. The market changed, they lost dominance and the company paid for it as a result.

Their share price has been going up recently because of their new operating system they released causing an investment company to change their rating and the company then bought up all of RIM's outstanding shares.

Blackberries arent going anywhere, Q4 Revenues in 2010 of 4.08 billion and Q1 revenues of 4.24 billion in 2011 arent anything to piss on....not to mention the 46 million blackberry users.

Blackberries have receieved alot of bad publicity recently causing alot of consumers to jump on the Anti-Blackberry bandwagon. Blackberries are a great Canadian piece of technology and they will come back! They wont be the industry leader they were when they first launched blackberry, and that is to be expected. History shows that typically with new technology the company that is first to market is not able to maintain their position as the industry leader. That doesnt mean they cant enjoy a 10% market share and 16 billion in annual revenue with the potential to improve...
There's an app for Android - My Fishing Advisor. It's not very good, but cool to play with I suppose. lol.

Now, on to my real point :) hahaha

RIM is CERTAINLY not the best technology for business practices any longer. The things they were originally popular for: POP3 / STMP Email servers, and BBM, are all available elsewhere. BBM WILL be available for both Android and iPhone, this much has been confirmed by RIM themselves. They ARE on their way out. Their new tablets = flop. Their new phones = flop. Their new OS = flop.

Their investors will only stand by for so long. RIM shares continue to plunge (not sure where on earth you heard they were SURGING). If you call "data security" - all our information is stored on RIM servers for a period of time.. then sure, you can call that security. I call it one more place my information is, where it shouldn't be. As for your company not allowing you to purchase another phone besides a Blackberry, they are simply living in the past, and someone who thinks they know a whole lot about technology is instructing them to do so. If that person indeed had some technical know-how, they would see that Blackberry is no longer spearheading ANY sort of advances in the mobile smartphone industry. GoToAssist, LogMeIn, essentially every note-worthy VPN / Terminal service is available for both iOS and Android.

At this stage in the game, there is absolutely ZERO that BB does, that can't be performed or OUTperformed by a competitor's product.

I hate to break the hearts of all the RIM fanboys, but it's the truth :)
Iphone isnt doing that well either, the smartphone market has become very competitive with phones on the Android platform taking over 50% market share. No one company dominates the market anymore Android phones consist of a few different companies. Rim has something like 10% market share now and Apple has something like 17% so I wouldn’t say the Iphone is a dominator of the market in any respect.

Apple is suing Google for various patent infringements on Android devices. Apple could very well win their case, which would earn them billions in royalties by taking all of Google's Android profits.

This industry is very competitive and Apple was poised to take advantage of its integrative nature, having been in the game since the 1970's. They understood the importance of marketing. Apple has failed, too, in its history, with far poorer results than RIM is currently generating. Apple has had more time to iron out its flaws and tweak its products. Apple does not rely on consumer focus groups the way RIM does. Apple just tells people what they want.

Steve Jobs was so obsessed with Apple that it literally cost him his life. Other than Pixar, he did little else. No charity, no mansion, no cottage, no yacht. The heads of RIM have been busy building other organizations (and trying to buy hockey teams).

RIM is fairly old school and given their hiring base, they will likely remain so. No offense to RIM employees. Very successful company that has accomplished some remarkable feats, and I agree that their sales are still very strong in certain markets. A lot of the bad press is generated by hedge fund hucksters who profit massively off of them by shorting RIM stocks and laughing all the way to the bank. RIM is undervalued right now, and if they release good products in 2012, their stock is poised to rise a little. It would help if their competition made some blunders, too.
Come on I think the company that created smart phones in the first place deserves a little more respect than that. One slip-up in around 10 years isnt the end of the world.....

RIM did not create smartphones, contrary to popular belief. They were far less innovative than most people realize. It's interesting how the CEO publicly states so, though. They do hold a multitude of patents pertaining to various aspects of the industry, particularly with respect to their push email and their security features, but they in no way invented it.
There's an app for Android - My Fishing Advisor. It's not very good, but cool to play with I suppose. lol.

Now, on to my real point :) hahaha

RIM is CERTAINLY not the best technology for business practices any longer. The things they were originally popular for: POP3 / STMP Email servers, and BBM, are all available elsewhere. BBM WILL be available for both Android and iPhone, this much has been confirmed by RIM themselves. They ARE on their way out. Their new tablets = flop. Their new phones = flop. Their new OS = flop.

Their investors will only stand by for so long. RIM shares continue to plunge (not sure where on earth you heard they were SURGING). If you call "data security" - all our information is stored on RIM servers for a period of time.. then sure, you can call that security. I call it one more place my information is, where it shouldn't be. As for your company not allowing you to purchase another phone besides a Blackberry, they are simply living in the past, and someone who thinks they know a whole lot about technology is instructing them to do so. If that person indeed had some technical know-how, they would see that Blackberry is no longer spearheading ANY sort of advances in the mobile smartphone industry. GoToAssist, LogMeIn, essentially every note-worthy VPN / Terminal service is available for both iOS and Android.

At this stage in the game, there is absolutely ZERO that BB does, that can't be performed or OUTperformed by a competitor's product.

I hate to break the hearts of all the RIM fanboys, but it's the truth :)

Maybe its just the VPN we use that doesnt support Iphone or Android but I know for a fact that Iphone and Android dont work on our system. And I cant see myself typing out a lengthly email on a touch screen while out at a tradeshow somewhere. It still amazes me that Iphones and Androids still dont have a good keyboard system to compliment the touch screen. I think it was a good move on RIM's part to keep the design of the Bold the same but make the screen a touch screen. The only problem is that the majority of the market is still unaware that it exists....RIM is really dropping the ball on marketing I will admit.

Apple is suing Google for various patent infringements on Android devices. Apple could very well win their case, which would earn them billions in royalties by taking all of Google's Android profits.

This industry is very competitive and Apple was poised to take advantage of its integrative nature, having been in the game since the 1970's. They understood the importance of marketing. Apple has failed, too, in its history, with far poorer results than RIM is currently generating. Apple has had more time to iron out its flaws and tweak its products. Apple does not rely on consumer focus groups the way RIM does. Apple just tells people what they want.

Steve Jobs was so obsessed with Apple that it literally cost him his life. Other than Pixar, he did little else. No charity, no mansion, no cottage, no yacht. The heads of RIM have been busy building other organizations (and trying to buy hockey teams).

RIM is fairly old school and given their hiring base, they will likely remain so. No offense to RIM employees. Very successful company that has accomplished some remarkable feats, and I agree that their sales are still very strong in certain markets. A lot of the bad press is generated by hedge fund hucksters who profit massively off of them by shorting RIM stocks and laughing all the way to the bank. RIM is undervalued right now, and if they release good products in 2012, their stock is poised to rise a little. It would help if their competition made some blunders, too.

This is one of the few fair assessments I have heard since the anti-blackberry campaign began. Yes they lost market share, yes their share price dropped but YES they still have strong profits and a strong customer base. They are certainly not on their way out unless people are referring to them being on their way out of their position as market leader….

RIM did not create smartphones, contrary to popular belief. They were far less innovative than most people realize. It's interesting how the CEO publicly states so, though. They do hold a multitude of patents pertaining to various aspects of the industry, particularly with respect to their push email and their security features, but they in no way invented it.

Yes that’s true, I didn’t research this so I am just talking out of my A$$ on this one but it was maybe the Palm Pilot that came out first which was just for email and phone? I think RIM was the first to make the Smartphone with internet capabilities and so many other features. They definitely changed the Smartphone significantly and created the platform for the Smartphone that we now know today.
Looks like RIM and Apple are both in trouble due to the Android platform based on the numbers at the bottom of this article printed today. RIM 12.7 million units, Iphone 17 million units and Anroid systems.......60 million units.....triple what they were last year. I guess they are both on their way out lol.

How would RIM have fared if they released fewer phones, fewer product lines, and stuck with a simpler numbering system throughout?

I imagine that over the last decade, some stakeholders were pushing for more product lines to boost sales, and some were telling them instead to focus on making fewer products but making them better.

I never really liked Apple or their products and I wish RIM was faring better.

The Warren Buffets of the world will continue to invest in the bare bones, addictive, unshakable dividend paying entities. Tech giants rise and fall.

You're right CC, this tech talk is boring as hell. Hey, maybe Jim and Mike will be joining this forum soon? Then we can get the real story.
Jim and Mike need to take their money and enjoy life, it amazes me how some people cant just say enough is enough and enjoy all of the money they have made. I wasnt one pushing for their retirement, but if I was in their shoes I would have made the move to retired life a long time ago.

As for the fishing app Blackberry is getting a ton of android apps available to them so who knows what sort of apps the future will hold. Hang tight salmo, the new line of blackberrys coming should be a good change for blackberry. Going to 100% touch screen for the curve (which sucks IMO) should get them some attention.
Hey, if Openfire suddenly starts to post again, we'll have a clue as to who he might actually have been working for :wink:
I just downloaded a great new app for Iphones. It called go-fish and its free. Everyone who fishs should have this app.