Is this a flossing rig?

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For steel you almost always have to use a swivel, that in my expirence does not affect if you can floss a fish, just allows for less line twists.
good thing about flossing is there are so many little tweaks you can do to better your numbers
definitely not cool, let the Salmon choose what it want's to eat, don't floss it into it's open mouth
depends how you use it. A float, split shots and a leader describes every float set up.

chaka khan said:
good thing about flossing is there are so many little tweaks you can do to better your numbers
Do you not use a indicator (float), split shots and a leader while nymphing?
iJay said:

I don't agree. If you have that kind of rig and sight fish. 1 fish or 900 in a pool flossing can be executed.
well that's an IF...of course if you're sight fishing and intend to floss there is no doubt you're flossing. but if there's one fish in a pool and you have that rig. can you tell if you flossed it or it hit the bead?
river55 said:
depends how you use it. A float, split shots and a leader describes every float set up.

Do you not use a indicator (float), split shots and a leader while nymphing?
That drawing is about what I used this sunday, i went 1/3 steel but could not seem to floss any more out of the log jam + brush pile!

its not the rig its how you use it.

So i dunno how u guys can say that drawing is or is not flossing.

i'm a minow now.
buck said:
yes they do both work fine but if you use a centerpin and side cast, there's a good chance you're going to get some line twist
The modified wallace is more efficient and almost zero twist, so why would you side cast?
buck said:
personally I find the side cast easier than the wallis cast but that's just me and the extra swivel doesn't bother me actually it helps to clear my top eye of ice in the winter
Hey, do what works, but you can't deny my way isn't a little bit cheaper ;)