keeping awake on the road

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Well I never like to recommend any kind of pill, but. You could always try the pills the truckers pop like M&M's, their called wakeups. They work but dont over do it, cause you wont sleep for a long time!
They are easy on the bladder too!
chibi said:
What are your most effective methods to staying awake when driving long distances?
Red Bull.Best method.
by the way it does not about any1.does it effect when u drink Red Bull.let me know.thx
I always found that a Medium or Large TIM HORTONS coffee with TRIPLE SUGAR usually works.....helps me out on my 10-12 hour drive from the states to North Bay every summer. That will kick start your heart!!! Try rolling down the window or turning the a/c or vent on high on COLD....BRRRRRRRR!
Well wolfbait, if you can control your bladder for ten hours I commend you!,lol. I am all for a triple triple, but I would need numerous pit stops,lol. I have found that it also depends on were your driving too, like if your driving long distance to somewere your not as excited to go to your more apt to be tired. Were as if you going to a fishing hole your most likely stoked about the day ahead of you.
idesign said:
chibi said:
What are your most effective methods to staying awake when driving long distances?
Red Bull.Best method.
by the way it does not about any1.does it effect when u drink Red Bull.let me know.thx

i haven't tried it. it seems to have mixed reviews. works on some and not others. it's mad expensive too eh?
chibi said:
idesign said:
chibi said:
What are your most effective methods to staying awake when driving long distances?
Red Bull.Best method.
by the way it does not about any1.does it effect when u drink Red Bull.let me know.thx

i haven't tried it. it seems to have mixed reviews. works on some and not others. it's mad expensive too eh?

I tried RedBull once, and I felt drowsy sleepy. = not good during exam time. Does not work for me :twisted:
Ya anyone who is interested in trying Red Bull or any other Energy drink should know that for the most part they all taste like crap. I tried a couple of them called LOST Energy Drinks, they look like a big Tallboy you would get at the beer store. The red can if actually really good, and for the price of red bull, any other can thats beside it will work the same. You are only paying double for the Red Bull, so you can have Wings,lol.
McLean said:
Ya anyone who is interested in trying Red Bull or any other Energy drink should know that for the most part they all taste like crap. I tried a couple of them called LOST Energy Drinks, they look like a big Tallboy you would get at the beer store. The red can if actually really good, and for the price of red bull, any other can thats beside it will work the same. You are only paying double for the Red Bull, so you can have Wings,lol.

i drink red bull for taste taste sick.i love it.
some people i know they are crazy about it.
As a military trucker, I know all sorts of different ways. Heres some of the methods I used overseas.

(In +52'c heat too!)

Open a window. Fresh air will help you out.
Coffee. Mixed blessing. Caffiene makes you feel awake, but the nice warm guts make you feel comfy and drowsy.
Red bull. It does work, but its like your body gets used to it way to fast. Then you start drinking 5-9 cans per day.
Poke yourself in the leg with a pen.
Call someone. Or talk to passengers. The conversation reactivates the brain.
Drink cold water. Good for you and surprisingly refreshing.
Have a conversation with yourself. Pick a topic and explain it to yourself in great detail.
CB or HAM radio. Always worked for me. Always somebody to talk to.
Dance. Wiggle your feet and hands, keep the blood circulating.

Failing that. Sleep. One sleep cycle (45mins to an hour.) Make sure you find a safe place to do so. Truckstop, desingated roadside turn out, etc..
i've been seeing people drink this stuff called 'Jolt'. it comes in a can that looks like a battery! it just looks so damn cool! have any of you guys tried it, and does it work compared to other energy drinks?

advertising strategies these days. i remember when the NOS drink was in and people would buy them because it took the shape of a nitrous canister, even though it tasted like crap (kind of like bland orange juice, diluted with a weird tasting carbonated water/club soda)
HyperFox said:
Jolt.. Yep.. The red one tastes like jolt cola. The blue one tastes like melted blue popsicle. Both gave me the jitters!

haha nice. its practically the same price as a can of red bull. i'll give it a try whenever i go near a 7-11 lol
HyperFox said:
Jolt.. Yep.. The red one tastes like jolt cola. The blue one tastes like melted blue popsicle. Both gave me the jitters!

Jolt has been around since the early-mid 90s I think.
HyperFox said:
As a military trucker, I know all sorts of different ways. Heres some of the methods I used overseas.

(In +52'c heat too!)

Open a window. Fresh air will help you out.
Coffee. Mixed blessing. Caffiene makes you feel awake, but the nice warm guts make you feel comfy and drowsy.
Red bull. It does work, but its like your body gets used to it way to fast. Then you start drinking 5-9 cans per day.
Poke yourself in the leg with a pen.
Call someone. Or talk to passengers. The conversation reactivates the brain.
Drink cold water. Good for you and surprisingly refreshing.
Have a conversation with yourself. Pick a topic and explain it to yourself in great detail.
CB or HAM radio. Always worked for me. Always somebody to talk to.
Dance. Wiggle your feet and hands, keep the blood circulating.

Failing that. Sleep. One sleep cycle (45mins to an hour.) Make sure you find a safe place to do so. Truckstop, desingated roadside turn out, etc..

haha poke yourself with a pen!
reminds me of when i went to buffalo and the driver was falling asleep. they told me to flick his ear (unexpectedly) and it worked.
Hey guys tried this new drink last night called Nos, lookes like the bottles you put in your car, blue bottle orange top. The writing on the bottle is a replica of the writing that goes on the Nos bottles in cars. Its really good but dont plans on sleeping for at least 6hrs after drinking, it worked,well.
Its about .75cents more tha redbull but for the most part you get what you pay for.
McLean said:
Hey guys tried this new drink last night called Nos, lookes like the bottles you put in your car, blue bottle orange top. The writing on the bottle is a replica of the writing that goes on the Nos bottles in cars. Its really good but dont plans on sleeping for at least 6hrs after drinking, it worked,well.
Its about .75cents more tha redbull but for the most part you get what you pay for.

yeah, i talked about it in my previous post. i don't really like the taste of it, its kind of weird o_O. it worked on me for a bit.. (i.e. an hour), then i just broke down afterwards. i love the design of the bottle; how it actually looks like a nitrous bottle.
Ya the bottle is pretty cool, I kept it.
My buddy saw it lying in the back seat and thought it was an actual bottle of Nos.
most energy drinks make you bomb out afterwards which sucks, the only thing i have found is that 6hourenergy drink thats the size of a shot glass, that crap works great and no after affects, but i have talked about that in the past posts.
i've recently gone to chocolate covered coffee/espresso beans. i don't know where to get them but a friend gave me a massive supply of them. surprisingly, they taste pretty decent. you can taste the chocolate, as well as the bitterness of the bean itself. good combo in my opinion. seems like it gets me hyped up and alert when i study for exams. sure its pretty fattening, but a little won't hurt. you guys should try it!
Driving tired can be compared to driving under the influence, because your reaction time is slower, your vision can be impaired, so the best advice is to not do it and plan your trip accordingly.