Is this a flossing rig?

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I was fishing with a buddy and he was using this set up and he was catching fish left and right no matter what time or place, and it was on multiple occasions.

I asked him to set me up with one of those rigs and then I began catching them. It wasn't until after that I started wondering about why this rig was so successful, is this a flossing rig?


Any salmon rig other that chucking lures at the pier is flossing !!!
You will occasionally piss one off in to a strike but 75% of the salmon you catch are flossed .. But that setup is awesome for steal head and they aren't being flossed
I use this rig for water from 2'-15' pending on the flow ... Slow dater keep the shot high and fast water keep them low and some tomes you have to cluster them to plunge it down in the really fast current
Everyone is getting a little bit excited about floss talk. That is a standard float rig, very effective. Unless you are fishing in 2' of water its pretty damn hard to floss a steelhead.
Basically the same rig I use with minor differences. I use a swivel with about 18-24" bait line, maybe one weight on that line to get proper drift, anywhere from 4-8 weights on main line to get proper float drift.
Looks like a standard float rig to me. Only thing is there isn't much split shot toward the hook-end. Looks like a rig for clear, slow water.